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Posts posted by Sarah_Kerrigan

  1. Wow. Someone's feelings got hurt. There's being rude, and there's being right. When someone is making arguments without any basic logic behind them, and they proceed to call you out and say that your arguments make no sense...


    Well it's just common courtesy to simplify things so they can understand you more clearly.


    That aside though... it's really pretty clear. You're either going to learn how to counter this class, or you're not. I don't see the point in sitting here and trying to argue that the class is unable to be countered. It's just false.


    Only difference is, you're not right, and you're being rude, too. I'm not arguing with you, by the way, I'm attempting to discuss with intelligent people but you're in the way. I'll now ignore you, buddy. :D

  2. your spells are exactly the same damage as the mirrors.


    That's what I'd like to believe, too. But considering that my friend and I both stood in front of each other, using the same "mirrored" spells and I still took slightly more damage, evnethough I was equipped better, I don't really trust this.

  3. Why should anyone just take your word for it? Bring proof. I provided proof to the contrary already. Just because you choose to ignore it doesn't mean anybody should listen to you... because you're completely and totally wrong. And clearly not thinking clearly.


    I'm not ignoring it, I didn't look at it, lol. Relax. I only just got here.


    I'm only speaking on behalf of what I experienced yesterday.

  4. Screen shot or it didn't happen. Honesty I have played both sides too 50 in beta and they where IDENTICAL. It is of course possible something got pooched in the live build if thats so screen shot it. and Bug report. Or else its just a cool story.


    Classes are not identical, and this is a want-to-believe myth. I'm having an issue here, I wouldn't lie to you. Take my word for it or don't participate in this thread, please.


    PS: this isn't news.

  5. Sorry, but you're wrong.


    Sorcerer "Telekinetic Throw" ticks for 700-1100, poorly geared, "Balance" specced.


    Sage Telekinetic Throw ticks for 300-500 (if I'm lucky) with 5/5 Champion gear, Balance specced.


    Balanced? No.

  6. Lv. 50 Sage here

    400 Slicing

    400 Underworld Trading

    400 Treasure Hunting


    From slicing I often get "green"/uncommon "Strongboxes", (about 50/50% if 7500-10.000 affection with companion) 1 uncommon Strongbox contains an appropriate amount of 3.500 credits. The cost of an average mission is between 1100 and 1700 credits. So that's around 2000 credits per companion per half an hour. This is 4000 per companion every hour, assuming all 5 of your companions are more or less in love with you. Conclusion: strongboxes alone won't make that many credits, however - if you pick up those world-strongboxes you can easily add 20.000-30.000 credits to your daily income.


    That said, you also get "other" stuff from slicing. Slicing is good for, well, everything. I have a whole cargo-slot filled with lv. 340 (max) epic crew-skill missions. With 7500 affection or above, my companions can ensure me that they will return with atleast: 3 different epic grade 6 materials, rare/epic affection-stuff, maybe another epic mission to repeat the process, epic lv. 50 augments (these are good for Cybertech I think?)

  7. I made about 20K in an hour or so last night on a level 26 character, so if they modified it, they didn't do so by enough.


    No way you can make 20.000/hour with Slicing alone. 1 Strongbox at 50 gives you about 1200 credits, 3500 for a green one.

  8. Your logic sir, has taken an arrow to the knee.


    Duel spec is necessary considering that a large portion of this game is pvp based. Those that claim that there is no need for duel spec obv do not pvp often OR are not skilled in pvp to the point of realizing that pve and pvp require different specs.




    Dual spec, not required, that's a fact, it is not REQUIRED. Sure it'd be nice for all you casuals to be able to change spec whenever you want, right? But no, don't ruin the game 10 days after release, please.


    Macros? Really? You really think that you can only play this game, if Bioware allows you to only click on 1 button? Sorry, but your logic is flawed, not his.

  9. So I just to the crash site today, and based on how everything in the game works, I think it is safe to say that the quest to get HK-51 is a level 38ish quest. This further emphasizes




    *headdesk* They are physically different beings. They have different programming. They have different memories. I'm pretty sure they weren't built using the exact same schematics since they would both have the same designation then. So how exactly is Hk-47 Hk-51 then? Even in a technical sense? They are of the same series of droids. They have similar schematics and that is it. They are not the same droid.


    They are. It's a fact.


    HK-51 to HK-47 is what update 1.0 is to 2.0. Same product, different firmware.

  10. My eyes are bleeding but thanks. It is good to know the effect of 10k affection on crew skills. But if that is the ONLY effect, I'm very disappointed. So, it's like "now that I'm having your babies, let me help you craft better stuff!" what kind of logic is that?


    ...videogame logicz, my friend.

  11. So what does really happen after you hit 10k? Nothing special? However, the game still shows that I gain point with the companion but nothing else happens. No new dialogues, nothing.


    If this is intended behavior, that sucks so bad. So you can romance/marry a companion, then hit 10k and its all over. They won't ever talk to you for the rest of the game (which is very very long time compared to the time spend leveling) although at one point they wanted to have your babies!




    u increase teh crew skill performance of each invidvidual companionz, and you unlockz teh unique companion missions, that is also unique to each individual companion. Rumors say, that teh companionz can only obtain teh most unqiue-est-est gearz/materialz at max affection, which is obtained through crew skillz, of course.


    As to your second paragraph, ya, I thinkz ur right.

  12. Hai Bioware.


    Plz add teh Knights of the Old Republic main theme to the character creation-, server selection- and/or first-time loading screen.


    That'd b lolawesome.


    Best regardz,


    Happy customer #217381


    PS: if u don't liek teh request, u may eat lightsaber, jerk.


    PPS: happy Halloween, folkz.












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