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Posts posted by Exzidus

    • What is your Discipline?
    • What is your player level?
    • What is your gear iRating?
    • What is your Tactical? (Level 75)
    • What is your set bonus gear name? (Level 75)
    • What role is your companion in (DPS, Tank, or Healer)?
    • What location are you having difficulty in (Planet, FP, Operation...)?
    • What specific fight are you having difficulty with (mob name or location, their level, Strong/Elite/Champion)?


    You can look at Vulkk for class guides.


    Addons are not allowed in SWTOR. I'm not aware that there are any. Even if there are, using any addons is a violation of the Terms of Service and will likely result in a ban of the account. This is different from some of the other MMOs.

    Character is 70 other is 72, Its DPS Companon is tank so i dont die. and really location is pretty much anywhere i go.

  1. IM trying to get as much help as possible, im a returning playing and stuff takes for ever to die. Looking for a rotation to help kill stuff faster and better. are there any addons like that? I play a Sniper class Powertech class and a Sith Juggernault class. any help would be great.
  2. it takes me for ever to kill stuff looking for help with a rotation to use or where to spend points and stuff like that. can someone point me to a good website for this kind of help and a good addon?
  3. only



    ^Seem to work for me, none of the others did, it's quite possible i have them already though. But it didn't say used, just did nothing except bring me back to the code redemption page

    this is what it did for me and if i enter one that worked it says it was used.

  4. First of all, the Shadow of Revan prelude will have you skipping an entire expansion (Rise of the Hutt Cartel, which takes place on Makeb)


    Secondly, things have changed so much, you're probably better off just starting from the beginning. Classes are quite different now, and the story will probably seem all new after 8-ish years.

    speaking of which how do you start Rise of the Hutt Cartel?
  5. Yes, Blizzard is doing an xp event. SSG has given full access to all content and is running a few different events through the end of April in both LOTRO and DDO (great time to check out those games if you've ever been interested). Other games are doing other things, having sales, running events, etc. It's not a matter of what other games are doing; it's that BioWare has chosen to do nothing. Sure, they're not required to do anything. They're not obligated. They don't have to do something just because other games are. But it is telling that several other games have decided to do something for their community and BioWare has decided, nah.

    i think that just shows which video game companies care and which ones dont.

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