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Posts posted by ThePoomz

  1. Bioware (at least in this game) fails at top tier ANYTHING.... expect maybe voice acting, but even that is debatable. If this was not a star wars game, and didnt have the bioware name to hype it up, it would already be on its death bed talking gibberish.


    Top tier pvp... nope

    Top tier pve.... nope

    Top tier graphics... nope

    Top tier gameplay... nope

    Top tier space experience... nope

    Top tier customer service... nope



    The selling points are star wars and bioware names.... thats it, end of report.


    This has my vote for worst post on the forums. How about you do us all a favor, cancel your account and go away. There are plenty of people who find this game to be awesome despite a few flaws. I'll gladly continue paying Bioware because in my eyes, they've done a fantastic job. The game has been out for 3 months and people are losing their ****. Grow up.

  2. A sniper hit me today in a wz for 3945 non crit, NON CRIT make sure you put that in your notes.


    Also Im full champ/BM gear with 680 expertise (sorc)



    You're a class in light armor. Why wouldn't we be able to hit you for this much?

  3. I agree and disagree with a lot of points on here.


    I'm Valor 62 SS Gunslinger with most pieces filled with BM.


    I do incredibly well against light armored classes and classes that don't have a lot of expertise.


    I've 3 shotted many classes.


    I finish Top 2 damage in almost every game I play, this goes for both sides.


    I have a very hard time killing good assassins and mercenaries (lately it seems that both of these classes take very little damage at all from me).


    I cannot kill a good operative one on one no matter how things turn out for me.


    I get bugged out when shooting on ledges and in certain areas , basically making me worthless.


    Cover system needs to either deflect more damage or provide extra damage bonuses.


    I think if the class is played well it certainly has its plusses, but I can't think of too many advantages over a DPS specced Vanguard or Consular.

  4. They also need incentives to spread people across the map. Fighting at Central over and over again is super boring. One time we wanted to meet the enemy at Southern Assault, they ended up heading towards central. We met in the middle at some ruins (which I never saw before) and it was easily the best fight I've had.
  5. @ThePoomz:

    When an Operative opens on you from stealth he has the clear advantage and will win the fight almost every single time. Period. That is how it should be. And that is how it has been previous to the surge nerf.


    Most people don't seem to understand that this class is MEANT to be able to take out targets quickly in 1v1 when coming from stealth. Because that is the ONLY thing that they are/were good at.

    And the fact that noone seems to understand this simple principle resulted in all the QQs and the way too harsh nerfs.


    When Operatives try to kill another player 1v1 WITHOUT coming from stealth they will lose almost every single time, if their opponent knows what he is doing. That's the tradeoff.



    Yes, but if you're entering a situation out of stealth you aren't playing your class correctly. I don't disagree with Operatives having an advantage, as I stated.. they should. But for it to be impossible to kill 1 on 1 doesn't make any sense.

  6. This entire thread is a joke.


    I'm a BM Smuggler on the Shien server who has close to 18,000 health and generally considered a "good smuggler".


    There are 3 well known Operatives on our server who absolutely demolish. Like going 55-0 every single game.


    When an operative attacks me, I do a few things. I pop adrenals, relics, and any defensive bonus I can.


    Operative: Stuns me, backstabs me (takes about 40% health at this point)

    Me: Dirty Kick (stuns)

    Possible outcome: I get off "Hunker Down" which makes me immune to stun (Only if Im super fast enough.. this does't happen often though)

    Me: Heal

    Operative: Breaks stealth

    Operative: Stuns me again

    Me: Dead.


    There is literally nothing I can do to kill a good operative. 9.9/10 times I'm done. If I happen to get anywhere close to killing one.. they instantly vanish.


    Ok.. cool.


    Tell me again why you think this class needs a buff? I'm not the only class who deals with this nonsense. I'm not one to complain about being awesome all the time. I expect to die. I also expect to die to operatives. But the fact that even if everything in the world goes right for me and I still can't kill one... Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. End of story.


    Additionally someone asked: What can Operatives do that another class can't?


    I dunno.. maybe the fact you can pick and choose your fight and easily destroy ANYONE? And if you happen to come close to death you can instantly vanish?


    Stop whining. Your class is overpowered and you know it.

  7. Gunslingers can be pretty deadly.. if left alone. I am level 50 in full champ gear almost BM and I have games where I finish top .. but that really depends on how the rest of my team is playing.


    A DPS specced Commando can easily Out DPS me... how does this make any sense? Why should a heavily armored class be able to out dps .. a DPS class.


    Also screw operatives. It's literally impossible to kill a "good" Operative.

  8. The real question is, what incentive do I have to play as a Gunslinger compared to a DPS specced Jedi/Commando. Commandos get Heavy Armor and heals. Gunglingers are in Medium Armor. Case closed.


    I'm a Gunslinger in full Champion gear. I generally finish top 2 in DMG almost every game. When I'm not #1 I'm outdamaged by the following:


    DPS specced Consulars

    DPS specced Commandos





    Mercenarys are close to impossible for me to kill 1 on 1. It shouldn't be easy, but even if all the chips play out in my favor I have so much trouble with that class. (It isn't me not using my disrupt, I'm not an idiot).


    My suggestions to fix this class are to up the damage. Plain and simple. We are a squishy class once people get close, and we SHOULD die against certain classes. But we should also be able to output enough damage to make up for the lack of tools that most other classes have.

  9. I'd say BH/Tropers and SI/JC's are more broken by far than Op's in PVP right now. You're complaining about one spec of Op that's basically a one trick pony. Jebus you need to grow up.


    It's the whole Rogue thing form WOW all over again. It's the fact that OP's stealth and do huge damage without you seeing them first. It's a psychological thing.


    Yea, but thats a given. Stealth classes SHOULD dish out a ton of damage and SHOULD be squishy. It's the fact that its close to impossible to react to the attack without certain provisions and the ability to restealth is what bothers me the most.

  10. please stop complaining about ops, just accept the fact that we are better players.


    This is the dumbest thing I've seen posted on the forums. Congrats.


    Add another to the list of someone who thinks Operatives are extremely overpowered.


    Operative plays are in denial, of course they wont want their precious class nerfed.


    So far the top response to them being over powered is


    "Oh, you need to use a medpack".



  11. And you need some Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo.


    Mature comments man. Seriously, you being sarcastic about Powertech Nerf is an obvious sign that you didn't actually digest anything I've said.


    There are very powerful classes in this game.


    Operative is on another level. If your guys advice is "use a medpack" for every single fight against an Operative then you clearly aren't getting it. Again, I said coming to this forum to tell you guys how OP your class is kind of stupid. I'll come back to this forum once they are nerfed just to hear all the crying.

  12. Right. It's the "I don't know how to play" response. Because, I haven't led almost 90% of my games with K/D and Damage. Right, I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing out there and came to ***** for no reason.


    Again, NO OTHER CLASS gives this kind of trouble. I've seen Inquisitors and Powertechs tear up the battlefield but there is always a way to take them down. Operatives are on another level. You guys need a wake up call and you will be getting it soon. That is all.

  13. Coming to an Operative forum to tell them how OP their class is generally does't fare well, but I'm totally with the OP. I'm a 45 Gunslinger and since day 1 have been PvPing a ton (40 Valor). Each time I die to a class in different scenarios I try to look at it both ways and see why they were able to take me out, but an Operative is just an absolute joke. Here is how EVERY single scenario plays out.


    1.) Operative Sneaks over to me (I can never see them, maybe this gets better once I'm closer to 50?)


    2.) Operative opens up with WTFPWNZORS attacks, cant move, cant do anything unless my CC breaker just happens to be available.


    3.) Lose 50-70% health.


    4.) Either Die... OR turn around.. do some damage and OP just restealths and repeats.


    So lets get this straight. Operative does ungodly damage in short period of time where you can't move and then can restealth if it comes close to death.


    There isn't a single class at level 50 even with PVP gear that does this amount of absurd damage. This class NEEDS and will get a nerfhammer, sorry OPS.. it's just unreal. I also try to look at it this way, I'm a 45 Gunslinger (somewhat squishy class) with no PvP gear so I should probably go down easy. BUT, I've seen level 50 Guardians with PvP gear go through the same exact scenarios.

  14. Tried this boss with 33 Guardian, 32 Guardian, 33 Gunslinger, 34 Sage. We got him down to 3% at one point. You basically need to just DPS the hell out of him. Ignore the robots and give him everything you can. The longer he lasts the more DPS he's going to dish out when hes enraged. We're going to give this another shot at a higher level. Died about 15 times to this guy. No fun.
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