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Posts posted by Damsyl

  1. With anyone that has any sort of common sense (by the way, rating doesn't mean anything, not in this game. Not when it's not cross server and you aren't going against people who are as good if not better than most of the people here. Plus, solo rating is equivalent to you gambling in Vegas. For Healers, we 9 times out of 10 have to kite to win :cool:) you can look at Warhammer and see the future of SWTOR. Anything that EA touches dies, this has been proven many many times.


    Their refusal to put in cross server, and to give us any answer that can be appreciated other than NO, or NOT IN OUR ROADMAP has really just set the RIP in stone for SWTOR.

  2. Cross server alone would not fix ranked. The system is inherently flawed, and until it is fixed nothing is going to allow to have even a moderate overall population (I am talking about 4s, yolo is dumb).


    SWTOR, in terms of PvP, is a casual first, second and third kind of game.

    You're right, it wouldn't fix the game. But it would be one step closer that they refuse to take to help save their game. The population on servers is laughable. As an east coast player, when the ques start to die on a west coast server at 9pm...There is an issue.


    The ranked system is flawed, completely. The ELO system is worthless on a game like this with no population or cross server. It's also ******** that the people who actually care to get their rating above 1500, get told....Sorry, the carebears wouldn't be happy if you got something you could only get for being good. Try again next time.

  3. He's trying guys...none of us want PvP to continue to decline because that impacts every bit of the game. Less players helps no one...

    I appreciate him for trying, I really do, people like him and the people who unsubbed after months of trying to do what he's doing right now are the reason why this game has a community. I just hope that he's not actually putting faith into Bioware, hoping that they respond with a good reasonable answer other than "not in our roadmap", because he's just setting himself up for disappointment.


    Less players was supposed to give Bioware a reality check in 1.2. Sadly, it has not. Bioware's ignorance and their need to capitalize on the cash shop is the reason why this thread has even been posted today. If Bioware gave a ****, he wouldn't need to post this thread. The fact that he needs to post this thread, begging and pleading for something like a cross server que that every game has, and every new game is implementing at launch, is pretty depressing and it shows how sad of a state this game is in.


    Most of the players today are going through the Kübler-Ross's five stages of grief. Most have already passed denial, which is why threads are being posted. There are anger threads, followed by the depression of not getting a response or seeing the changes they don't want, get implemented into the next patch. The OP who made this thread is in the bargaining stage. Once he realizes that Bioware is not going to give him an answer, he'll move on to acceptance. Like the rest of us have.


    The moment you have to beg a company, a company that specializes making games. For those of you that dont know, they make games for the PEOPLE who like them and play them (obviously there is profit in making video games too). For things to make the game enjoyable for everyone else, and in Biowares case, something that would fix the game. Shows you, the player, that your company really doesn't care, because if they did...They would have done more research into making the game more suitable to handle things such as...a cross server que.


    There is no profit in implementing a cross server que for Bioware, therefore, we are not ever ever EVER EVER getting....a cross server que.

  4. Well if you want to give up, not my problem.

    It's not about just giving up, it's about trying to be heard and being repeatively ignored. They choose to ignore the players on the forums, they dont just miss what we say. They don't care.


    People have been keeping on for a year now. Since the 1.2 crisis hit, people have been trying to tell Bioware what they can do to make up for the lie that they told everyone. They haven't bothered to listen, nor will they ever listen because they are more concerned with the cartel market, than to actually improve their game for the rest of the population.


    I'm not going to beat a dead horse anymore, and neither are the people that are unsubbing and posting their negative remarks on the thread. The reason why people are so angry and upset is because they liked this game...A LOT. And with Bioware having months and months of input for people and then choosing to not address any of them with a simple "no" or "not in our road map" it just tells people that they just wasted their time telling Bioware theories and other ways to help the server population and community.


    We are giving up not because we hate this game, we are giving up because we're tired of wasting our time, not being listened to, and because we are legitimately upset and angry that EA and Bioware are just letting this game die, while they siphon all of the money they can possibly get until the end.


    What it comes down to is they don't have to care because of the cartel market. The money that they have to put into this game vs the money that they are getting from the cartel market is more to them. It's not worth their time to invest into the game to make the game better because sure, people will like it more and there is a chance that the game can improve and get better so that they can still have their cash flow. But it might not make them the money that they are making right now. When they look over the spreadsheet of what they can do vs what they have, they are content with what they have and they don't want to change anything because they are making money, even at the cost of the game dying out and the players not being happy. That is what EA does, and that's why EA should just stick to consoles and leave the MMO market to the people that actually knows how it works. There is a reason why EA was given the number one worst company in the United States.

  5. If you're playing games based on graphics, you're clearly one of the people that Bioware is catering to. There are so many good games that have ****** graphics that people overlook because they get a hardon for "real life graphics". Let's face it, star wars, WoW and Wildstar are ALL cartoony graphics. SWG was ****** graphics but it was one of the best MMOs that I've ever played (pre combat nef obviously)


    Wildstar has adult humor, customization that bioware could dream of having for their game, and cross server ques. Not to mention the 40 man and 20 man raids are two different zones. They also have ways to keep people from getting bored, by changing the bosses encounter every 2 weeks or so. They also have everything for PvP...Did I mention cross server ques?


    I'll be playing a spellslinger healer, just something about jumping through dimensions seems fun to me.


    Bioware, enjoy your game bleeding out. You'll have PvErs and people who like buying things off the cartel market. But it's only a matter of time before you **** them over too.

  6. Hello, sometimes you have to be persistant.

    You can be as persistent as you want, they haven't responded to that FAQ forum and they sure as hell wont respond to this one. Bioware has put themselves in a sound proof room, and they gaze at us with amusement while we pound on the walls and demand to be heard.


    They don't care, they have never cared, and they will never care. They care about housing and the cartel market, because the only thing that will keep this game going is the carebears and PvErs that they haven't ****ed with yet. They enjoy getting money while they watch this game bleed dry of any of the supporters that actually gave a **** and stuck around.


    The way for Bioware and EA to fix their game is to completely revamp the game. Change the engine, because using this old engine is clearly not getting them anywhere. They also need to invest themselves in the game again, which they do not care enough to do. Bioware and EA think that they can just survive off the cash shop because they are completely clueless as to how an MMO functions and works.


    It goes both ways, for a game to work out and be successful, the company and the community need to care. If the company doesn't care, the community will eventually give up just like they have now.


    You want to know their answer to Cross Server Ques in general?



  7. I don't know what's more depressing, the fact that the devs haven't bothered or had enough balls to come to this forum and respond to our pleas and rage and that they really don't care and they're going to just sweep this under the rug like they did with the 1.2 lie. Or the fact that EA really signed SWTOR for a decade.


    How can we care about this game, when the devs don't care about the players or star wars.

  8. Yeah, this games PvP requires skill. So much skill, that the devs have to say No to PvP.








    The PvP community is going to be gone, whether it's to Wildstar or to consoles. Which is sad, because the PvP in this game was fun and I met some of the best people I know online from this game.


    Wildstar is good, you have to get used to the target telegraphs, but once you do the game is pretty good. The game also has arenas right off the bat, battlegrounds and 40v40 PvP. Not to mention it will most likely have an open world PvP community, since the beta PvP server forum is pretty populated right now.


    The best part of it all? It has cross server ques. Something that the devs just cant wrap their head around for swtor.


    RIP SWTOR PvP. It was nice playing, but once Wildstar comes out, I'm unsubbing for good. It's truly upsetting to see the devs just not give a flying **** about the PvP community, even if they give the devs all sorts of ideas to fix the game and to save the community for both PvE and PvP. If you guys play Wildstar, just hit up Damsyl if you wanna be friends.


    Sad face, sad face forever:(:(:(.

  9. then get them to realize how bad wildstar is since i heard nothing but complaint after complaint from the beta tester weekends they had go figure. So the complaints have already started on wild star

    Some people don't like Wildstar and that's perfectly fine, and I know a lot of people that do. You can't completely judge a game that is still in it's beta phase. People cant completely judge ESO either, even though the betas were fail after fail.


    The sad part is Wildstar isn't even out yet and it's offering more PvP content than Star Wars ever has and ever will. Even if people don't like Wildstar, what they did today pretty much killed the last remaining hope that people had for Star Wars PvP. Some people only stayed sub to PvP, now what's the point in that since ranked 4v4 ques are already dying?

  10. What is the point of playing if the only response that the PvPers are ever going to get is No?


    First it was *waits 10 hours to announce an important announcement for 1.2 after everyone subbed up because of the hype for ranked warzones* Sorry, no ranked warzones this patch. Try again next time PvPers!


    Then it's Heal to full, and perception problem.


    and now it's just No.


    We used to get paragraphs, and then we got sentences, it went down to couple words...Now it's just No.


    Battlestation Sexywagon will be in Wildstar, I'll stick around to play with the few remaining friends that play this game...But after that, I'll go to a game with actual PvP and every aspect of PvP too. The graphics aren't bad, if you're playing a game for graphics then good luck. SWTOR graphics are worse than Wildstar, the clipping and graphical bugs that star wars still has is astounding.


    I'll be on the Pergo PvP server this weekend. Hit me up on the exile side if you wanna be friends. Damsyl's the name!

  11. Guys, this video pretty much sums all of Biowares answers for everything in the new few months.



    Thanks Bioware, thank you for all the disheartening no's. You're making the rejections that most of these people got from either their wives not being in the mood, their girlfriends not being in the mood, or even just asking a girl out sound better.

  12. Fixing ranked would require the removal of bolster, removing conversions from regular to ranked comms, remove ranked comms earned through the weekly and daily, and remove the ranked comms earned through the solo queue.


    Your sig is the best, and sadly it's so damn true. I'm adding it to mine because **** bioware.

  13. This is extremely disappointing and I'm going to tell you why Bioware. Every question here can be solved with ONE solution, three words....




    EVERYTHING would be fixed, you would have more ranked games popping, 8v8s wouldn't have died out and 4v4 group ranked wouldn't be dying. You would have more people quing up for the PvE aspects of the game and so forth. You obviously do not care about your PvP community whatsoever. You care more about the cartel market making you money. Sure, housing is cool and all but that's not why people play this game. They play this game to see content, content that you either nerf to oblivion or take away.


    What incentive do players have who actually try to get a high rating for being good, only to be told that they aren't going to get meaningful awards because those who can't do it will cry on the forums? 5%? Are you kidding me Bioware? There are WAY more than 5% who have achieved to getting 1500 rating. World of Warcraft gives the top .5% a special mount that you can only get for being good. Why is it such an issue to give players who care enough to get their rating high something that only they can get?


    It's sad to see that every single question was a nice way of saying no. You string your players along with this tiny little glimmer of hope and in the end you keep crushing them over and over by saying "working as intended" or "we currently don't have that in our roadmap". Other games wont kill this game, you will by your continuously bad decisions and poor management for your game.


    I guess I was wrong to expect more from a company who justifies sorcerers and sages being squishy and damn near defenseless by saying "heal to full, and make them pay later." Or saying that Powertechs have a "perception problem."


    I love Star Wars, I really do. This game was fun for me and I was here when you lied to your players in 1.2 about ranked pvp launching, and I'm still here when you keep stringing us along. When is it going to stop? When are you going to get your heads out of your butts and start programming and fixing the game that you keep taking aspects away from? If you start actually listening to your community and players, maybe...Just maybe you'll finally be able to fix something and save this game.


    Dark days aren't ahead for PvP, they are already here and they have been here since ranked was even talked about a year and a half ago.

  14. Thank you Going =p. I didnt even realize you posted here lol.


    Yeah, I came back to SWTOR. I'm currently on Bastion, but I do have a pub on JC still. :D


    P.S. I'll stab you for saying yolo, Going! <3

  15. This is proof that Smoochie is a terrible (as if you need proof)




    What went down:

    We lost the first match, Smoochie rages in ops chat and leaves. Sniper offers to sit out for third round, and then we win that round...Then we 3v4 them for the last round...And win...


    We won without Smoochie.


    Smoochie ended up losing rating for leaving, and we didn't.


    Smoochie was the last one to die on the first round. Here is the screenshot so you can all laugh at this miserable neckbeard of a person.



  16. Bolster is broken, and until Bioware gets their heads out of their asses it will continue to be broken.

    If PvErs dont want to farm the coms to get gear, then whatever. But at least take away bolster in ranked, because if you're queueing up for ranked PvP then you shouldn't need Bolster, and if you do...You're just a liability to your group.


    The recruit gear didn't work, and neither did the Centurion gear back at the start of the game. People will ***** if they dont have the best gear because "its too much on me to farm gear, I have a life". Star Wars is already so casual, but its the people that can never be happy and the devs that dont know how to balance their own game that are going to kill it.

  17. Always assume that there is going to be a new set of gear with a big PvP patch. Just save your ranked coms and warzone coms. A month is long enough to cap out and to be prepared. I just came back to the game recently and I'm only a few pieces away from being completely geared our on Ob gear.
  18. 1. if people are below 30% hp for more than a couple seconds, either you screwed up healing or someone messed up a mechanic.

    2. if this is the case, you still shouldn't spam surgical probe. It has low hpct, its advantage it no cost. Its resource management, not burst healing.


    Seriously, it will have almost no effect on pve.

    Have you never played in a PvP match or a ranked match? Your target can easily be under 30% for more than a couple seconds because operative healers are very easy to shut down. As someone stated before, sometimes the 2 seconds you need to cast your hardcast heal (if it gets interrupted you're screwed) is too long and that's when surgical probe comes into play.

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