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Posts posted by Smajly_

  1. Hello!


    As the title states, this is about the Dromund Kaas stronghold. I don't know if it's the same for every stronghold, that the maximum amount of hooks is 350?


    But I was wondering if there is any plans on increasing this amount? I've finished decorating 4 of the rooms in my strongold and have already reached the cap, and im not done yet!!


    Please bio, increase it to 500 or something instead! :)

  2. Hi guys!


    I've read through all your comments and I get what you are complaining about. And i can agree to some degree.

    Why can't I fully agree? Well, to begin with...

    1. They can't scale everything up to lvl 75 from the start of the expansion. You do realise why that is stupid right? Because then we would have logged onto the game right as expansion launched and be instant 75 in everything we do - so why even level then? They will probably scale it up eventually if they decide to keep this sort of level system, they just want to give everyone a chance to level up. In my opinion, a system similar to WoW's would probably be better.


    2. I would suspect that the reason geared lvl 75 players get's the veteran's edge buff right now is because they are for the most part downscaled to 70. So in order to feel stronger than the rest, that they actually are max leveled and geared, this buff comes in and does that job. I suspect this buff is also gonna be removed once they decide to scale things to 75 instead.


    Alot of people have already geared to item rating 306 across the character sheet and have a couple of set pieces down. Im not sure they expected it to happen this fast or not - i guess we'll find out in a couple of days or weeks :)

  3. So as most of us know, the group finder for operations is bugged.

    Wether you queue alone or with others, you get placed in a 16-player operation as 8 players.

    This is pretty obvious since a full lvl 75 group can only manage to get bosses down to around 50-70% health before it enrages.


    I would just like to know if devs have noticed and are working on the issue? Since nothing new in the dev tracker?


    Best regards,

    Swups :)

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