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Posts posted by Cowabung

  1. Its your level. All the good procs come later on. You need Massacre and the VT proc that it gives to push your burst, the surge bonus on scream crits and the root for you ravage. At lower levels mara/sent is a burst dps missing its burst.


    At your level you will just have to save your scream crits for your gore and try to get a ravage off while the target is in range. gore ravage scream filler repeat.


    Its a horrible class to play at that level while juggs are pushing and ravaging everyone with impunity but just grin and bear it mara get better stuff later than other classes.


    I thought maybe that was the problem, it would seem like ''Gore + Ravage'' would deal heavy damage if done right, but until I get Gore I will have to wait. I have a Jedi Guardian and I can agree with you that I was doing ALOT better in PvP with him at lower levels than with the Marauder.


    However this still leaves me with the issue of spending all my ''Focus'' and not retaining it. Is there a instant like Combat Focus which the Jedi Guardian has for Marauder that I will get later on?


    Thanks for replying.

  2. Title say's it all.


    I just recently made a Marauder for the first time to participate in PvP, currently I'm not doing too bad (I think) as I get around 200k-400k damage (Level 31 so don't have all the abilities yet) per match. However I fail horribly in ''1vs1'' combat even if the opponent has less health that me and even when I use all my abilities and War zone Med pack and Adrenalin. I'm thinking it has something to do with my ability rotation as I'm always left with having used up all my ''Focus'' and therefore not being able to use my damage dealing abilities.


    Is there a standard PvP rotation that I should be following? How can I last and kill my opponents in ''1vs1'' scenarios?

    All advice would be greatly appreciated


    Thank you.

  3. "You will find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view"


    THIS! Nothing irritates me more than people who just FORCE and argue their views and opinions on people.

    Just say what you have to say, but don't make it out you are right and that your word is law.

  4. You guys still going on? ONLY the movies and the clone wars animated series are currently canon.




    Also since Disney now owns the rights to the whole Star Wars universe it does'nt matter what George Lucas says...

    Also stop comparing a guy with 30+ years of lore aganst somebody with barely 2 years, It's like comparing Julio Cesar Chevez to Timothy Bradley. I guess it does'nt matter now since this game is non-canon anyway.

  5. It's fine say what you want and think what you want...


    This thread has raised awareness, even with all the views it's gotten, prices on my servor are slowly going up too... :D

    To the players complaining about the prices, you did'nt mind paying 200k and more when Molecular Stabilizers came around and even though there may be more Stabilizers around now... I think I can change that...


    I can get a group of Stabilizer sellers and get them to boycott the GTN so that they stop trading, the supply will slowly fall and demand increase... I'm sure they don't mind waiting after all most of the sellers already have millions...


    So don't be afraid, stop selling if you have too... because if you don't now, then you might find your outta business soon enough ;)

  6. Listen my fellow hero's and heroine's!!


    The price of Molecular Stabilizers is falling too fast... Especially on my servor... The Red Eclipse...

    Right now on my servor they sell for 140,000 Credits each, when just a few weeks ago they were selling for 170-180k each...


    Since Credits are so easy to obtain, it should'nt matter if the price increases by a few thousand of credits... We Molecular Stabilizer sellers/farmers need to make a stand!! If we all increase our prices especially on the GTN we can make a difference and gain more profit!! Before long, Molecular Stabilizers will be worthless... We can't let the price fall below 100,000 credits or even 150,000 credits... You have no excuse not too, if we all try and put our prices up the price will go up too!! There's nothing to lose!!

  7. Well just moved servers 3 hours ago from Sluis Shipyards to The Red Eclipse. Transfer took less then 2 mins and I gotta say I am soooooo HAPPY!!!!! 1st thing that I see on the new server is 250+ players on it, was surrounded by so many names. Luckly I also got to keep my name. Very welcome server and I urge any1 who is still on Sluis Shipyards to get there be4 its too late.



    Thanks alot Bioware we really needed this! :)

  8. Hi!


    As the title says, are there any Players from the Sacred Grove heartland that happen to play this game too?


    If so my FreeRealm name is Mark Korr and I'm currently in the Guild <Mystic Mayhem>.

    Feel free to post your FreeRealms name and Guild so we can get an idea of who's who lol.

  9. I don't know where people are getting this "Revan was a super agressive fighter" crap from. He wasn't. Revan was a brilliant tactician who lead a movement within the Jedi Order to get them involved in the Mandalorian Wars. And people thinking "Non-Force users are weak" are deluding themselves. Mandalorians have consistently shown being highly capable against Jedi. Read "Fatal Alliance". Dao Stryver was keeping keeping both a Jedi and Sith down. So don't give me that "Non-Force users always lose" bullcrap, because I've seen plenty of Jedi killed by non-force using people. Feck we have HK-47 who was known for assassinating them.


    Also, Lucas Never said that PT era Jedi were the best/strongest ever. And this is proven by a mountain of evidence. For one, KotoR era Jedi were incredibly power. One of which, in the "Tales of the Jedi" comics was creating a Force Shield that blocked turbolaser fire from a pirates ship. Show me a PT Era Jedi who did anything remotely close to that. We have Vitiate who created a Permanent Force Storm on Dromund Kaas. We have Naga Sadow who ripped Solar Flares from twin binary stars to destroy Republic Cruisers chasing him. There was even a Jedi who used a Wooden Staff to block Lightsabers, and did so simply by infusing it with the Force. That was Exar Kun's former Jedi Master.


    And I love this whole "selective truth" people have with Kreia. Anything she says about Revan is a "Lie", but when she talks about the Ancient Sith as compared to all who came after, it's "The Honest Truth".


    And you think mastering One Lightsaber form makes you boss in a fight? Obi-Wan, along with everyone else, still studied the other forms, Soresu was just Obi-Wan's preferred fighting style. It doesn't make him unbeatable, it just means he's got better defenses against melee and blaster fire. When it comes down to Force Abilities he's sorely lacking. And we have seen that Lightsabers can be destroyed by being overloaded with Force Lightning.



  10. Defender Medal - 1k Defender Points

    Warden Medal - 3k Defender Points

    Soldier Medal - awarded for slaying 10 enemies

    Commando Medal - Awarded for slaying 25 enemies

    Assassin Medal - awarded for defeating a player in a one-on-one fight.

    Damage Medals

    Quick Draw Medal - Score a Killing Blow

    Demolisher Medal - 2.5k in a single hit

    Annihilator Medal - 5k in a single hit

    Combatant Medal - Deal 75k damage

    Destroyer Medal - 300k damage

    Healer Medals

    Medic Medal - For a 2.5k heal

    Trauma Surgeon - For a 5k heal

    Healer Medal - 75k Healing

    Savior Medal - 300k Healing

    Tank Medals

    Paladin Medal - awarded for preventing 10k damage to your allies without dying once!

    Guardian Medal - Prevent 2k damage to your allies without dying once!

    Shield Medal - for preventing 5k damage to your allies.

    Protector Medal - for preventing 50k damage to your allies.


    Ahhh thank you for taking the time to post this, much appreaciated!! :)



    Ok, lets be honest here, I have only played 2 classes Trooper and Jedi Knight so I can't really say that until I try all the other classes as well.


    However it is an amazing class to play, more fun that the Trooper (Thats my opinion though.) and it never fails to surprise me and I have only just hit level 27 Jedi Guardian.


    I have yet to try it's brother the Sentinel but I'm in no hurry since I'm loving my Guardian.


    It's a perfect balance of dps and tanking, In Warzones I'm getting 90% of the time up 7-8 Medals in a great game and 4-5 in a bad game but even with that I'm coming 1st 75% of the time from my team!! (Not showing off just saying! :p)

    I'm able to take on players 10 levels above me and beat them most of the time, dispite them having more abilities (and sometimes even more skill.)


    With the Guardian I can honestly say I have yet to die a death in PvE, except in Heroics and Flaspoints where I have died but other that that I'm talking everything they throw at my Lightsaber with a stride! :p


    So I just want to say...... KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK BIOWARE!! Ya did a excellent job on the Guardian and I can't hardly wait to obtain all my class abilities and reach level 50!!

  12. Hi.


    Sorry if there is a current post of this but I could not seem to find 1.

    I just wanted to know how many PvP Medals there are that are possible to obtain from the Warzones.


    Thanks :)

  13. There are schematics for the belt and bracers so they are probably crafted. Im on Voss and havent seen any sign of this set yet. Am trying to complete the set. Commendations you say?


    Ahhh thanks!


    However I noticed there are multiple TT-16B armor types, the 1 I'm talking about is the green Master Powertech which yes the arms and legs can be obtained through the Voss Equipment Commendation seller.

  14. Hi.


    I've been looking for the following pieces for quite some time now, I found the helmet at the GTN, greaves I got from a friend and the boots and armguards from the Voss Equipment Commendation Vendor.


    Is there any chance that the remaining pieces might have to be crafted or perhaps gained through a Heroic??

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