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Posts posted by MackTK

  1. Greeting everyone,


    <Imperium> is an Imperial side PvE oriented guild, aiming to clear out content on the highest difficulty content. The <Imperium> power base currently consist of 200 unique users and are looking to expand this. We have three Operation Teams, based on needs and difficulty ratings, that raid 2 or 3 times per week.


    The guilds progression at the moment of writing is 4/5 ToS HM and 3/5 Ravagers HM, but updated tracking of guild's progression can be checked here. We take part in PvP and also do secret bosses from time to time. We have a fully functional guildship (GTN/mod/bank) and get a conquest Top 3 position on a weekly bases.


    For more informations about us, please visit imperiumswtor.enjin.com.


    That being said, we have decided we need more people for our progression groups, mainly 1 Tank and 1 rDPS.


    Raid time: 8:00 PM or 8:30 PM, UK time.





    • Tank:
      - good awareness;
      - very good communication in English (must be in constant contact with the other tank about flow of the combat - taunts, boss target etc) ;
      - full ToS/Rav SM tactics knowledge and experience;
      - gearing: not wanting to put a number here, as the rest are more important than gear rating;
      - 2 times / week minimum attendance;
      - old content NiM clearing is a plus, and also other MMOs experience counts;



    • Ranged DPS:
      - good awareness;
      - full ToS/Rav SM tactics knowledge and experience;
      - for Snipers and Mercenaries, 2 DPS trees are required to be known, played at HM level;
      - providing link with a DPS parse is an advantage;
      - gearing: not wanting to put a number here, as the rest are more important than gear rating;
      - 2 times / week minimum attendance;
      - old content NiM clearing is a plus, and also other MMOs experience counts;


    Apply for any of those two here.


    For more information or questions, please PM me.


    Thank you.

  2. Hello again.


    Looking at Powertech/Vanguard parses today, I've observed that pre-3.1.1 Pyrotech parses have been archived. I am curious why the AP ones aren't archived, too, as AP received DPS modifying changes at 3.1.1, like different damage on Shoulder Cannon, as well new pace for it (1 SC / GCD, instead of 3 SC / GCD).


    And a question, if I may: considering to add an option for "DPS Leaderboards" to show DPS instead of TTK?


    Thank you.


    Also related to this, parses with grenade usage (V-6 Pyro Grenade, for example) are permitted?

  3. Hello again.


    Looking at Powertech/Vanguard parses today, I've observed that pre-3.1.1 Pyrotech parses have been archived. I am curious why the AP ones aren't archived, too, as AP received DPS modifying changes at 3.1.1, like different damage on Shoulder Cannon, as well new pace for it (1 SC / GCD, instead of 3 SC / GCD).


    And a question, if I may: considering to add an option for "DPS Leaderboards" to show DPS instead of TTK?


    Thank you.

  4. /signed


    Everybody was complaining about PT burst in PvP, and now not only we have a lower burst in AP (which is right, to be fair), but Pyro has beed nerfed too, reasources and DPS. About -500 DPS single target and although we can deal with that, the rotation is screwed now heat wise. Sorc is on his way, too, with a bigger nerf than expected.

  5. I take a different approach to this. Once you've learned the rotation it just becomes about awareness in fights. Dummy parses will just end up being lucky. Hunting for luck on HIB procs and Crits. As long as you know how to adapt to failed procs then rotations will remain the same.


    Totally agreeing with you. The way you adapt to counter failed procs is the trick that makes higher DPS.


    Stat wise I doubt your parse beats all my stats considering mine uses stockstrike and ir on cool down. The difference between full 180 -186 is about 300dps on max potential. Also take note that because my parse is only 3.39 the number of uses on abilities will be lower.


    Sorry if I wasn't clearer. For stats I was refering to gear stats (I just compared them with you character screen with mine) and made an error, too. Due to companion bug buffs (I think), my crit chance and surge rating are +1% or 2% higher than yours, but the amount of power stats is lower in my case (due to some lettered mods and not BiS mods, as well some missing pieces). My parses have almost the same percentages of abilities as yours, not the same numbers, as TTK diference making number of uses higher in my case. I guess you wanted to say you use on cooldown AP and Stockstrike, as IR has 18 seconds before it must be reapplied. Of course, I play in the same way.


    I revised my gear and then I saw I made some mistakes in it. Tried some things at some point, and forgot to return to previous configuration and after making some swaps (got some new mods and enhancements), I ended my gear in full 186 except MH Barrel and Chest armor mod (not won that yet). After some parses in this newly optimised gear, I hit 4200-4300 with relative ease, and stopped when I hit over 4400 a few parses later.


    The dummy parse is about luck, I agree: in some parses, for example, my Rail Shot crits 31%, in others parses 45% (maximum I got). 10% crit makes a huge difference, as well as the magnitude of critical (11K+ being the maximum). In rest, I would love to study other parses, to see how better people than me react to failed procs and some difficult situations.

  6. It seems that is the case, as after I hit respec I think my accuracy bonus is 2%. Not sure, as the servers are down at the moment, but most likely this is the case.


    Last night, as Bestia was belly up on NiM, my DPS was around 3400+ without adrenals (forgot to resupply), but with a huge mistake: without realising it, I used the same time Explosive Fuel and Vent Heat and had a surprise when I pressed Vent Heat and nothing happened a few blocks later. Had to cool off from about 70-80 Heat to under 40 in the middle of the fight with a series of Rapid Shots which decreased my DPS pretty much.


    As I don't belive that the the perfect damager exists and every player must always struggle to improve his DPS (there is always room for that), I used to interpret Powertech / Vanguard parses for hours when Torparse.com was up in search for better ways to improve my rotation / DPS. Now the site is down and it don't show any sign it will be up soon: last comment from owners was about 3 weeks ago, when they stated it will be up in the next 2 weeks. :)


    I wanted to link for some parses of mine to analyze and receive some advices for it, but probably it will wait until Torparse.com is back.


    Thank you for all your hard work, TACeMossie.

  7. I was aware of that, but I was thinking about something more detailed, as without vent heating cooldowns you remain empty in 2-3 blocks, and with CDs active in about 6-8 blocks. At 20-25% HP starting to dump using Rapid Shots in favor of Flame Burst (still not used to Vanguard terms, so I don't know the exact equivalent) seems to overheat you quick.


    I usually end my parses with 4.25 - 4.35K DPS and around 30-40 Heat (60-70 ammo). Mostly Dread Masters gear, besides: 3 x 180 mods, 2 x 180 enh, 1 x 180 Relic and chest/MH with only the armoring/barrel 180. Around 340 Critical Rating (Critical Chance at 30.xx %).


    Comparing my gear to the dude who did 4.5K DPS (congrats again, by the way), mine is slightly better on all stats (not by much, but still). Compared to my parses though, he has better criticals on all abilities. And by all, I mean ALL. :) For the percentage use of abilities, almost the same, with a +/- 0.5% tolerance.


    By the way, I've searched for "companions buff" bug, but didn't found something conclusive. What is that bug and how can I see if I am affected by it? Thank you.

  8. I added a new section on Ammo Dumping to finish off targets under "The Burn". Feel free to check it out but be warned, its very, very delicate trying to pull it off, and can result in a snowball effect if you start it too early or without enough ammo.


    Hello and thanks for your guide.


    I can't seem to find where this "Burn" section is. I was curious, as I had the impresion the Vanguards don't have an execution phase (except Burnout ability which applies to DOTS which you should use anyway). Can you detaliate what happens under 30% target's HP?


    Thank you.

  9. Every player will be bolster to the proper level gear. There will also be a healing buff for healer and shield buff for tanks. So gear wont be the problem its knowing the fights which will kill it.


    I always wondered: if they buff the players for Ops to a level, then what is the purpose of gearing through Ultimate Commendations?


    Or the buff is lower than full Oriconian (like a buff to full Verpine/Underworld)?

  10. To show rating instead of level, as we were used to from start until now it is really confusing. Haven't found ONE man who is content with the change. As one of my previous poster said, I knew in one look where I stand or the people I was inspecting stood. Now I am blind.


    All I see are senseless numbers, and can't quick evaluate the gear difference between 156 rating and 168 besides mathematically comparing numbers. It is 69, 72? The player inspected has 75 gear, indicating a good raiding player, who has completed NiM content? Now I have literally no ideea. Just a bunch of numbers.


    Really, I don't understand the decision to put us evaluate/remember higher numbers (3 digits) instead of lower ones (2 digits). It is about ergonomy at least, if not habit after 2 years of playing.


    At least we could get an option to choose how they should display (rating/level), not erase all what we have learned about gearing level in 2 years of playing...


    I find the change horrid and really broke the fun of the game for me...

  11. It's set 300 years later. I would expect Revan to be mentioned, maybe appearing in a holocron or something on Tython, not still running around in the flesh whining about the Sith.


    If Bioware set a game 300 years after Episode VI , Revan would probably still be in it. :p


    That is entirely different thing than "that doesn't mean I require every Star Wars game I ever play again to have Revan in it". :) It is a logical implication that if the name of the game is "The Old Republic", should have some facts about Revan, as his story was left unfinished, not to mention the huge mass of KOTOR fans that were drooling to see the end of his story.


    As I stated on another post, I have the impression that they used Revan only to cheat the start in their MMO, not really intrested to make some big thing with him. Something like "There, it is done. Now let's close this subject and never hear from it again".

  12. Bioware was always more interested in making an MMO than they were KOTOR3. When they got the chance to basically do both, they took it.


    The whole KOTOR 3-7 wasn't a lie either, it was a reference to the class quests. Every class was quest was basically a game in itself, it's just that these games just all ended up sharing the same side quests and locations.


    I saw this from another perspective. They climbed up on top of KOTOR series success, to win a head start in their MMO. This in my opinion is good marketing, but also greed. They just made a forced connection to KOTOR through a few Flashpoints, to attract the mass of fans that waited for a sequel in Revan's tale.


    I don't have anything against MMORPGs or TOR (I played from day 1 and I had 6 characters leveled to 50), but to be honest, a MMORPG isn't about storytelling. A long story isn't impling a good story. To compare the story from a single player game as KOTOR to a story from a MMORPG is what I call a wild goose chase. On the first, the story is regarded as one of the core elements of the game, while in a MMO the tale is at least secondary.


    This dosen't mean that TOR is a bad game at all, as I like it pretty much and played for so long, but the fans of KOTOR series, which I'm sure this game has them in the targeted audience, at least a part of it, were waiting for KOTOR 3, not a MMORPG. The fact that the story was written by the same man is irrelevant, because it is not an act of free will, but a job for a game, where you must comply with the whole purpose of the game.


    Looking at the whole picture I get the sense that Drew Karpyshyn wanted to move past what he'd already done with Revan and onto something else which would explain the ending of the book Revan and why the Jedi Knight in this game is basically the "hero" character.


    I totally agree. What I don't understand is why the rush to get past it, like it was something minor. They just could left him out of this game and make a book or maybe another game (which I'm sure was profitable). Also, I'm convinced that KOTOR fans would be in interested in TOR, even without Revan, because it is placed in the same universe.


    My impression is that either they were greedy to attract more players, like I said above, either they were unable to produce a equally good story for Revan's ending in all this years. I think is a bit of both. :)


    *SPOILER from now on*


    An important fact is that in the Flashpoint "The Foundry", in beta testing, you could actually saw the body of defeated Revan afer the final battle. In the final release, they reconsidered and left it in an uncertain balance: when Revan has low HP (NOT zero HP), it is triggered the end script, and he just dissappears in a ball of lighting.


    This makes me think that they left this backdoor for a future game, but this dosen't mean that will ever be one. Or maybe they did this only to not upset the fans. Or to leave the possibility for them to make another game if they will consider it profitable enough, who knows? They could anytime build up an unconvincing story of some Naver, which is not Revan, because Revan was killed in the Foundry... "from a certain point of view".


    They could do that, but I don't think they will, because the big mistery in Revan's story was brutally shattered in the Knight's storyline. Maybe it is better to leave him dead, because I don't like where this is going.


    For us, KOTOR fans, I think it is time to be aware of the sad truth and accept that they blew it up with Revan story arc and it will never be another end or another game, like we had expected for some years. Sad, but true. TOR is a good game, but it isn't KOTOR 3, and it will never be.


    By the way, in KOTOR the feeling and looks of a lightsaber are so different from TOR - in TOR the lightsabers are looking and acting like colored sticks. :p

  13. Thanks all for the answers. I supposed that was the case - the player choosed a female back then and now he's dissapointed. I can imagine what they are feeling, because the same shock I had when I read that Revan, for some people at least, was female. :) Maybe not the same, but close (the same would be the other way around: canon Revan being female).


    I always assumed that Revan was male (like someone said before, it looked approximate as the one from TOR), mainly because in my native language Revan is a male name (not that we have a "Revan" name, but here 90% of female names end in "a"). Of course the rule dosen't apply in English, but in subconscious I assumed that.


    I'm sorry that they didn't left him out of TOR, as I always wanted a KOTOR 3 to end Revan's tale, not a MMORPG, and not including him (HIM!) in TOR would left a gate opened for another game. In fact, the reason I bought this game at launch was the boasting statement of a producer (?) that TOR is much more than KOTOR 3, and should be regarded as KOTOR 3, 4 and 5 combined instead. Obviously, that was a statement that should be preceded by [Lie]. :)


    By the way: I've bought KOTOR 1 from Steam last week and it is a brilliant game even today (I've feared that my grown-up perception would alter the game, and I would change my opinion from my youth, but it's not the case).



  14. Revan died when they gave her a sex change, and a new personality/story...


    I don't quite understand this statement. I've read elsewhere something like that, more or less and this issue keeps reappearing. Why Revan should be a female instead of male? Is there something I skipped along KOTOR and KOTOR II?

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