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Posts posted by Sinemetu

  1. My thesis: The ritual can block any kind of DS mind control/ DS influence of one person over the other. It was created for the plague, but the consular also used it to counter possession and it would also have worked if the other person was mind controlled by a Sith.


    Your thesis: The same, but only if it is connected to Morrhage.


    That's not my thesis. I don't have a thesis. I'm going off what the game tells you: it's a specific ritual ("shielding") used to counter another specific ritual ("Morrhage's plague"). It severs the link between the plaguemaster and victim. Period. End of story. There's 0 evidence it can do anything more. The consular tried to uses it for something else, and it didn't work, and there's no evidence it would have worked. There is no case where it's used to counter possession, unless you want to say the plague itself is possession.



    It works on Vivicar because Morrhage is the plaguemaster and Vivicar is the victim. It works on Yuon because she is the victim and Vivicar is the plaguemaster.



    It's really very simple. I don't know why you're trying to make the shielding ritual into something it's not.


    I doubt that the ritual was created to counter a specific person, but to counter a specific phenomenon. The Consular then expands it's use.


    Well, except for the fact that there's no instance of this phenomenon occurring without Morrhage's control. But whatever. I'm sure that's not relevant. You keep on saying untrue things. The consular failed to expand its use. Saying "well it would have worked!" is nothing more than speculation without support, and I find it irritating that you keep on insisting on this point. That particular piece of evidence is not in your favor.


    The idea to shield Vivicar was not part of the original ritual. It was an idea the consular had and by doing it he risked his live.



    Unless you mean Vivicar wasn't alive, that's untrue. The original ritual *was* designed to work against Morrhage's control. Didn't you listen to what he told you? Shielding the last victim and leaving Morrhage's spirit on whatever planet is how the previous plague ended, as well.



    So the Consular assumes the ritual can heal/help "people driven mad by darkness". But it also works against possession. So he could at least try it against the Inquisitor, there is a chance it might cut the connections to the ghosts as well. But since he can only do it after the fight, it doesn't matter for the confrontation.


    Ok... so you're insisting on this possession angle despite the fact that that's not how the consular describes it? Can you find any place where this ritual is described as an exorcism type deal?


    Oh, by the way, the consular takes down a Jedi Master without tricks on Coruscant. And Taris. And Nar Shadda. And...


    Big whup. Jedi Masters are not all that. Look, let me put it this way.



    At the end, the Jedi is on his council and the Sith is on hers. You know how you get on the Dark Council? You have to kill one of the most dangerous people in the galaxy. Jedi Council... not so much. Demonstrate leadership and be wise. It's probably better requirements for a leadership position, but in terms of who's more dangerous, there's no contest, there. Heck, the Consular doesn't even take down the First Son without help. And honestly, if you really think the ritual works on possession, why doesn't the Consular use it on the First Son?


  2. Just to play the devils advocate... on my op healer, I did do a few WZs with 0 expertise--in my raiding gear--and I was still able to do ~400k healing with 4ish deaths. I got stomped fast against any decent team, of course, so I had to be pretty strategic about where I did my healing.
  3. The Consular (or Zenith) says explicitly that it doesn't work because he was not corrupted, but broken by torture.


    And yes, Lord Vivicar is possessed by the plaguemaster, but possession is different from being affected by the plague. I guess the ritual was being created to counter the plague, not to counter, well everything that's somehow connected to Morrhage and nothing else.


    Yes, Zenith is TOTALLY an expert on arcane force rituals and we should take his word on it. /sarcasm. But seriously, that's your argument? Zenith, or maybe the Consular (who is probably just making some BS guess like doctors do).



    Actually, the evidence contradicts your assumption. The ritual works on everything connected with Morrhage and his plague and nothing else. Heck, you're even contradicting yourself. You want to say that the ritual works on possession, but then you say the plague is NOT possession ("but possession is different from being affected by the plague") even though the ritual obviously does work on it. The simple fact--and this is stated explicitly when you're taught the ritual--is that it severs the link between plaguemaster and victim. That's what it does and all it does, every time, from Yuon to Vivicar. Different plaguemaster, same ritual, same results. Any time it is used somewhere else, the ritual fails.



    If the Inquisitor lost the ghosts, he would lack a lot of combat experience without them, unlike the Jedi consular. He could, of course, learn and train, but it would take time.


    The ghosts don't give combat experience. In point of fact, the inquisitor has a heck of a lot more combat experience fighting powerful force-users than the consular, with or without ghosts. Heck, the inquisitor takes out a Darth before leaving DK or getting any ghosts. She used a trick, yes, but that's war.

  4. You are, ofcourse, kidding. This game has the most gear-centric PvP of any MMOs I have played, and I have played alot of them.


    I would not care about this at all, but on top of the pure-gear-based PvP, they also made it so that some classes (Vanguard tanks, to name one) HAVE to PvP to get the best PvE relics. When you then come in a PvP game and die every 15 seconds, well... let's just say there are reasons why this game is loosing more customers than SWG ever did.


    Minus the "gear is fine" comment, the gear gap between BM and WH really isn't that bad.

  5. But it can do more:




    The conular tries to use the ritual on the the Balmorran president (it's an option, at least). It doesn't work, but not because it isn't designed for that, but because the man was broken by torture, not by DS corruption.


    And when the consular shields Lord Vivicar, he deals with possession by a Sith ghost, not with a plague victim.


    It is not that far from dealing with possession by a Sith ghost to dealing with a person who binds ghosts. It's not sure if it would work, though.


    You kinda just demonstrated that it can't do more.



    I don't remember the shield technique specifically being an option. The consular would know a number of healing techniques. In any case, if it is attempted, hey, it didn't work, because it wasn't designed for that.


    Lord Vivicar *is* possessed by the plaguemaster. Morrhage. Parkanas came into contact with Morrhage, same as the Jedi masters had contact with Parkanas. In each case it allowed the plaguemaster to infest his victims. You can shield Vivicar because he is also a victim of the plague.


  6. Well, yes, it could. Probably. It did block a ghost once. But the Consular had to fight every person he shielded before the ritual. So he would have to win against the Inquisitor first.


    No. The shielding technique is a specific ritual designed to sever the plaguemaster's link--Morrhage--from controlling his victims. That's all it ever does. We may as well pretend that the ghostwalking ritual also allows the Inquisitor to bind the Consular in some way because at this point you're just trying to put a square peg in a round hole.

  7. Yeah you're right. You have to be spec'd to cleanse it. I thought it was force, it's actually physical. I think they could do a lot for game balance by making cleanses universal without having to spec into it and taking them off the GCD.


    I wouldn't take them off the GCD, but I would take away the 5s cooldown.


    I remember a thread from a while back when hybrid sorcs were FOTM, and a sorc made a thread about how to beat sorcs. His entire strat--and it was a long post--revolved around cleansing force effects.

  8. I've wondered off and on, what if they just made it so all pvp tiers had the same amount of expertise? Would that cause scaling issues or something? Seems like it would help decrease the recruit -> BM gap without making recruit gear even better for pve (atm it's better than almost any pve blues).


    But to respond to the OP, yes, recruit to BM is a pretty big gap. As a tankassin, I can kill a recruit marauder 1v1 and still have most of my life--almost all of it, if I use CDs. I'm in augmented BM. If the players are bad, a BM can 1v2 recruits fairly comfortably. I don't feel like there's a huge gear gap between me and the war heroes I've fought, just going off titles like war hero and warlord and whatnot. A WH fotm PT will probably beat me, but I can make it a close fight.


    In summary, BM vs WH is tough but doable 1v1, but recruit vs BM is a slaughter. The gap gets amplified with every character, because although a single BM vs a single WH has a chance, if you make it 2v2 it starts getting ugly.

  9. Hmm, healing 13k with 15% dam reduction or 20k with 0% damage reduction.


    Kinda a moot point. It's not worth healing either player; they go down too fast. Rakata does have slightly better survivability, when healing is ignored--if you compare what would be 150,000 damage taken over the course of a match, the Rakata player will die 7 times and the Recruit player will die 9 times, if neither gets healed. If they do get healed, though, if for some reason the other team just doesn't focus them or whatever, I'd much rather heal the Recruit geared player just because my heals will go 15% farther. That's big.

  10. That's different while wearing recruit gear how exactly?


    TTK of someone wearing recruit gear vs leveling greens is significantly longer. Depending on your class and how well you kept up on gear, that could be 3k more hp and what, 15% damage reduction? You could last twice as long, more if you get heals (since you're surviving longer, you're more likely to get some in the first place).

  11. Huttball has 8 total fires, 2 acid pits, pulls are 30m, my problem is that this is not PvP, it is Player vs. Environment. I have 2 50s one is a tank assassin so I have the same opportunity for fire/acid kills like any other player but this is not fun. It's PvE not PvP.


    Im not bagging on you for liking it though. I just don't see the point.


    Please BW allow us to choose our WZs.


    Um... you're not fighting the environment. You're fighting players. By definition, that's PvP. Players can use the environment, but that's hardly new or unique to huttball. Heck, by this definition Voidstar is also PvE.


    Besides, Huttball rewards teamwork more heavily than any other WZ.

  12. I don't understand not getting recruit gear. Even if you don't plan to PvP, it's still better than leveling blues and greens by a long shot. And it really does hurt your team. I'm not in amazing gear (just under 1200 expertise and around 20k hp as a tankassin) but today I was able to cap 1v2 vs some shadows alderaan because neither had pvp gear at all. You just get shredded in PvE gear; skill hardly enters into it unless you count not getting targeted.
  13. The Jedi Consular is more powerful than anyone else in the Force. The shielding technique he learns is incredibly power and most that use it die after only a few times. The consular uses it a bunch of times and is no worse for wear. The fact that he can do this shows how strong he is in the Force. Just because it isn't flashy like force lightning doesn't mean he isn't the strongest in the Force.


    Uh... where is it stated that he's more powerful? You missed a lot of dialogue if you think you can use the shielding technique and be just fine. It's stated that it almost kills you. Of course, they screwed the pooch when they wrote the consular and that doesn't really show up beyond dialogue, but it's there.


    Besides, we're talking about who would win in a fight. What's the consular gonna do? Shield him to death... from... uh...? It's a technique with a pretty limited application, whereas the Inquisitor's story ability seems pretty good for defense and attack. As a bonus...



    The inquisitor gets to bind a DS or neutral Consular's ghost to himself after killing him! Yes!


  14. The Republic one had its fun parts (the old guy), but I thought the Imperial one was better because it was more purposeful. You actually had some idea of what you were fighting and what its capabilities were by the time you got to the end. On Republic side you hardly learn a thing about the artifact's capabilities until you fight it.
  15. If we're talking raw power, I'd say SI would only have a chance of winning if he/she



    kept the ghosts as they enhance raw power. SI had to consume several to beat Thanaton.


    Only because...



    You're not at full strength the first time you fight him. If you think about it, halfway through the SI's rise to power, she chases Thanaton out of his own rooms. There's a long period in there when the Inquisitor is still becoming more powerful, but needs to control the ghosts before a rematch.



    I didn't see a lot to indicate the Consular is really all that powerful. Spent most of the story doing diplomacy, whereas the Inquisitor has some of the most powerful Sith out there gunning for her from near day 1.

  16. By the way, where are the huge class and AC changes in 1.2 and 1.3 that threw Maras/Sents and Pyros/Vans completely out of balance with the other classes, essentially making them the DPS gods that everyone maligns so much now? I'll tell you where. They don't exist.


    "Minor Tweaks" can make a huge difference to advanced classes. Sure. This I will not deny. But minor tweaks of the sort you point out do not impact combat in a way that changes TTK and DPS burst overnight for all classes across the board. Only a global stat like Expertise can have that sort of impact.


    Marauders and PT pyro have been great for ages. People just didn't notice until hybrid sorcs and grav round got nerfed.

  17. Did anyone else notice that in this hypothetical situation where the operative outgears the PT and manages to get all his openers off, and has full health to the PT's 40-50%, he still needs someone else to come along and finish the job? I got a kick out of that.
  18. Noted.


    It doesn't change the fact the healer in your "training mission" *cough* *cough* looks like a scrub with 4 buttons.


    Don't be bitter cause you got fooled.


    What gets me about a lot of the forumites here calling "photoshop" and whatnot is how unlikely it is someone would actually photoshop something so.... unrealistic. I mean, if I was trying to convince people, I'd probably use a scoreboard that showed someone winning 2% to 0% or something, and definitely take out the mumble overlay and probably a few other changes.


    As for the sorc only doing 10 damage.... look at what the opposing dps are: sorcs and snipers with one warrior and a tankassin. I don't know about y'all, but I usually don't run over to snipers to use a knockback on them. For all we know, the melee were all at a different node while the sorc healed mid.

  19. Just because I know how to deal with something doesn't mean it isn't overpowered and unfair.


    Funny, when your side of the debate attacked Guarded by the Force which is one of the most easily countered and avoided abilities in the entire game yet is constantly yelled at for being "OP'ed" by many.


    The problem is Orbital Strike has no weaknesses as an ability.




    1. It on a class that has an instant ability that grants it the power to not be able to be interrupted.

    2. It is on a class that has another ability that lets it become completely immune to all forms of CC.

    3. It is on a class that is already very strong against melee, and shuts off all melee gap closers, and can call this down onto targets who are in melee range.


    This ability shouldn't be on a class with all of that without some way for other classes to counter it.


    You seem to be forgetting that the "class" (agent) doesn't have interrupt immunity or cc immunity. Snipers do.


    If you don't consider a ~5s delay from the start of the cast to the first damage a weakness, I don't know what to tell you. If you plan to continue to ignore all the counters that have already been listed--like using a defensive cooldown or just killing someone else--I have to conclude you're here to whine about something you find annoying rather than an OP ability.


    Juggernauts can become completely immune to CC more often, have mulitple leaps, and spam a free aoe snare. Go complain about that. As it is you look like yet another Marauder who thinks he's awesome because of his skill and wants things that annoy him to be nerfed. Marauders are FOTM even though they've changed little since launch. People are just noticing now that grav round and hidden strike are basically gone.


    And you know, coming from a guy that has played an operative since release, it's *really* funny hearing a maurader complaining about the woes of melee. "Ohhh, I cannotuse my gap closer. Woe!"

  20. Farming EC hard mode with my main and having it completed with 3 other characters I don't own a single Aratech Fire ... but when filling up for spontaneous story mode or twink runs we usually state that gear and experience is not optional. This also means that either you're a twink of someone we know or you'll have to be in at least full Rakata to be taken into EC story mode ... this might seem counterproductive, but in the end it pays for all members of the raid.

    We're not looking to progress through the raid, but blaze through it in as little time as possible for BH tokens.

    This is also true for Flashpoints where even some that struggle to keep up with the pace thank me and complement the group on the run ... it's a really common mindset to play to get things done and have fun because of it.


    Yeah, I don't have much to say about how guilds handle these things internally. My point originally was just that if you intend to pug regularly--and a lot of people do on my server--requiring everyone or particularly a single role to already have experience and outgear the place is bad for the server, long-term.


    I agree about having fun getting things done; it's one of the things I appreciate about pugs. I often prefer a full pug to a partial guild run because a lot of times the guild members cut each other slack , goof off, take breaks and do other things that slow things down.

  21. "LFM EC come to me riding on your Aratech Fire or no invite"

    How would you fake that?


    I'd laugh at you. I don't even want in a group that thinks it needs to overgear everything with experienced players to be successful. Heck, I saw this in WoW--"PST for invite with ach link"--and I didn't join their lousy groups either. The rest of what you said isn't even worth responding to. It amounts to "I've heard a lot of people say this, but all of them are wrong and I am right." You have your reasons, of course, for thinking that the people who disagree with you are lazy or ignorant or whatever, but people always have reasons for thinking what they do.

  22. Oh my gods



    Where do people come up with stuff like that? You're making stuff up and not seeing the full context of all that was said.


    For someone complaining about being taken out of context, you sure didn't worry to much about trying to understand where I'm coming from. Where do "people" come up with this stuff? How about "not all people are exactly like you."


    1. I don't really "plan to pug". That just does not sound right. Pugging is always the last resort. Sometimes it needs to be done when there is no other choice.


    I pug. Period. I'm not interested in joining a guild because for RL reasons I can't raid regularly. This point here is really at the core of your entire... misunderstanding, I guess. If logging in with plans to pug something doesn't make sense to you, I'm not sure we have any common ground.


    You could have save d a lot of typing if you had just said, "that doesn't apply to me because I rarely pug" or something. Honestly, dude, if you don't understand something, instead of throwing a hissy fit, stop and think for two seconds.

  23. Well you'd also have to suffer the other Sentinel flaw... In order to do any damage to any target you'd have to be within 4 meters so Roots might as well be stuns to you.


    Oh, yes, marauders are so flawed. They need buffs. They're not FOTM, and never will be. It's a shame Bioware and the other players can't see all the terrible, terrible issues your class has to deal with. Clearly, they need buffs relative to the other classes, or at least those classes that can counter them need nerfs.

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