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Posts posted by Annikus

  1. I need a better explanation...the blog says people with sub will have unlimited access...no additional charge...then at the bottom it talks about all this custom gear and perks that can be bought with coins...so even people with subs will have extra cost if they want that ****?...is that what its gonna be? If so, i think thats bull crap. Is that what they are saying?...I've never played a sub model like that so i don;t know.
  2. I agree with the guy earlier...a sub translates to 50 cents a day...thats the equivilent of stopping by the arcade (yes i am dating myself) and playing a couple games of pac-man...except we get to play all day and night if we want...thats not bad at all. Yes we are customers...yes we have a say...but my lord, sometimes you gotta let the chips fall where they may. None of us are being pillaged.
  3. seen alot of people talking about how bio is slacking ect...I'm just wondering about how much EA's management plays into or dictates how much or how little Bio is able to do. Anyone know more about this...maybe this is a topic for a new forum. Everyone harshes Bio, few get their back. I'm a stand up for whats right kind of person. I really like the game, I will be as patient as I need to be...and yeah, I've been angry at times to...my main is a merc deeps and my pvp is a concealment agent...so I know some of that pain.
  4. rechecked i still only see 4 us servers


    Or instead of wasting all that space in a page, you could just tell them to go Account -> Character Transfer to see the updated list.



    go to your account page...i listed the servers here but the troll below me was sore that I was taking up too much free space trying to help out...

  5. Okay everybody just wait patiently and hopefully in a month or so everything will be worked out....


    What a load of crap.


    I guess i'm just going to wait for Star Wars 1313.


    I know some of you people have no problem being sheep and waiting patiently... Playing the same PvP warzones... Over... and Over.... With no change... Do you people eat toast every day of your life? There needs to be more variety... Oh i'm sure they will add new content in a few months..... Great another 30-55 dollars down the drain to wait for them.... You know i'm sure EA pleases about 51% of there paying customers.... What about the other 49%? That's not a great way to run a business.


    who u callin a sheep, PUSSYcat? just j/k...tell me what game adds new **** like you describe?? ima play that one

  6. Then here is my say...please commincate with your customers...my server; Lord Pravan, is not the highest pop by any means, but its not uultra dead either...so does our guild fall apart while we wait to see what's going to happen and nothing may happen for our server? I wish they would release a list of servers that will eventually be opened to transfer and give a time table for those...the more we know the less we complain.


    (Force Persuade) Bioware - you want to commincate with your customers

  7. While resulting in causing others who don't post who are on the fence to unsub.


    To every pointing finger, there are three more of your own fingers pointed right back at the pointer. ;)


    I agree..my bad...just tired of people constantly complaining and not being patient...its the instant gratification generation....please forgive MY impatience.

  8. i see a slight loss...sometimes the HSM appears to hit right...sometimes its lower than I think it should be; however, according to parser testing in HM Denova we are still comparable to marauders. I know a lot of you don;t believe that, but I've seen it with my own eyes. We all have top line tier gear. Maybe you need the stat adjusts to be figured in. Older tier gear was heavy on accuracy. If you were a gamer you would have stripped and replaced those mods with crit/surge...I did and mayeb thats why I am not that bad off. Any of you considered hunting down all of the aim/cunning datacrons too? I am over 2k aim now and really not noticing a remarkable difference...in that, our group is able to complete HM Denova. Sorry to portray myself as a supported by the bio devil. They no doubt should look at it and rework the tooltips...which I think is where a lot of issues are coming from. The tooltip still has us badder than we actually are. Play the game because you like it...so long all you quitters; have fun on the next 10 mmo's you play. I'm sticking it out.
  9. ***..I all ever see is people ************ (me included)...this has all gotta stop guys...these forums should be something constructive....things change...games change...mechanics change...its part of EVERY game. Every game will get old...idc what you play...its really about the type of game you like playing. Find other ways to enjoy yourself. So someone took your fav cookie...theres other cookies out there...branch out...lets get back to some gamer solidarity for christ sake.
  10. They may or may never fix the prob...I'm running HM Denova without issue (albeit less damage) and still out gunning the gearred elitist marauder in my group...I'm not worried. Its not worth leaving a game I enjoy. I will find new pleasure in owning people on my operative!...watch yer backs...da Schoolbus gonna come for ya...
  11. I absolutely agree. Overall we are doing less damage and that needs to be looked at. However, heat sigs are NOT the problem and people need to quit saying they don't work because they do and it's clouding the real issue.




    Why would we trust you when we've tested it ourselves and found it's NOT broken? Your MMO vet status means nothing next to hard numbers. Both my post and a post on the last page show it is indeed working.


    I know what I see...I know what my parser says. TO ME, it appears that heat sigs are not working FOR HSM...heat sig is not broken...HSM is broken (because it is not recognizing the heat sigs). No idea why it is different for you or whoever else. Both me and another merc I know have the same issue...both of us are in Lord Praven...no idea but I'm not going to argue with you when I know what "raw numbers" i saw.

  12. I like the way you put everything...one addition...mercs are dead in pve now too. This whole thing is insane!!...and worst of all. Bioware couldn't care less...where's the yellow posts?? the ones i see do not address the current heatseeker issues at all. Now I have to go merc pyro...yeah...thats reeaallll viable for pve. Its their plan to make people reroll...then they will nerf the hell out of that class too. There was nothing wrong before. Way to treat your customers.
  13. I'm convinced a GM got owned in pvp by a merc so they decided to initiate a flurry of nerfs and ninja nerfs...we;re dead now...blizzard did the same thing to my warlock...want to talk about not fair?? read some of the below posts. I run with people of every class...why are warriors and snipers so op now huh??...explain that!! Where's the "balance"...this is total ******** and I am huge SWTOR fan...feel like I have been slapped in the face.
  14. I'm not one to QQ...this is definitely broken and I am def not playing a merc anymore. I'd quit the damn game over this kind of crap in any other mmo but I really love SWTOR. Its too bad bioware takes the word or testers over that of players..we obviously "test" this **** every day. So now I let my guild down...now I can't run in my high end ops group. Angry does not describe how I feel. This needs to be fixed.
  15. Forgive me if another post exists on this topic; I do not have time to search it out.


    There is a major problem (at least on Lord Praven) with heat signatures. Heatseeker missle is hitting for less than the tooltip says even with 5 heat signatures. The lowest hit I have seen is 1900 (with 5 stacks). I didn't cry when you nerfed us..I can take that, but this is absolutley unacceptable...and to not even acknowledge there is a problem makes it worse. I figured I would wait until Tuesday, figured they would fix it on the reset; nope. Same issues. I don't know if it is heat signatures in general or just the heatseeker, but it effects the heatseeker for sure. My dps went from 1700-1800 to 1053-1190.


    This is the type of **** that loses subscribers. Ackowledge the problem and fix it! To leave a class broken is unacceptable!..All the extra time bioware has given out doesn't mean anything if I can't enjoy playing the class I want.

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