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Posts posted by Nemrodh

  1. Doubt that many of the new f2p members will get to level 50 and so help the game in any way, because the F2P model BioWare is doing is so restictive that F2P members will just not feel welcome here and leave soon enough.


    Pretty much my thoughts as well.

  2. 1. Our game is awesome. People love it and want to play it.


    2. The subscription requirement was driving away huge numbers of people who do not want to commit to paying monthly.


    3. The frequency of our Game Updates was way too slow. People were leaving because we were not releasing new content fast enough to keep up with the pace at which it was being consumed.


    1. the game is broken, with many many issues. I know my self and others have addressed, I know for a fact that even some bioware employees had agreed and posted about in the beta forums before launch. While it looks stunning, you have failed to understand the wants and needs of MMO players. And the idea of a deliverable product.


    2. If you think that statement is true you should really retire now. as YOU clearly have no clue what the player base wants as players. While I know F2P can be a good thing. If it is controlled or structured by EA, its going to end up like so many other company's they have destroyed. in the trash and completely useless. the real issue is you served both customer service and game play at a substandard. Sorry the excuse that it was a *new game* and a freshly launched game is not a good enough excuse. You say you have a couple games under your belt and have been in the industry for 12 years. You would think with the amount time in MMO games and with the amount of MMO games out there you would by now understand what they want. And with the technology level be able to at least produce a game at the current fielded level of the MMO gaming not take steps backwards.

    WoW wouldn't have 10million subs. EQ, L2 would not have lasted as long as they have. SWG still had subs until its forced closer. Other games that while they sucked still held on to subs and are able to continue functioning. And Eve one of the most brutal games out there still using a sub and slowly growing in players.


    3. Again. You seem to be lost. It was not the issue at all. The problem was the content you put out was substandard and in some cases completely broken. I wont get in to the fact that what *bioware* said was going to be released and what was actually released was 2 completely different things.


    On a side note. Instead of focusing on continuing to turn this in to a money grab for EA I.E. turn the game in to F2P, you should have been focusing on fixing the issues at hand and listening to the customer base that you forcefully shunned and pushed away and fix the game at hand.


    PS. maybe you should have been the one in charge of the art department as the top tier gear is ugly as hell.. And by looking at your tattoo(or your tattooist) you have a better grasp at what looks cool then the current art department.

    Also the BS about developers leaving and what not is just that BS. its better to not say anything at all then to put out false statements. it make us think you think we are idiots or tools and don't actually follow whats going on behind closed doors. Some of us live in austin and know bioware employees. And it bothers me to hear from my friend about the truth and then see lies posted.

    Your *awards* mean nothing if the game is failing....


    (PS: i apologize of for grammar errors and spelling.)

  3. Rabble!




    All I got out of that post.


    At first i was like troll.. then i saw your sig. and i was like. he played SWG.. he knows what a game looks like when its a complete and utter failure..


    While SWTOR has issues. its not as bad as SWG .. yet.

  4. If your going to cancel your sub or stop playing then do it. Leave the rest of us the heck alone, We like the game and are going to patiently wait for it to progress. Thanks. :)


    Shh gamers are posting..


    We obviously care more for the game then you. or you would be voicing your opinion of what needs to be fixed..


    *Im not saying to cancel or stop liking the game.


    Just realize its not to what was promised or advertized nor up to par with the gaming standard.


    So instead of posting this why not just ignore the forums.. problem solved.

  5. yes because this is still 2004, and haven't seen countless other mmo's rise and fall to learn from there mistakes.


    So by all means, lets launch a game going the same mistakes as others.


    Its funny, i hear how everyone complains about WoW, don't compare the game to wow its been out for 7 years. its not the same. but the second you say what a crappy start this game is you all go crying and scream how fail wow's launch was...


    So while i could understand some small issues, but even rift was smart enough to put in idea's from wow to keep them from looking like wow year one..

  6. Discuss.


    I like this, if only it was suggested during beta, or the FFA forums or even discussed by bioware before, it might have happened.. even though it had a hugh following. along with not making a cyborg race.. that should have been an option for current races..


    I do hope they actually put it in. but i wont hold my breath.

  7. Not if you opened the box and entered your registration code for your FREE 30 DAYS of PLAY.

    Thank you, bought 2 online(unopened), but i think ill return it to walmart. at least there I can return it for gift card and buy groceries with it. =)


    *edit; the first 30 days come with the purchase that IS NOT free. I paid for those. If it was free then i would not have had to buy the game in the first place.

  8. **more character slots.

    8 per server is more then enough.


    That a complete line up per server of all republic or empire.


    I know wow 10 if memory serves.. But they had more classes. honestly i don't see this as a game break or game necessity.


    But Good luck in your crusade. I wont go against it as it doesn't effect me.

  9. Today's problems could have been avoided by listening to feedback given 2 weeks ago. So yes, they could benefit greatly from valuing their community.


    I agree, the thing is Ive covered all of this in 4 different posts on both the closed and open beta testing in Sept and Oct. I was not the only voicing these opinions to including other employees of bioware on the closed beta.


    And then to top it off with this founder title. that should be given to anyone who pre-ordered and played during launch. hugh money grab before a failing game.


    I would not be surprised for more money grabbing ideas coming out soon.

  10. It takes a lot for me to become upset.


    I think it actually upsets me most because i had actual faith that this was going to be an awesome game. i had faith from other bioware games this was going to be another of there greats.


    I even understood the reasons for early launch, i understand the reasons why CS is lacking. i was willing to wait it out.


    but this.. this is just a money grab and stinks of SOE all over again. and to sink to SOE style of game play and management.. is insulting, SOE didn't get away with it why do they think they will. SWG failed.. died. this is what i see for TOR now.


    So I am sorry for being an ******.. but damn.. I love SW and I really liked Bioware. they have disspointed me.

  11. I can not even describe the insult i feel about this now.


    This is the biggest f-u to my face i have ever, ever seen. short of SOE's bs.


    You, bioware, FAILED to delivery a game you said would not be released early, 7 years behind in the the construction.. and the BALLS to offer a title that should be given to anyone who pre-ordered and played during pre-launch and launch.


    But are only offering to those that pay for this first few months. During a time that it should have been in beta. this is nothing but a money grab scheme. And i can not believe you would sink to this level.


    I had the ME3 pre-ordered.. Ill be cancelling that now. I will never buy a bioware game again.


    I am highly insulted by this.


    I had faith that this might turn around. never did i expect it to go this route.


    founding member my arse...

  12. I can not even describe the insult i feel about this now.


    This is the biggest f-u to my face i have ever, ever seen. short of SOE's bs.


    You, bioware, FAILED to delivery a game you said would not be released early, 7 years behind in the the construction.. and the BALLS to offer a title that should be given to anyone who pre-ordered and played during pre-launch and launch.


    But are only offering to those that pay for this first few months. During a time that it should have been in beta. this is nothing but a money grab scheme. And i can not believe you would sink to this level.


    I had the ME3 pre-ordered.. Ill be cancelling that now. I will never buy a bioware game again.


    I am highly insulted by this.


    I had faith that this might turn around. never did i expect it to go this route.


    And take time before you post to read the dev tracker and understand what they're saying. Stop acting so entitled, and maybe we'd take you all more seriously.



    i don't feel entitled. I am feeling they didn't deliver what was promised nor listen to the closed/open beta testers nor taken a look at what a MMO community wants.


    They released a game that is 7 years behind the times, called it an mmo, its nothing more then a fancy linear RPG. lacking in real playability..


    yes i prefer a sandbox with theme. there needs to be a balance between sandbox and theme park so the experience is finished in complete encompassing manner so it feels fleshed out like your livng the dream. Not just single linear story.

  14. So before he went to SOE he was cool and then he was not....shouldnt that make him cool again now he works for Bioware?


    If not for the fact i feel ToR is not were it should be. no he is not cool. he is a bumbling idiot who has gotten very lucky..

  15. Richard Vogel is cool in my book. Anyone who helped create the original Ultima Online deserves my respect. I don't know the guy, but because of the wonderful gift and memories of UO that he helped give me, I count him as a friend.


    There are problems with the game, but... Hands off Richard Vogel.



    SOE = butt crack of gaming. I mean this in the most respectable way possible. And if he has his hand and is bring the same quality SOE has.. well ill not have to worry about re-subbing later..

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