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Posts posted by stormie_sarge

  1. Nobody is defending Bioware here... you said there is no point to Lost Island in the title of your thread, and people are trying (helpfully) to point out that there is, in fact, a "point" to doing it. (many reasons, actually).


    It may be fail that you can't use your speeder, and yes the runs back can be long, but that doesn't take away from the fact that there are reasons to do the flashpoint.


    Again, I'm only saying this because, you accused someone of defending failures in the flashpoint because they listed concrete benefits of doing Lost Island. Maybe you can use the knowledge they shared and, when looking for group mates, list of the rewards and benefits of doing Lost Island with you.


    You seem more bent out of shape that people don't agree with you than you do about the fact that the flashpoint has difficulties.


    Welcome to the internet and why most people that play SWTOR dodge most of the forums. There is a small amount of people that spend amny hours each day trying to stir up people for their entertainment. This posters seems to be one of them.


    On the note of Lost Island not being worth it, some people will shy away from a challenge, and then complain about it, it happens. On the flip side it is refreshing that there is a large amount of more difficult content that is coming out of the woodworks. Even if the gear food stamp machine doesnt work with this one, poeple that are playing the game for fun stuff to clear like this flash point. Is it perfect, no, but there will never be anything perfect.

  2. honestly this topic is amusing, given that what the game companies are trying to push is the subscription model with normal games. Look at what the next gen systems are promising, no used games, required P2DLC and pay to play with an online license after buying the game. Now I am unsure about the latest craze, but you already have to pay for xbox live and PSonline, so what is the difference here?
  3. well why dont we throw a comprimise and allow a cross planet group chat and inpliment a level approriate LFG tool for the non hard mode flashpoints?


    I still think there needs to be something that would allow players to get together more then just clicking the LFG tool once you hit 50.

  4. since I have played wow (till SWTOR came out) LFg was a tool that did allow for some great fast groupings. The issues that it presented me was


    -bad players playing badly because there is no way for them to be disciplined for their behavior/playing (just reque)


    -playing ninjaing just because they are greedy


    -speed runners, who fit into catagory one, gripe and grief everyone for not taking the shortest route to beat the dungeon


    -entitlementers, who think that they are gods gift to the world, and they know their videogames like its their life (prolly is but most people dont care)


    -having maybe 1 in 50 enjoyable runs due to mostly the above problems, but sometimes with others which are usually unique

  5. The Op looks at the world through rose tinted glasses.


    An MMO released just as we hit 2012 with such hype and grand promises that fell far short of its own pre release description. Thats more like the review it should get.


    Theres no need to go into detail how for many the "stunning" game graphics are unobtainable. How the challanges of the FP's and Ops is only challenging due to the fact its only the bugs make them even remotely difficult to complete.

    How if you guessed wrong with your server selection your now sat on a dead server with no other option but to reroll on another server. losing all your legacy levels never mind having to start the game all over again. Thats if you can be bothered to.

    How despite being live for 4 months now the sheer volume of unrectified bugs and faulty game mechanics defies reasoning.

    How the "superb" world PvP failed so badly it is even acknowledged by the game developers as "redundent".

    How the game targeting system is one of the worst in the MMO market.


    Its an OK game to play if you play it without trying to hold it to the bull**** Bioware and EA hyped it out to be. Just don't get your expectations up that this game is ever going to be polished or last beyond EA's forecast projection for milking max profits for minimum input. Once they hit that the game will be rolled up.


    Umm hate to burst your bubble, but that is the business philosophy for almost any business. Honestly I am still impressed with how SWTOR was implimented, and I enjoy going into the new content and replaying the fps with freinds and guildies. Is it perfect, no, and I wish there was several features in it still. I would love to see a sandbox area developed, expanded crafting options (it seems like we are getting a huge chunk in 1.2). I hope that the nightmare mode that they release in 1.2 is insane, like c'thun crazy. If the people complaining about there not being enough content are the same ones who only go raid and do whatever, meh, get a life and dont play 3-? hours a day expecting the silver platter to come to your specific whines. Honestly though, the game is doing a ton better then WOW at the moment. Why, WOW got boring and predictable with its content, plus the nerf bat is swung every second on their content making it all boring.

  6. How many people are too busy playing the game to come to the forums and answer this question? Most of the people I talk to in game never come to the forums because all people do is whine.


    I would say about in my guild of about 90, maybe three come to the forums due to the negetivity that is present. Oh and we get on average 30-40% weekly night by night attendence with a spike to about 5-70% depending on the weekend. And we are a republic guild.

  7. honestly I think that making a "open market area" or something where players can set up stores or something in that nature would immeansly push forward the sandbox element that people so want. I do think that themepark is the way to go though for the raiding game, just due to what is needed to make raiding not a bugfest. Yes Yes I know that there is a GTN for selling, but that just doesn't always do the job :(. Plus you could impliment some more crafting to make some of the other elements of the open market be buildable or something like that.
  8. I honestly wish that they will go about the scaling in a very slow fashion. If they always provide a quick way to proceed to the latest tier of content, they will render obsolete all the rest of the content. This is not fun :(. If they add content but only provide small helpers (like earpeice and implant commendation vendors only) it still allows for older content to be relavent, while still haveing new content better prepare you to proceed. WOW's new hyper accelerated content run just makes it so boring after like 2 weeks after a content patch comes out, due to all previous content now being obsolete (and nerfed to hell). BW please do not follow the blind side of the MMO world :)
  9. +1 for hitting the nail on the head. Unless rated WZ's improve the game a ton i know a ton of ppl that will be leaving. The game just gets plain boring and now that the casuals want to take any kind of incentive away from pvp..like armor well......


    Ya but there is no other MMO's out there that are better the SWTOR right now. Ya some people who play games in all their free time will get bored and will come back n such for a while. It all happens. PS for the love of all that is sane, do not say some certain other name MMO or the soon to be coming MMO killer are anything, they aren't, but will fill their own niches.

  10. I think that this game does have some elements of the Pie, and more importantly the foundations of Pie. While they have a large amount of cake (I enjoy running dungeons and such) it would be interesting to see some elements of Pie thrown in. Colicoid War Games is a good example of something that is a deviation from the norm. I am hopeing that they make the space aspect as immearsive as the ground content too, though I understand that will be a long and tireing coding process. If they get it off that will really shake up the MMO world, especially if it is able to both simualate the fun of the fighter games with the immearsion of the MMO universe. maybe that will be their "flying" mounts lol. They could also turn some new planets into the fabled sandbox, but that would be an experiment that would definitly turn alot of heads. I think that spaceship customation will be the first step into the world of sandboxing that is talked about though. It would be pretty cool to customize our ships :)
  11. You're off your rocker if you think the customers are the ones responsible for providing themselves with a proper product.


    I'm not even sure you truly grasp the meaning of what you wrote.


    I grasp what I wrote, what I am comparing to is the peopel that think everything should be done for them without any effort. They want easy loot, easy groups, no interaction, and all the benefits that are provided. People demand that they have everything WOW has brought about through many years of playtesting and such. You expect a competitor to copy all these long tested innovations in the industry (which if they copied the code from blizz, it is one hell of a lawsuit). SO they have to heavily playtest the concept until it is stable enough to be launched. Also given that I suspect that there is alot of other innovations other then copying other MMOs being developed by BW, I would give them time and enjoy the product they have out now instead of skipping everything just because you only enjoy one aspect. If that is your goal why are you playing this game to begin with? if you want you WOW, SWG, wtc in new game form?

  12. People expect to have everything served up on a silver platter. Sadly they are the same indidviduals who dont want to work for anything and want it all handed to them without any effort. Hopefully the ones who are not so ignorant of how the world works will endure and we can all have a pleasant expereince with the game.
  13. Ynow it is more of the concept that these people can complain and whine and moan n groan with no concept of responsibility for their actions. Internets people are usually like this. Now if they thought something was too easy, they would actually share detailed accounts of what could be improved etc etc etc. You have to ignore the kids who act like it is their privilidge to have everything tailored to them, regardless if they have done anything with it yet. Remember these are the same kids that think that they deserve everything handed to them on a silver platter. (PS I know this is not everyone, but there are alot of em that have this atttitude, which translates into internet nerd rage fits.)
  14. If he was trying to write a legitimate blog, he would have provided pros and cons instead of just having a 100% pure bashfest in his blog, then he would learn what spellcheck is and have a revelation of proofreading. It all takes like 10 mins of life.


    Why is it that people who are trying to fight against TOR have such horrid views that just dissolve their arguement? :confused:

  15. IMHO if they nerf the normal modes it really doesnt matter. But for those of us in casual raiding guilds, it might take us a while because they are mostly composed of real life poeple that take a bit at a time to clear everything. Now I am not sure if there is a feature that allows for lockout extensions yet (been slowly working my way through the leveling process), but I am a husband, college engineering student, and entrepenuer. Life takes precedent over gaming and I can only do it a fraction of when I was a kiddy. But to have a nice insane challenge is something to shoot for, clearing a raid on normal is more like something cool to do, but the nightmare modes and such are the hard yet fun challenges.


    I will echo the sentiment that there should be a near impossible raid setting that sits on a cliff mocking all. When I played WOW I loved hearing all the MURU horror stories that was told, and the reminiscing on Cthun. It creates a fun atmosphere that lets you know there is still something sinister out there in more then a story way.

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