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Posts posted by Ewoktookmyspeedr

  1. I got bounced from three threads in like 10 minutes. Even went over to the one that they said to go to so I could keep trolling and stuff. BAM! closed two minutes later. lawl. That was the 80 page one too. Also, in before this thread gets locked...
  2. But it really does seem like they are intentionally avoiding telling people what they plan to do. I mean all of the Dev posts, all the interviews with Gabe and George are all terribly vague and evasive. You would think they would want to sell the patch. But lol. Even torhead has the next lol Rift patch advertised and what do we have over here? a blank pts forum, a down server with no reason (this is the thursday shutdown of doom) and a ton of cover up of the bad PR by all of the QQ threads getting locked down before many people can read em.
  3. This kind of thing shouldn't be a surprise to anybody. Nor should anybody be under the impression that posting here will accomplish anything but let everybody know you mad.

    We are all a bunch of tools. So lets be good tools and sit quietly and wait for permission to play again.

  4. Perhaps they are implementing 1.2? At least I hope that's what this is for. And EU players sorry but there are a lot more American players so that's why the patch came during your peak time rather then ours, it's just logistics. Although I do agree the patch should have been implemented at like 3AM EST this morning around 8AM your time to avoid this but, lets just pray they are putting 1.2 in to place.


    Not likely.

  5. zomg Blizz! DubbyateeEff! what TF are you trying to do to us? How dare you try to fix any one of the multitude of issues with your game that all of us forum trash complain about on a daily basis? Like, hello? I payed my 15 a month to play whenever I want, and they pee on my focking rug?

    That rug really tied the room together, did it not? The Europeans are not the issue here...

    I'm talking about drawing a line in the sand, man... across this line you do not... Am I wrong?

    Anybody see where this is going? Take a pill bro. Get one of your nice warm European beers and chill for a couple minutes.

  6. It's not perception. It's a fact.




    Of course it would be better. It would be 1/3rd better than the first point is better than no points.


    That's the point. In other words, the first point is three times more better than the second point is more better on average.


    Hence, why you invest 1/2.




    Oh, but it IS 50% + 50% of 50% if you assume a generic event of two hits within the "internal control on frequency" window.


    Because the first hit has a 50% chance to proc, and the second hit has a 50% chance to proc in the 50% of events where the first hit did NOT proc. Hence a combined 75% chance for either to proc, and a 25% to totally whiff.


    Why are we discussing high school statistics.


    Given the internal control on frequency, with the presence of a second point there is no second dice roll to check for another proc. Because there is no second dice roll, there is no diminished return to the second point. Your argument would be sound if the sum of the points did not preclude the failure of the talent to proc. It must proc every three seconds if two points are taken and the necessary event takes place. If the sum of the two percentages was for instance 90%, your perception would be valid. In this case, I don't think it applies. I will concede however that given the relative constraints of the number of optional points available, it could be determined to be of less value than perhaps some of the other points. I could also see, however, that another point from Dual Wield Mastery into Jedi Crusader might in fact yield greater dps in the long run since every 6 seconds there would be enough focus (assuming one focus is always pooled) for a "free" slash.


    In response to your quip about this being high school statistics. This is what theorycrafting exists to figure out. Don't come into a discussion forum to be a pedant, come into the forum to discuss mechanics and Theory.

  7. I am of the opinion that due to the 3s cooldown 2 points is a waste.

    In 3s, if someone is hitting you, you are probably going to get hit twice. Which gives you a 75% chance to get a free focus on average, if you have one point in there. So basically, if you go 2 points in then you are spending a talent point for a 25% increased chance to get a focus per 3s. Which makes the first point, more or less three times more valuable than the second one.


    So for me, that first point is worth it, but the second one is not. But then it's entirely up to you. Some people dont even go with the first point, going with the idea that they gain enough focus anyway.


    I would think, that given the prerequisite conditions are met, that each attack that lands would be considered in a vacuum. Therefore, it is entirely possible with only one point, that you could not get focus from this talent ever, hence the RNG. Even given the perception of a diminished return on the second point, wouldn't it be better to have a guaranteed 1 focus every three seconds, than to have a 50% chance twice, to the same end or not at all? It's not 50% plus 50% of 50%. Its 50% per roll of the dice with an internal control on frequency.

  8. I feel like this is the overall best spec that accomplishes all contingencies and maintains maximum and immediate uptime on our Dots.




    Inflammation is must have imo. This, however, does not preclude you from using leg slash.

    It just makes sure that you are not immediately losing ground on a fast thinking opponent.


    I would like some elaboration on why only one point into Jed Crusader is optimal. In my experience any RNG dynamic in pvp is bogus and will eventually bone you. But for the sake of compliance with the general consensus my build only includes one point in it.

  9. I'm interested to know more about how this performs. Lay out for me what your damage and rotation priority are. I would like more information on your decision against Merciless Slash. I'm, in particular, interested in how much you use Force Sweep and Blade Storm. This build has a potential to overflow with focus without a major dump such as Merciless Slash. Does Blade Storm replace it in the rotation? More of this general information on the playstyle and the ethos behind the build would be helpful to determining how I might use it. Given also that you are full Battlemaster geared, is your relative crit rate high enough that perhaps the value of that extra 15% crit has decayed somewhat? Or is it not an issue of diminished return at this point. As a result of this build, do you more highly than usual try to stack accuracy to make the most of those Slashes?

    In advance, I'm not trolling. I'm genuinely interested in hearing more. I appreciate the time you took to post it for our edification, and would further appreciate elaboration.

  10. Just like arenas, having rated systems that create incentive to organize groups and break the boundaries of the system, only serves to exacerbate known issues of imbalance. Remember that in all things the business of business is business. They aren't going to make a decision that would effectively shoot themselves in the foot. The whole Egame mentality in WoW was only for to the benefit of the very very few, and it did not serve to make the game better at all. Ask just about anybody. The lol "known" pvpers should go play FPS games and leave this game to decent people. I revel in my mediocrity, but I still want to enjoy the game.
  11. If by March 19th they have not announced Rated WGZ sometime in March before the sub fee hits get ready to see 20-30 people tops on your Fleets...They really need to start being Vocal with Patches and stop delaying the news as of now if you dont have full champion gear/battlemaster then you aren't a PvPer but for those of us who are there is nothing to do and literally every week more and more known PvPer's unsub its getting pretty sad.


    While I agree that they need to be more vocal about the content they are in the process of creating, I hardly think that their lack of it will cause an "Exodus". Honestly I have been rolling alts just so that I wouldn't have to deal with this lag in content release. Everybody knows that these games take time to get rolling. At most we are only a couple months in. There are, I know, other people that feel the same way about people like you. Its best to wait it out until the people that think they are Leet and too good for any game that ground like fiends to get that top gear and lord it over everybody start to whine and leave to the next low hanging fruit of a game. Do us a favor and get on with it. You aren't "Known" and you won't be remembered you swingingcock.

  12. But I would go out on a limb and say that the majority of you folks that are here saying SWtor pvp sucks ***, are probably desperate TRION employees here on the forums trying to get more subs to come back to that pollished turd of a game that came out so few months ago. Of all the posts I did read I never heard Rift mentioned, and I don't think it belongs.

    This game is only a couple months old anyhow. Stop taking yourselves so seriously and just roll an alt until this stuff gets cleared up. In the end this is the newest game and as such has the best chance of getting the proverbial "it" right. Worst case scenario a new game comes out and everybody goes there. This isn't life or death. at least not for me. But then again I breath through my nose....;)

  13. This build is the extent to which you can hybridize without losing too much throughput to be worthwhile.




    This as opposed to the standard full out damage scrapper pvp build.




    Especially since the nerf, to be competitive dps wise you must take Flachette Round.

    Unlike pre-nerf hybrid builds you can't really get away with not taking Brow Beater to bump your dot damage.


    Again these are my observations. I very much prefer the first build. The utility that we lack from our Shadow/Assassin counterparts, is largely made up by our ability to heal. Capitalizing on that and strengthening those abilities gives a large degree of utility for your team and yourself.

  14. Like many of you, I have become used to the stealth toolbar so I can organize my abilities by priority and situation. What I have done to compensate for not having that bar, is to change the way in which I use my keybinds. I have also found that its not optional anymore to not have a gaming mouse. I use a Razer Naga with 12 buttons alone on the side to augment the limited number of "practical" buttons available for use as a non baddy pvper. Specifically as an alternative to putting shoot first on my main bar, I bound it to Q. I never never never use ctrl. for a modifier in PvP. It forces you to lose your anchor position on your control keys and is inferior to Alt. in most respects. The positional requirement for our most valuable attacks also necessitates that you keep your backpedal key bound for those instances where you are attacking and following a baddy that is back pedaling. This allows you counter kite a player, that is backpedaling away from you, by making parallel movements and still keeping your hitzone aligned with their backside zone to land backblast. If this explanation isn't clear please let me know. Also if you would like to know more of my keybinds just ask in this thread. Even given the stigmas around keyturning and backpedaling, you can never say never in regard to the possibility of needing to do anything in PvP. Never say Never. But even I am dubious about the practical application of keysteering. Backpedaling however has its uses for our class as a combination long range/kite and rogue rolled into one AC.
  15. Thus far, to my knowledge, they haven't done a thing with the legacy system. So why not make the first perk they give you be a bonus to XP when you level the mirror class of your main? Or something like this. In my experience it usually is the case that the entrenched players that have decked out their favorite toons don't want to reroll no matter how unfun it is just because of how long it will take to do it again. So make it worth their while. As these things usually go, half the people will say no **** that and spend 4 hours camping in Ilum ************ in guild chat about how bad this game sucks, whilst the other half levels up a toon on the other side. Its not a perfect idea, but it could work. They just have to get off the fence and make a decision like this. Opinions?
  16. However I would add something. Recount is the only addon I would be willing to go out on a limb for in this way. The concept of recount has a reasonable place in these kind of games, however, I think it should be implemented by the game designers to help eliminate inconsistencies and make it more than just a dps meter. There are alot of things that are important to gage in these games and the OP listed many of the most important ones. Tank avoidance mechanics along with absorbs and shield procs in this game could stand to be measured as well to help with gearing and stat priority at the end game. I don't see a good reason to limit what tools are available to players as a whole in an attempt to prevent what is ultimately an unchanging tendency of human nature. Elitism is engrained in our social system and will rear its ugly head in any way possible in any situation possible. People are nasty to eachother, and these games give folks who are nasty, or lack worth IRL, the means and method of abusing folks who they feel are beneath them for whatever reason. It doesn't matter why, it won't change no matter what they try to do with the mechanics. A jerk is gonna act like a jerk and that won't change either.
  17. "Discrimination is the prejudicial treatment of an individual based on their membership in a certain group or category. It involves the actual behaviors towards groups such as excluding or restricting members of one group from opportunities that are available to another group. The term began to be used as an expression of derogatory racial prejudice in the 1830s from Thomas D. Rice's performances as "Jim Crow"."




    Lawl. You can't be serious. There are alot of folks whose suffering is cheapened by that non-sense. Suck it up and just wait it out. It will be way more smooth this way anyhow.

    In a month, you won't care.

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