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Posts posted by wonderwarg

  1. Here is MY experience as a female going on 9 years of MMO gaming


    - Only been hit on ONE time. By a gay guy who assumed I was another guy.

    - So far the majority of people I've encountered in-game have been respectful and open minded, especially in EQ2 and SWTOR. The few bad experiences were mostly in WoW.


    I'm kinda feelin' left out here. So many females speak of these issues they have had, but my experience related to being a woman gamer has been pretty boring. I've been in a hard-core raid guild but have never done PvP, maybe that's why I've dodged the bullet?


    Surely there are others out there like me, maybe they're just the silent majority. Regardless, I do love these kind of threads. The Sociological aspect of gaming is interesting.

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