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Posts posted by xxzennxx

  1. yesterday i had to turn 197 centurion tokens, and 49 champion tokens into credit cases..one at a time... while i appreciate the credit exchange for the outdated currency, i felt there was a drastic need for a shift and click function to puchase large amounts at once. i apologize if this is already a feature and i simply couldnt figure out how to use it.

    In the case that this is not a feature, please implement it soon.


    thank you

  2. a agree good sir. often it feels like a long time in battle has gone by, and im dealing with LOTS of CC from bounty hunters to inquistors, and i have only ONE way to break it that only feals available maybe half the time =/ ..... thats not even counting getting knocked around half the time from all these classes with knockbacks that i dont have as a marauder..
  3. i know the Collectors edition store can be controversial, and i may get some flame my way for this lol, but i have speak my mind.


    The collectors edition store while a great idea, has alot of us feeling a little under whelmed. So to spruce it up a bit, and require minimal development time on biowares part(which is good so they can focus on more important issues), why not temporarily add items that are other wise being removed from the game such as the white saber crystals' and korrealis vehicles. Of course make all purchased items bound so you cant sell them for profit. This way, they remain purely asthetic like store is intended for, but gives the CE Store something a little more prized for those of us who have it.


    thanks for reading and ide like to hear peoples opinions on this.

  4. i noticed alot when im trying to PvP in a warzone or in the middle of combat, ill get the "mission complete/reward" window from my companions finishing a task i sent them on. its really conveniant most of the time, but really inapropriate in the middle of a PvP fight, specifically hutt ball lol.


    i would suggest you let it sit in the "pending" corner you have it in when your in the middle of a PvP or PvE battle.


    most appreciated =D

  5. I am disappointed to see the cross realm LFG tool being talked about as a future addition to the game. I was really hoping to keep that out of TOR just because of it's ability to destroy community in a game. I would be all for LFG server wide but cross realm is a no go for me.


    you might be correct if all servers had high population, but since the majority of servers are mid population or less, theres really no community left to worry about destroying. As it is, you can find countless threads about how the servers are dying. i for one think of this as a blessing. ive always loved the LFG system in WoW.

  6. i feel the same way as lots of people here. this is a great game, i really enjoy my experiance, however i can never find people to do heroic group missions with, or flashpoints ect. at most theres like 14 people on a planet im lvling on at any given time, its rather sad =( ... its time to admit theres a problem, and merge some servers or something bioware, preeeeeze!
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