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Posts posted by Battyone

  1. I see the valididity in your point however what at least a small portion of the pvp communities complaints is justified because if you look at the patch history there has been nearly no love to the pvp community within the past few months, the last big pvp update was 1.6. And also employees of bioware have been quoted in saying that the pvp community should be looking forward to some added content SHORTLY after 2.1. and then they came out and said we should be expecting SOME content In 2.4. Which means either bioware flatout LIED about pvp content coming out shortly after 2.1 Or they have a really weird *** definition of short. So in conclusion due to the lack of pvp content in a little under a year, lack of player- communication and outright lying if not imcompetance of bioware has displeased many of their paying customers A.K.A- pvp community


    I am not saying it's unjustifed. I should have added more examples to be honest, basically they could say that tomorrow Megan Fox is going to blow you and then hand deliver arenas, seven new warzones, and the ability to veto warzones and some guy will complain that it isn't Emma Watson and there aren't 10 new warzones.

  2. Here is the problem as I see it with Bioware posting on the PvP forums besides the relic stacking/obvious bug fixes:

    Bioware: We're introducing a new feature X


    Player 2: **** noob, this is a good start, not nearly enough.

    Player 3: We waited 9 months for THIS!? **** you bioware I'm unsubbing

    *40 threads of I am unsubbing now, 40 threads of **** whiny bastards*

    Bioware: PvP content will come in an upcoming patch!

    Player 1: Why not now? You hate the PvP community and don't care!

    Player 2: Even though it's not closed to finished tell me precisely what it is going to be RIGHT NOW!

    Player 3: We waited 9 months for some leading on ********? **** you bioware I'm unsubbing

    Troll: Dragon Age 2 should have told you everything, bioware is done (and yet I'm still posting here)


    And so on and so forth.

  3. They're originally from Jedi Covenant and first rerolled here under their old name, <Lorechasers> before changing it to <The Watchmen>. I've spoken to a few of them, and of course naturally, trolled the others. Yes, they are gearing up for ranked matches here, and from what I've gathered, mostly because they think we're just a bunch of RPers they can steamroll.


    Having played against and with the best on TEH, we have nothing to fear from these guys. They're mediocre at best.


    The thing is, in any other MMO the RPers are the least skilled players*. For some reason the hardest hardcore starwars nerds tend to be good at starwars video games and care about the end results of each battle. At least those of us (I use this lightly, I'm good but I still have way more to prove to TEH) at the top care.



    * No hate but the LOTRO RP server would rather argue over page numbers in the Silmarlion, Farstriders in WoW was dead besides ERP in silvermoon, and god help moonguard and it's wretched inhabitants. EQ2 has great players on its RP server for some of the same reasons we do here. It's a way nerdier game and RP players are serious about game mechanics as much as they are their characters themselves. Oh and BURN IN THE FLAMES OF SOLUSEK RO!

  4. Bolster detects what the item level is and whether there is EXP present. If the item is 66 or higher or if EXP is present, then you get no bolster.


    Not quite true, I get free expertise when I zone in with my PvE gear on. My stats also change. My PvE set is 69/72.

  5. So I'm supposed to stay on the fleet until I find a group instead of working on dailies or doing anything else beside waiting and waiting...? :rolleyes:


    Yes, conveniently enough you get into the instance from fleet as well, exciting right? Or you do it with people you know, you can 4-man HM EV/KP as it stands.


    As/for dailies, I don't do em anyway, get my money from crafting and HM TFB/SAV clears. It generally takes me about 25-30 mins to get a group together, which is less time than it takes for my 55 HM FP queue to pop generally.

  6. This is a valid concern.


    I'm of two minds on the subject. One the one hand, the more players are in full 72, the less likely they are to queue for flashpoints. One the other hand, I happen to like crafting, and that *swoosh* I get when I successfully learn a high level schematic is pretty addictive.


    It is important to realize that the ability to craft high-level gear is tempered by the fact that Mass Manipulation Generators are in very very short supply. Even the very rich player who wants to craft and/or buy a full set of 72 gear would need a crafter that has 22 MMGs on hand ...


    And from what I understand 110ish vials of isotope 5. Not to mention finding a crafter that RE'ed all the 72 stuff they need.

  7. I went ahead and bolded the doesn't give a crap about the group part in my quote that I was responding to.


    My point was not so much as we need a DPS meter, as that people think that it's okay to waste other peoples time as long as they "do wahtever they want." That they, as you said, will want to avoid scrutiny and hope that others pick up the slack, and the worst part is that they most of the time do not know what they are even doing wrong, it's not like they can see "Hey I'm doing 1/15th the damage of the tank, I wonder what the other DPS is doing that I am not."


    All of this for what? Because some turd with recount hurt your feelings and you took it personally instead of getting better? Once again, this is why people avoid the group finder and would rather drive in circles on fleet than queue and play with people they do not know.

  8. Generally, people aren't fond of being scrutinized by random people or browbeaten by them because they're not doing what is desired, regardless of how it actually impacts the success of the group.


    And people like that are also why group kick and good players not pugging exists. They don't care about the success of the group, so they're either unaware that something is wrong or just don't give a damn about the time of the other players. People seem to forget about the fact there are 3/7/15 other people who are just as important as they are.

  9. why am i able to pull the same FPS on a single GPU, that i can get while im running SLI? and it feels smoother to boot.... da*** is up with that?


    The game isn't designed for SLI and you're experience the common microstutter when you do force alternate frame rendering for a non-sli designed game.

  10. I don't get the PTS "controversy" really. It's quite common for MMO devs to test raids in a public environment, internal testing can only go so far versus a playerbase that will run things in ways the Devs did not expect, and ultimately uncover edge cases that lead to bugs not existing.


    Even with PTS Dash'rode can be trivialized by positioning, something that if they found in PTS I'm sure would have been fixed. (Literally you can do it with just the active tank gaining stacks, and then dropping them when he tags out with the OT, totally bypassing the entire shield mechanic.)


    Additionally it's basically the only chance I have to play a fight before everyone is like "If you want to do this raid go to dulfy and read the guide first." Something I miss sorely from my earlier days of MMO raiding.


    I'm on the PTS, sadly my lockouts carried with me and I have to wait till reset to do the new content.

  11. What if we had SM, HM and NiM in one game update or if that is too much to ask from their staff? The next major patch they give us something new instead of a rehash? I do not play WoW but isn't this how they do it in that game: one raid finder, one normal mode and one heroic mode all in the same package?


    That is generally how they do it, but with a few caveats.


    1 -- They gate LFR so that every x weeks a new set of bosses opens. Mostly this is because it's easier to get people together for 3 bosses and gives the casuals plenty of time to get one tank and spank down and move on to the next. (This is no joke, the LFR bosses generally mechanics do not matter.)


    2 -- Heroics are locked until you clear the raid on normal. This isn't an issue for serious progression guilds, they clear the content the first week and move right into Heroics. Regular guilds don't really go Normal -> Heroic, some may try but generally you have the guilds that clear normals fast and go right into Heroic and the guilds that may eventually see a heroic or two down by the time the next patch is out.


    3 -- The WoW dev team is gigantic compared to the SWTOR one, I won't make excuses since I'd prefer there to be NiM launching with the raid itself, but as long as the new mechanics really up the ante I'm fine as it stands now. The 2.0 re-balance of TFB was lenient in my opinion, going onto PTS soon to look at the NiM fights, hope they really up the challenge factor.


    Also some of the tiers in WoW last for a really REALLY long time, for example ICC was released on Dec 8 2009, the next real raid came with Cata release on Dec 7 2010. A whole year with a raid. The same thing happened with Dragon Soul (which was a terrible raid to begin with) releasing on November 29 2011, with the first of the raids in MoP opening September 25 2012, and the remaining raids opening over a month after that. At least this strings it out a bit and takes the "Heroics 2nd week" impetus off the serious raiders. It has a lot wrong with it, but it also works out in some ways.

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