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Posts posted by DarthDerriphan

  1. Hands of Darkness Guild Member Spotlight -Yavmiran





    Who are you?


    I am an accountant from Sweden, or rather, that is my cover story. I’m actually a secret agent in real life. So playing as an Imperial agent just seemed like the natural choice, really. I have to admit that, as a fan of the Kotor games, I was disappointed when I heard they were going to turn it into a MMORPG. I had this image that those type of games were only filled with ***** and the only drama you’ would get would be the out of character kind. Now, it turned out that The Old Republic was indeed filled with *****, but I discovered that they were also bloody good at RP and fun to hang out with, so here I am.


    Who is your character?


    My main is the Chiss Aekuyav’mira’nuruodo, though within the Empire she is officially known as Lieutenant Yavmiran of the 166th Imperial Infantry. However, being an Agent of the Hands of Darkness, this is simply one of many aliases she has.


    Born on Csilla, she has always had pride in being a “proper” Chiss, but since her transfer from the Ascendancy to the Ministry of Intelligence, Yavmiran has had to cope with the conflict of retaining that which makes her a Chiss and the increasingly unorthodox methods and tactics she needs to employ in order to achieve her goals now that she has entered the world of the Sith.


    When did you first start RP-ing and why?


    The first time I had real Roleplaying experience was when I was studying in England. Some friends of mine were trying to create a new pen and paper setting and rules to use, and I basically asked if I could join in and see what all the fuss was about. There were so many great moments and I had so much fun that I got hooked on Roleplaying.


    What has been your favourite Guild RP moment so far?


    There have been so many so far, I’m not sure I’d be able to pick out a definitive favourite moment. The ones I’ve enjoyed the most though have been the long-term arcs that have a buildup, such as when Yavmiran got her ship stolen, or when she had to use “enhanced interrogation techniques” multiple times in order to get a hold of some important documents.


    The most recent one though has to be when Yavmiran and Tlaena were tasked with retrieving a stolen Holocron. Admittedly, I was a bit nervous as to how it would go, but that arc just seemed to flow so naturally, culminating on a self-destructing ship, with Republic troopers pouring in from all sides.

  2. The Shadow Command


    Recently the Hands of Darkness have once more undergone a significant shift in power within it's ever evolving structure of power. With the Prophet of Darkness, the Dark Lord Darth Derriphan, withdrawn from galactic society due to a mysterious state of madness, it has fallen upon the Shadow Hands within her order to rally up and take command. Forming a new council, her loyal followers now command the Hands of Darkness's forces, ensuring their continuing survival in the mad prophets absence and a galaxy on the brink of all out war.





    Recently due to real-life issues a change has been made within the leadership structure of the Hands of Darkness which now sees it once more ruled by a Council. Much like the Shadow Council of it's past the newly created Shadow Command control the Hands of Darkness in all of it's day to day running. The decision to switch back to such a style was to allow greater RP freedom within the Guild, allowing those within the Shadow Command to plot against each other with their own followers, to usurp their fellows, and claim the title of Overlord of the Hands.






    Slowly she saw the stagnation of the Empire pull apart that which she had built. Those she had once considered loyal to her cause and how now started to flee, cowards who did not deserve to hear her words, cowards who could not see beyond their own selfish desires, cowards who would perish in the upcoming dark times that she had foreseen.


    She knew the changes she would make leading up to the past few weeks would be seen as controversial, she had effectively gutted the hands of its own stagnation, of those who still clung to their own old foolish ways. But this did not come without it's own cost. Their influence had shrunk, their own order marginalised in the halls of Imperial power. Once they had been a force to reckon with, now they were but a handful, but that was all she needed.


    Derriphan stood within her chambers, decorated with the relics of Sith long since gone. They served as constant reminders of previously destroyed Sith Empires, destroyed by their own stagnation and inability to truly comprehend the meaning behind what it meant to be Sith.


    “You look tired Prophet” A raspy female voice spoke out from behind her.


    “I have no time for your tricks spirit” Derriphan responded turned to face the ethereal being dressed in the robes of a different age.


    “You inform those around you of the dangers of stagnation yet you do not heed your own words.” The ghostly figure said “Some say you have bought into your own delusions, this talk of communing with some greater Darkness … a lie, that you have blinded yourself into believing.”


    Derriphan knew the spirit, it was that of the former apprentice of the orders founder. During a ritual held by the Hands of Darknes on Korriban it had unbound itself from its afterlife chains, and now saw to torment her at every turn.


    “You have become no different from that cretinous master I once served. Terr Umbra too began to believe his own proclamations of the future … and I slew him for his foolishness.” The spirit of Verra, the first lady of Darkness, stepped towards Derriphan.


    “I have no intentions of dying in such a way!” Derriphan snarled.


    “We shall see.” The spirit vanished.

  3. The Hands of Darkness


    The First European based Sith roleplay guild for SW:ToR


    "Without strife, your victory has no meaning. Without strife, you do not advance. Without strife, there is only stagnation."

    "Treachery is the way of the Sith."


    There are many rumours and myths around the secret order that is ‘The Hands of Darkness’. Once they were a secret cabal that existed within the dark corners of the galaxy. Now they serve the Empire openly, though any mention of their name is met with hushed whispers of a group that still remains secretive to the larger Empire. It is never truly known who is an open follower of their cause and even their leaders often openly deny any involvement.


    The exact time when the brotherhood was first created is shrouded in mystery however it’s speculated that this incarnation of the Hands came into being during the Great War. During that war the Hands of Darkness saw many Imperial leaders and members boost their ranks all from different corners of the mighty Sith Empire, but all united in one common goal; destruction of the light side of the Force and the total annihilation of the Jedi Order. Yet even though they serve the Empire Their true allegiance is not to the Emperor but to the Dark side of the Force, doing only it’s bidding…


    During the height of the Great War the Hands of Darkness helped destroy many strategic targets, even aiding when it came to seize Coruscant in the final push. But when the Emperor decided to halt the war and sign a treaty with Republic. an act that would leave the Imperials in the Hands of Darkness outraged. Now that the war was over the Hands of Darkness once again retreated back into the shadows plotting and preparing to finish that which should have been finished during the war. Their loyalty to the Emperor was even more tenuous than before but as long as they feel Emperor does the bidding of Dark side they shall support his rule, seeing him as a necessary figure head of the Dark Side..


    For more information on our IC lore please follow this link



    OOC Who we are?: We are a Mature European Sith Roleplay guild for the MMORPG Star Wars; The Old Republic.


    What was once a community for Sith Roleplayers (The Sith Council) rapidly became the basis for the first Sith Based EU Rp Guild formed exclusively for Star Wars: The Old Republic by Darth Derriphan (England) and Darth Mynock (Netherlands). Both experienced and enthusiastic Sith RPers who had both lead guilds, Role-played as Sith previously in games such as Star Wars Galaxies and shared a love and passion for all aspects of the Dark side of the Force.


    Over the years since the announcement of the Hands of Darkness formation, the guild has grown at a vast rate with dedicated members joining the leadership and filling officer positions. We now have a solid core-member base all dedicated to the Sith cause and offering a true and dark Imperial Role-play experience.


    It is now our aim to became known for quality RP and be the leading Sith guild on the Server we choose to play on at the release of the SW:TOR.


    For more on our OOC history please follow this link



    How Can I join?: The Hands are open to all who show they are willing to act maturely, roleplay well, learn the Sith ways.


    To join please visit our Guild forum and fill out an application, there it will be reviewed by the the heads of the guild.


    Whilst primarily based in the EU we do accept non-EU members. Any player of Star Wars: The Old Republic can choose to play on any server outside of their own region (i.e., – playing on European servers from North America, and vice versa).


    Will you PVP?:While we are primarily a hardcore RP guild we do not disallow our members to participate in PvP activities, as the very tenants of the Sith encourage our members show superiority anyway they can, be this through devious political manipulations or blood shed.


    Language requirements?:IC: We speak primarily in Basic, occasionally using ancient Sith words. OOC: We are mostly English speaking but due to the wide variety of languages that spread across across Europe we do not discriminate and accept English is not a first language for all.


    What are the Ranks/sections within the Guild?: Whilst there is only one singular rank progression within the Hands of Darkness, we do openly recruit all Classes within the Empire. Within the guild we have three seperate sections (outlines below) each section catering to certain RP preferences.


    My Class is Bounty Hunter does this mean I can’t join?: No, not necessarily. It has been decided that due to the nature of the guild it does not offer reasonable reason to RP as a Bounty Hunter within it. So to cater to those who still wish to join as the Bounty Hunter class the guild formed 166th Imperial Infantry Unit. With the non-existence of a Trooper class on the Imperial side we will be allowing those who wish to RP a Trooper using the Bounty Hunter class.


    Will I need the CE Sith Imperial Trooper Armour?: No, we seek troopers for all occasions. For those who cannot obtain full Trooper armour we will strive to provide an alternative to the set Imperial Trooper armour that will still fit in within the lines of an Imperial unit.


    Do I have to wear my Imperial Trooper equipment on guild Operations and Flasppoint runs?: No, if you wish to wear the Imperial Sith Trooper armour with appropiate mods for Bounty Hunters during these events you certainly can. But to remain competitive and able to take part in Ops and Flashpoints you can wear whatever the best armour is for your class and spec.




    Followers of Darkness.


    Many power hungry Sith serve the Hands of Darkness, be they born of the Sith or those who once walked the path of the Jedi only to fall. From many backgrounds they come, but all share the same dissatisfaction with the galaxy’s current political climate. The Sith Warriors and Inquisitors of the Hands seek change in a galaxy they see as corrupt and stagnant. They see themselves as above the common person gifted with the touch of the Force. A gift given to them to help dominate the galaxy, it is theirs to command.


    Following the Prophet of Darkness, they are being groomed to become the leaders of the future Sith Empire. Ushering in an age of Darkness that will see only the fittest survive.


    Agents of Lanvarok


    The Lanvarok intelligence branch of the Hands of Darkness was created in response to the growing concerns of the paranoid leadership who believed it was only time before their presence was no longer tolerated in the great Empire. Keen to make sure they would remain out of the jealous sight Emperor, the Prophet of Darkness searched the galaxy for the Empire's most promising military Officers. Many of these officers soon rallied to the cause of the Hands, agreeing with their ideas that would lead to the final push towards the downfall of the Republic.


    Now under the employ of the Hands of Darkness these Officers lead double lives, whilst from the outside they serve the Empire commanding it's vast armies and navies, they also secretly serve the Hands of Darkness undertaking devious missions ensuring the secret agenda of the Hands is not discovered. Intelligence gathering on key Republic personnel who have gotten too close to Hand operations, Assassination of wayward Sith adepts who believe by betraying the Hands to the Empire they can further their own goals, or merely infiltrating governments as a means to bring more resources to the Hands. These are the tasks of the Agents of Lanvarok who serve the Hands of Darkness.


    The 166th Imperial Infantry


    With the galaxy once more on the brink of War the Hands of Darkness needed to be able to ensure they had loyal soldiers who would willingly fight for them and their cause without fail. And so the Agents of Lanvarok scoured the Galaxy looking for those with exceptional military service, using their internal Imperial powers to re-assign those who met their strigent critera to serve with the unit that would become known as the 166th.


    The 166th follow the the Hands of Darkness into battle under the command of powerful Sith Lords and Cunning Imperial agents. No mission is too dangerous for these brave soldiers of the Empire, as they know that what they do today will lead to a better tomorrow for the entire galaxy.




    Ranks and Levels in the Guild.


    The Outer Circle of Darkness




    Newly inducted into the secret society, Neophytes are the lowliest members within the Hands of Darkness, and must pass a series of gruelling tasks before they are allowed to learn the close-guarded secrets of the Hands of Darkness.




    The vast majority of the Hands of Darkness membership, they are positioned within various stratum of Imperial and galactic society. Instructed in the teachings of the Hands of Darkness, they collectively conspire to increase dominance of the Sith Empire and the sect’s influence over it.




    Devoted and dependable, these members have proven themselves worthy of greater trust. Inserted into influential Imperial roles, they hold the further responsibility of spreading the Dark message of the Hands of Darkness, amongst the uninitiated.



    The Inner Circle of Darkness


    Shadow Guard


    Powerful protectors of the clandestine cabal, each has been selected to serve as a personal security force for the Shadow Council. Often found performing an escort function for their superiors, they are rarely deployed to situations other than those which are of great importance to the sect.


    Shadow Hand


    Chosen champions of the Shadow Council, they are assigned to those matters of essential strategic significance to the Hands of Darkness; often acting as proxy, in ensuring their leaders' will is done.


    Shadow Vizier


    Stagnation and complacency keep one from truly achieving their goals, they are the greatest threat to any order, and even the Prophet of Darkness is not immune from it’s touch. So they have appointed a Shadow Vizier, their closest advisor, but also closest rival. Should the Prophet falter they are to take their place.


    Prophet of Darkness


    Guided by visions granted by the dark side of the Force, they believe their message will lead to a new golden age of the Sith and Empire. Their say is final in all matters relating to the Hands of Darkness, to go against the prophets words is heresy.

  4. Orignally posted by HoD member Darth Catharsis.








    I, the gracious Lord Tian, have seen it fit to offer the nobility and citizens of the Empire a unique opportunity. Our glorious Empire was built on the back of slaves, and as such, it is our right to own these creatures and improve our own standings as we see fit! I have thus taken a great opportunity for slave ownership and magnified it a thousand fold by offering my own slaves to you, the Imperial citizenry!


    But how, you may be asking yourself, is Lord Tian selling these slaves? With an auction of course! I plan to auction off each of my best slaves, those who have stood out on my own personal databases, and offer them up to those with the credits to afford them. You will not find better slaves in all of the galaxy! Each is bred of my own stock, carefully, choosing the best of each species and magnifying that quality! Any who claims to have better slaves than I is a fool, and I stand by that statement. You won't find a more loyal or hardworking group of slaves!


    So make haste! Come to the slave auction and buy yourself a cheap, high quality slave! Special offers may even be in the works.


    A date and map will follow after this message.


    Click for Images







    OOC information:


    1. This event will take place on FRIDAY (6th) JANUARY, 20:00 GMT


    2. REAL CREDITS WILL BE USED. This may seem extreme to some, but it has a reason; this is to prevent people using ridiculously high sums of money that simply wouldn’t be available to characters and to prevent an endless bidding war.


    But don’t let this put you off; this will bring out competitive bidding and excitement to those after a particular slave! The credits will be sent by mail to the acting Lord Tian (who will be me), from inside the galactic trade center.


    3. Slaves will roleplay for 1 hour with their buyer, and will do as their master commands (so long as there is agreement between master and slave). Slaves can be killed or maimed, as they are only temporary characters.


    4. All bids should be done in /yell to make it easier to see. If you’re far at the back there’s a chance you could be missed by not using this!


    5. Some players will be using their main characters. They will be disguised and introduced as others as they will be acting as slaves/sellers.


    We are open to any suggestions you may have! Feel free to post them here or send a PM to myself.


    Hands of Darkness will be providing the slaves and Blackscar Mercenaries will be providing security.


    We hope you all enjoy this event!

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