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Posts posted by Toffle

  1. I've been wanting to play EvE online again for sometime now. After seeing each and every one of my moves hit for over 1k less today, I think I found the perfect time. I won't be re-rolling. I'm going to take my family's 3 accounts elsewhere.


    Thanks for the fun month.


    Enjoy your future untested nerfs on other classes.

  2. Never roll a pure DPS class. They are always nerfed. Grab a tank or something similar. They usually get buffs and end up dominating. You are welcome for the free advice.


    Oh and the acid blade nerf will really hurt you. I'm sorry. What is the next class you are playing?

  3. Funny...Ive been instagibbed repeatedly by all kinds of classes on my guardian. I think its all the same for everyone as long as they do the usual red buff ->adrenal -> relic ->expertise pot -> hardest hitting moves.


    Oh...And use surge adrenals. thats what lets me instagib people on my scoundrel. Prolly applies to other classes too if you get your crit high enough and get lucky with the crits


    They also don't give a full resolve bar with one move.

  4. It is making burst classes (like ours) look over-powered compared to the damage-over-time classes. Please nerf this crew skill so they don't break perfectly good classes.




    a fellow max level biochem player

  5. It is making burst classes (like ours) look over-powered compared to the damage-over-time classes. Please nerf this crew skill so they don't break perfectly good classes.




    a fellow max level biochem player

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