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Posts posted by DarthObelisk

  1. Has it be made aware why the Dev's made the Enhancements bound to the body slot ?

    It takes away a very big and deep part of the MMO. Gearing your character up the y way you want to and not being forced into this cookie cutter mode of a character that is supposed to fit everyone.

    Some people might choose to go with a higher alacrity rating in their character build while some may choose the higher crit path. the point it is they have taken away a ver big part of playing this game and gearing your character up.

    right now my shadow/assassin is at a stand still using the new gear (252) my accuracy is way off. currently the accuracy is at 712 with their 252 gear and a accuracy stim if you put one 236 rating accuracy augment in its too high at 810 (110.70%).

    Then i hear that this gear being bound to the body slot was intentional ??

    I hope they rethink and fix this problem before its too late and people start leaving

  2. Maxitrac

    you wrote this

    Sorcerer; Lightning Lightning the similar to Carnage gives a passive alacrity with its rotation (on lightning bolt) you get sweet spot with... 5 Accuracy Augments + Stim, 4 Alacrity Enhancements + 2 Augments, 6 Critical Enhancements 6 Critical Augments + Stim + 2 Crystals & 1 Overkill Augment


    I think if you put the numbers that you should be trying to get so people will know and can work towards that total it would be easier for people to read. Secondly people are at different gear levels so the way people have to get will be different depending upon what tier of gear they are using also.

  3. Just a returning player with question

    Ran a HM EV last night and got a drop but if im reading right it says i have to have 215 ish command tokens as well ??

    so if im reading this right you cant just redeem a loot drop from an ops anymore you have to have the loot and command tokens ?

  4. I have just tried to move my legacy offhand with a CC crystal that is already unlock account wide in the collections and it still will not transfer.

    I hope the DEVS are aware of this cause this is a game breaking bug for a ton of players that have apparently wasted a ton of Cartel coins to unlock stuff for their account and now they are removing that even tho the players have spent the cartel coins to do what they wanted already and its still not working.

    I use all legacy weapons and equipment since i have mirror toons on both sides imp and pub.

    i seriously hope there will be a major hot fix to this game breaking bug.

  5. Sorc dps really good as madness for pvp with its dots but the lightning is also very good for its extreme burst abilities.

    In pve both madness and lightning both shine in different fights that you just have to a feel for

  6. I must applaud the Dev's use of the old smoke and mirrors distraction with this so call update. They have mention nothing about new multiplayer content meaning new Hard Modes, New operations or new anything but cartel items. They throw double XP in the game and everyone is all happy happy joy joy double XP. To distract people from noticing they haven't release anything new for far to long for a mmo. A MMO with out any Multiplayer content quickly becomes a dead MMO as people get tired of the same thing over and over till they start canceling their subs and when the Developers start to notice its too late
  7. the rotation hasnt changed too much but for gearing i would use this link http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8558145#post8558145 and just scroll down to the 216 rating gear to start out with that is the story mode gear


    When im tanking i always try to start the fight out from stealth and with force pull followed by kinetic ward, force breach, slow time, project then throw in some melee attacks while waiting for attacks to come off cd which should be more then a few seconds and hit force breach again with slow time so you are building stacks as fast as possible to get your tk throw/ cascading debris to proc which will boost up some of your defenses

  8. Simply, bioware devs never played a single pvp match and they dont care. We can expect new opening pack experiences, new crates and boring chapter month by month. It's freaking joke that they still require same $ for subtime.

    If you're focus is PvP, swtor isnt your game. It's more like stuttering/lagging minigame without balance. And yes 90% of sorcs are bad player which cannot play anything else then current op class. Cheers for all immortal juggies with pocket sorces, you're the real MVPs and PROs.:p


    so since you think sorc's/sages are OP in PVP you want to yell and scream nerf just because you think they are OP in one part of the game?

    Sorcs/sages are not the top dps be any chance in PVE.

    Sorc/sage are powerful but they are not the top all dps in the game.

  9. here is how i have my lightning sorc set up as all 224 gear except the one implant at 220 mk1

    accuracy 701 2 enh at 168 5 augments at 73 = 701

    critical 1312 4 enh 168 1 implant at 168 1 implant 160 3 augments 73 = 1312

    alacrity 847 1 earpiece 168 1 enh 168 8 augments 73 =847


    this is a good link for gearing for all the classes

    for what and where your stats need to be be at



  10. im having some issues with my sorc im currently in all 224 except for 1 relic, and 1 implant which is a 220 mk 1, 2 non set armor pieces (the OH and the head) rest are set pieces ,


    my stats are as follows: 6306 endurance / mastery 5220 / power 2923/ critical 1146/ alacrity 1015/ accuracy 701


    Sorcerer - Madness || Sage - Balance

    6736 DPS @ 43.1 APM | 6375 Endurance | 5393 Mastery (Stim) | 2940 Power

    1207 Critical (4xE, 5xA, 2xC) | 964 Alacrity (4xE, 4xA) | 701 Accuracy (2xE, 5xA)


    now my question is would it be better for a higher alacrity rating or swap an alacrity aug out for a crit one?

    if i go with putting the crit one in im about 12 points over the crit rating and im about 20 point under the alacrity rating but if i go with the alacrity im about 51 points over the rating and 60 points under the crit rating

  11. Wow i have seen some seriously pissed off players very mad about your decision to kill the sorc/sages due to pvp complaints. Now i know that EA bought this game and you feel that it is your right to change it as you see fit however, this is not some shooter game like COD. This game is Star Wars. Pvp is maybe a 1/4 of the game, and most of the community is pve. This is what draws players to this game is the chance to play as a character who uses force powers to save or conquer the galaxy. Another reason is because of the ability to interact directly with the story line as it unfolds. these are both pve oriented. So let me give you a little suggestion that you should really take to heart before you destroy one of the best game online today. Don't bend over back wards to satisfy the pvp part of this game and alienate the pve community because you will take a million dollar profit game and turn it into a 2 cents with no players game in less than a year. If you want to make changes for pvp then fine do it, but i would suggest that those changes be only in effect in the pvp arena, and not to have them be in effect in the pve side of the game. You have decimated one of the best and or most popular classes of the game. the sorc/sages. madness and balance are finished their abilities cost way to much and their damage is now a joke. as for healers not bad just throw a few different moves in and you can keep your force power up, but as for the dps side of sorc' omg you destroyed them. I am a long time madness/balance player and in truth you have taken most of my reason to play end game content out of the game when you destroyed my madness sorc the way you did.


    So in closing if you want to listen to the cry babys then yes that is your choice, but if you do. let it be known now that just like socom and other games that the dev's and owners decided to listen to a small percentage of the community, and thier complaints over the majority of the players this game will die off never to be seen or heard from again. People will leave and never come back to it again. Gamers are not forgiving we love our games and once you destroy them we leave to find something new, and EA from this game to you, I will refuse to ever play another EA game again if you destroy this game.


    wow much butt here there is here

    well this guy needs to learn to adapt and move on

    Sorc madness is still pretty good :)

    oh and if you want to talk about classes that get Nerf from pvp try playing the shadow/assassin they are always getting the Nerf bat

  12. Is there a link where all of the dev's post and answers are for this event ?

    Cause im not going to look thru all 173 pages here :eek:


    so from what ive read they are wanting us to create a new character and im guessing playing thru the story again ?

    If that is correct it doesn't sound fun at all

  13. try using this rotation


    precast polarity shift and reckless

    then demolish/


    creeping terror/

    death field/ death field spreads your dots to any near by enemy

    force leach/

    then 3 casts of force lightning (by this time your demolish should be a inst cast :D )

    then just repeat your rotation and this time use your polarity shift right before your force lightning since it speeds up your casting time)

    and use your recklessness since it empowers one of your hardest hitting abilities Demolish

  14. I ran a HM FP last night on my Merc and he wasnt the best geared but he held his own, but when your voted to be kicked out of the group just for doing too much dps?!?!?!!?! Why are they kicking you out ? Its not my merc's fault that the tank cant keep argo even when im using my argo dump on cool down. The Hard Mode was assault on tython at the final boss,

    The joys of group finder are some times really good and sometimes i think the group finder hates me

  15. I hope Bioware has add some self-heal abilities to the Assassin/Shadow Tank for the 4.0


    Long time ago before 2.0 the shadow/assassin could use their tk throw or lightning as it was called then to heal themselves up to full but and i mean but that was when the shadows/assassins were really spiky in the amount of damage they took.

  16. I think it would be a good idea for there to be something you could buy with cartel coins that would allow you legacy bound one of the older mounts that's not legacy bound. For example one of the rarest mounts every in this game is the Red Sphere you have a tiny chance of looting from the Xeno HM ops Boss during the Gree event that pops up every once and while.

    Now if you got that one on one of your toons but you dont play that toon very much anymore you would be able to bound it to legacy or to one of your other toons in your legacy.

  17. Interesting. I hope it falls to you for Sin rep, or someone like Xinika except more active. but yes. as someone else stated, i would still be playing Darkness to this day if Harnessed Darkness never had changed. In fact could we just revert all the trees to Pre 2.0 take all the ****** stuff from 2.0 out, and put the good things in from later patches like stacks on most of TK's and Vengeance's procs? same for abilities, i want my Pre-2.0 Stim Boost back!


    Are you crazy assassin/shadow tanking was far worst pre 2.0 ! It was horribly spiky to hell taking no dmg on one hit and then the next taking a huge *** stomping hit.


    Why is it that all the "suppose" class changes have be force upon the pve community by pvp whiners oh this is OP this is OP and its not in ops or end game raiding ?

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