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Posts posted by Dillingyr

  1. The same thing happen to me. I don't know if that is a GM way of telling you to stop trolling or what. I was lvl 39 when it took place. Then again I was fighting a Smuggler and Jedi Counselor. What I noticed is it was red and named Holiday.... No clue as to what was going on, but it popped me out of stealth and stunned me. Seemed to happen three times in a matter of seconds.
  2. Kel'Dor= In game, however their heads look incredibly flat from a profile view.

    Kaleesh= In game, slider for masks and eyes... Not too difficult to implement.

    Rodian= Come on! Really in game, they are iconic to SW... why aren't they playable?!?!


    *Droids= Simple addition, they would make an awesome addition to the game. Super customizable character creation with them would make it even better.


    I understand the romance aspect of these races, however it wouldn't be a bad idea to unlock some of the previously un-romance-able characters, for these races to romance. Personally I don't care either way, not planning on romancing any of the companions in the first place. Lets just have this moment of honesty though, its all xenophile ideas, so who cares what species would romance another species?

  3. 11/29/11

    Yeah I'm with who ever said "Don't understand the nerd rage" I was looking at that god awful 500+ page forum of people QQ'ing about everything. It's not even the 15th.... c'mon they allowed people to get in 2 days before that and they are still complaining. Goes to show that no matter what you do, there will be someone (or thousands) that have something negative to say.

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