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Posts posted by Waxmask

  1. Please dont generalize. Some servers dont need merge but some of them immediately needs merge.


    Im playing on Tott Doneeta.


    - We have light populution on prime time

    - I havent seen more then 50 players in fleet on prime time

    - I havent seen more then 10 level caped players together

    - havent seen 1 single republic player while i was waiting

    - And ofcourse have long warzone queue times. I can earn 1 valor level per 8-9 days.


    I realized there are 3 more servers like Tott Doneeta. They had light population too.Things they can do :


    -They could merge servers with light population on prime time.

    -They could give us who plays on light servers free migration.


    I always liked the way Guildwars did it with the different layers. Not being locked to one server ,but being able to switch as you go and see fit.

  2. Well a server can be Heavy and Full but if 80% is on IMp side, it still feels empty to Republic. If anything the lower side should have a XP/money bonus and like said before have the option to use your Companion in PVP. If it evens out then just have the same rule set.


    Now I'm not looking for a heavy populated server anymore, I try to find the most even server and that is not doable atm.

  3. That is an enormous amount for such a thing as a healer. Cheaper for som1 to respec for the flashpoint to their healer class. There isn't a SEVERE shortage of healers, just a shortage. I'd say 20,000 max for the whole thing.




    He isn't a poor team mate, he is a guy with a skill people need. It's called capitalism and its what makes America stand out (plus that whole freedom thing)


    Hahahah you made me laugh. Capitalism has failed big time! It's a false system, that is linked to all the poverty in the world! Capitalism will be gone comming end 2012! And glad it is! ;)

  4. Looking at the planets George Lucas created he was abit lazy IMO. He made single biosphere planets except for maybe Naboo. The rest are al single bio's without a north/southpole or an equator. Just single sand, water, snow, wasteland planets. It didn't bother much in the movies, but now the IP has moved into MMO's you can clearly see the errors in these choices!
  5. You PVE'rs should play nice with the PVP'rs. You need them to keep the game you so blindly love afloat. You say suck it up and enjoy the story. MMO's last because of things like engame content and PVP. You will soon realize this when SWTOR is DIW because most of their budget went towards voice acting and cinematics. I got to 50 very quickly and didnt hit the space bar once. You say roll another toon. Are you kidding me? I didn't lvl to 50 so I could sit that toon on the bench and start all over.


    So you also go to dance parties when they start, go to the mainstage to see it's empty and then stroll back to house and stating it was a crap party? Thing is you are right that PVP is a thing in common MMO's but it'll always take time for the majority to reach that endgame. That being said, PVP is broken and needs to be fixed to have more people engage in it. I as a Republic player refuse to let myself get ganked and you farm on me.

  6. nah it cost me probalby under 1k. I built it piece by piece over a couple months.


    warzones take maybe 20secs to load.


    I should really time it some time.


    Mmm maybe you lost track of the total price due to spreading it= Maybe 2k was abit to forward, but that kind of rig for less then 1k, I like to order 100 of em with you and could sell in Holland for a profit... :D

  7. I just built my new computer this weekend.



    3.4ghz 2600k i7 8 gigs 1600 ram, and Intel SSD running on a 6gig Sata III connection it takes me less then 1 minute to log in and load a planet like Hoth.


    Talking with my friends over teamspeak I load into game a lot faster then they do.



    So it's probably common but you can upgrade your computer out of it.


    Still for a rig like yours, probably being 2k+(€/$), that is still alot loading time and not worth the money to me....

  8. Once again this topic proves that fanbois hurt this game bad, very bad! OP comes with alot of good ideas for improving this game. But instead of staying out of the discussion they add there input by saying the game is fine, and nothing should be added cause thats fluff.


    That makes me so angry!!! What's wrong with a guy trying to give input on how to improve immersion. Alot of us are asking for it!!! If you don't want it, stick to your raids and PVP, for me a MMORPG has always been more than that! I like to breathe, feel and taste the world around me. I want to see people propper Roleplay there character, with the propper tools handed to them.


    But as I said You fanbois ruined it for me and alot more and if things don't improve FAST you'lll soon be crying too cause there is no way EA will take a loss on this. Once most of us are gone this game gets closed and thats a fact if you look at EA's track record!


    What I like to add btw: VO emotes/lines to use in conversations!!!

  9. I get paid the same amount if I work 40 hours or 140 a week. And my employer is only required to by law to give me 6 hours of sleep. Nothing else. Yeah I'm military, the only job in america that requires me to give up half my rights and liberties for others to keep theirs.


    Half? How about everything. Your life is in there hands!

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