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Posts posted by Saltydogz

  1. Yeah the problem was SoE couldn't make up it's mind, the game could have worked (to a less or greater degree of success) with no jedi, hologrinded perma-death jedi, hologrinded Jedi or a Jedi class.


    The problem was with the utter mess SWG became management-wise, and it ended up with all four.


    Not to detract from historical mistakes in MMO history, my main point of the post is SWTOR is great and with some real insight in developement for future full scale patch implementations this game could be beyond many other games in the market easily and most definitely secure a select group in this market niche. I don't want to see something I personally love die due to player base, poor decisions, or the financial backers pushing the devs in the wrong directions. The product is what's important- not their wallets. Make a customer trust you, and your wallet will follow them quite easily. Push crap on peolple and they will tighten their grip on the all mighty dollar.

  2. Not more than the trolls and doomsayers we find everywhere on these forums.



    Excellent post! Simply excellent.

    You put in one page all I think about the franchise, the game and the pile of sh*t we have these days as "community forums".



    Glad to see more feel as I do!

  3. I especially identify with my toons after I had to rename them to some on the spot ****** names after transfering from my server.


    I was 2 days late on transfer after resubbing to xfer all my toons so didn't get the rewards and lost all my names as well. I had to quit for a few months due to real world events, not lack of enjoyment.


    I still want to play my newly named toons. I will miss BLacKOps and BLacKDeaTH.


    My new names aren't bad though- HellHulk, Hellchick, and Rectumfier lol

  4. Warning: This post may be boring, long, opinionated, stupid, uninsightfull, useless, and any other negative word. With that in mind, hit the back button now if your here to only throw stones with your force powers.


    I love Star Wars. I always have since I was a child. I am ex military, 3 kids, almost 39, and I still love it now.


    I loved the movies, I was drawn into Star wars galaxies (until the completely changed the game- I came back on occasion just to wish it was as before)


    I love SWTOR.


    I wish they had some sandbox planets, housing, and server mergers to promote the community that isn't leaving- as we all know every MMO is only as good as the population and your online friends that you fuss to about your crappy day, the wife/husband rants, and your ahole boss.


    Bottom line, Bioware has put out a solid mmo. Can some refinements, oversights, and game mechanics be fixed? Yes.

    Is the game as horrible as the masses posting here suggest? NO.


    I have played almost every mmo out, closed beta, open beta, etc. I have read the billion post replies comparing everything to WOW- when and reality my first real loved mmo's was earth and beyond/SWG. SWG was the only mmo to ever make me yell and jump up and down when I unlocked force sensitivity to be one of the first 12 Jedi. I also begged Pro (chilastra renown bounty hunter) to not kill me for the first time as we had ungodly grind and 3 death perma death. I was feeler with a sense of awe when I looted a one of a kind DOT rifle off a night sister on Darthomir that no one on the server had. The game was godly to me until whines brought the suits to their knees and forced the developers to fix something that was never broken to begin with this cutting the game in the juggler. Death followed with friends working on it at swgemu.com.


    SWTOR doesn't meet that same emotional love I had but it is close. I wish Bioware would hire me on to offer my insight and to be able to take it to that next level that would suck people who feel as I do right back into Star Wars, yet again.


    Nonetheless, this game deserves better praise and less bashing. It's almost a bandwagon effect of sour people. I think a lot have become spoiled in the last few years and set their expectations high in an economy that's failing everyone on a daily basis. Gaming is feeling that weight as well and brilliant ideas have been erased due to risk vs. budget. Many games are dying right in the beginning and developers are stuck doing what suits feel is the only formula for success comparing everything to WOW.


    The essence of a game is identifying with your toons, and having people online to share them with. Feelings of excitement are what draw you in everyday to log on.


    I want to play. I love the game. SWTOR is better then the beating it's receiving ATM from the masses.


    Whining only kills games. Look at SWG. Dead due to this.


    Thank you for you time.


    XaNaToS aka BLacKDeaTH (22 yr gamer)

  5. Dont bother as you can look at all my posts to see my actual discussions that just got closed all together and reflected to the "Here all of you cry in this thread so theres less tears for us to mop off the floor."



    Even my post begging to let me switch AC from sorc to assassin at least with a refund of my BM comms and Champ comms.


    Assassin isnt broke. Bioware needs to work with us.


    Not every sorcerer was doing 450-500k dmg in wz. Most avg. 150-280k.


    The best of us pushed 500k. The best of us is not the rest of us.


    It was bound to happen though when 70% of the wz was sorcs. That means 7 out of 10 deaths suffered was at the hands of a sorc. Had it been 70% mercs tracer missle spamming it would have happened to them.


    The true unbalance of this game is the republic side is dead on my server, so I rerolled from my 50 commando which I loved to do a sith sorcerer because at least could pvp 24/7 almost against sith still lol. Now that class is toast, and my commando has no one to play with. Go figure.



  6. There is no longer an insane dps spec. Theres not even a decent dps spec.


    Sorcerer is now a dead class UNLESS......


    You started the sorcerer for the same reason I did. The pretty lightning shooting from your fingertips and feeling the power flow through your body.


    We are christmas lights now. We dont actually serve a purpose anymore in pvp/pve.


    We just look like we are doing something awesome!


    I applied for an arena team today. Heres the conversation:


    Terani: "Hi, I would like to join your arena team please."


    Team Leader: "What class are you, gear, valor?"


    Terani: "I am a 01/13/28 spec sorcerer who consecutively plays well in WZ's most the time."


    Team Leader: "Ahhh a sorcerer you say? Sorry you serve no viability for us after 1.2 patch. We want to win, do you mind rerolling Marauder???"


    Terani: "Seriously? I love my sorcerer I have put over 250+ hours into her. What about her white crystal paid 2.5 million for? Or her valor 65 mount thats being removed from the game at 1.2? IF I reroll marauder I will never have these items. I just want to cry."


    Team Leader: "Sorry buddy, I didnt think you guys were OP honestly because I rick rolled 60% of the 70% of sorcs in WZ's. Be positive though, take a step back and you will laugh out loud alongside all of us that didnt roll a sorcerer."


    Terani: "Thank you anyways. Guess forum trolls are right since this is so funny to them that 70% of the playerbase was just told their class is now the least wanted choice for pve or pvp. My options are reroll, quit, or stick with my sorcerer and enjoy my daily dirt naps."




    RIP Sorcerer. I loved the lightning. I will log on to look at you occassionally and remenince on what you once were.

  7. Read my post that got closed.


    Sorcs are worthless now, sad I invested so much time in my toon to now reroll into a marauder to experience the same nerf to that class 3 months from now when people whine about it.


    1st time shame on you.


    2nd time shame on me.


    There will be no third time.

  8. You stopped reading because you assumed grav spam was all I did. Your a brilliant one if you think a commando or sorc just spams grav/force lighting and wins 1v1.....


    Helios (jug) ***** me easily.


    Narfi(assassin) ***** me easily, and just simply ignores me. He runs the ball with ease.

    If hes on the opposite team you lost, as no amount of CC will work on him.


    Theres many others I can name that negate my sorc now. After 1.2 I can never be competition for them.


    Try force lighting spam a merc whose tracer missle spamming you in equal gear and let me know who wins oh bright one.

  9. You my friend just started the "new" flavor of the month since sorcs are dead in the water thans to the same kind of post. One person plays exceptionally well, hince everyone does the masses conclude.


    Your class will be next patch, enjoy!



    I already knew mara was beast when I was lvl 12 without sprint doing 150K dmg and in 1st place overall.


    You either know how to play, try to play, or whine about getting your arse kicked.


    Sadly the last category wins everytime.

  10. I have many alts of various classes and two 50's Commando (gunnery spec for grav spam) and Sorc 0/13/28.


    My commando can hit for 3500-5k+ per grav round shot single target and does decent aoe stationary for mortar round. (Inmostly cent gear!!!)


    My sorc who is BM in 5 pieces/champ, force lightning ticked for 300-800 depending on the class/gear I was fighting in wz. My chain lightning on wrath proc was my hardest hitting which offered 2k crits tops 2800. I used wrath proc for single target for crushing. Death field was decent aoe but sometimes button is not responsive and in time of need you missed oppurtunities having to reclick it.


    Overall my opinion of sorcs- we werent OP. I get my arse handed to me by ops, mercs, jugs, assassins, and marauders. Healers, well that could be a 3 min fight 1v1 where eventually I run out of force and lose if I dont properly interupt ther heals. If another came along I was toast.


    My name is Terani on my server, and I am one of the better sorcs on our server. But I assure you there arent a bunch of sorcs doing what a select few of us do. Some were actually not nearly as good.


    These nerfs are simply that. Nerfs. There are many great players on my server that will hand me my arse on a plate. Now, I wont be much competition at all- and be completely torn apart. Whats dissappointing is I played sorc just for the lightning, and the feel of the force slinger. Now thats all that is left, the look. We will no longer be a threat to anyone.


    With this new update I now know I wasted my time trying to get the 65 valor, the Bm gear, and the valor mount for a toon that is no longer viable for endgame pvp.


    With these nerfs should have had a buff to the force speed cooldown removed, as all we will do now is RUN from everyone. Rock, scissors, paper? Um, we fit none of those now.


    Those posting here, saying eveyr class got nerfed is just wrong. We are taking the BIGGEST hit and alreayd have with our dots no longer preventing objectives previously.


    Why would anyone want us on their arena team? CC? Seriously? You know what our whirlwind is for? Its for trying to run......cause our arse is being handed to us.


    Throughout mmo history a caster strengths was its ranged dmg and aoe dmg. Their weakness was if a melee was on them they were toast.


    Now our dmg is nerfed, aoe dmg is gone since chain lightning no longer works with wrath- and too boot we get trashed by melee.


    Then we have these people who say they have sorcs lvl 50 n BM gear coming on here saying we are OP????? Are you serious????


    No matter whose right combat logs should have been here first and dmg meters to explain fights to people. Then it would be known that skill and not 1 button punch is why the guy kicked your teeth in. Not because he was OP. Because he knew his class AND YOURS on how to survive.


    Half the posts in this thread are little children JUST LIKE SWG who crided JEDI was too hard to get I quit "WAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH" then BAM everyone had a dam Jedi.




    You ruined the sorcerer class. Your class will be next. Its the evolution of mmo's when a developer listens to these crybabies whine because they are upset that they feel it isnt fair for person A who played and invested 600 hrs to obtain some rairty, while person B hits forums cause person A has something they dont want to work for. Person B gets rewarded for his crybaby posts in masses since majority of people are lazy and want everything handed to them on a silver platter w/o any effort.


    Person A then quits because he did 600 hrs of gametime for rarity, whereas person B came to these forums and whined in mass and can now get the same item in 2 hrs.


    Person A was the backbone of your server, the guy YOU ASKED what stat was best for this class? The person who knew the strats, the person who lived ingame.


    Then people wonder why a game dies.......go figure.


    This is an epic 1.2 patch alrght, its the death beginning all over again just like the vanilla wow was wasted, swg jedi nerfed and give to everyone, blah blah blah.


    My sorc will now be shelved and my marauder will now be my main until hes nerfed to oblivion next patch as the new flavor of the month since the no skill people try to immitate the people they see kicking their arse in WZ. Next patch this will a Marauder nerf. Rinse and repeat fools until this game just blows and PVE content is so borked that nothing goes hand in hand.


    I am sorry to my fellow sorcerers here, and that we have just became the loser class of swtor with little to none in viability.


    I play 6-10 hrs a day. I just got donkey punched by bioware. ALL that time at fine tuning my character was just wasted. I have a BM geared dust collector now.


    Thank you Bioware. I already quit my 50 republic commando because the SERVER IS FREAKING DEAD and theres ZERO PVP, and now the toon I got to pvp on all the time on sith side is no longer worth elephant piss.


    You trolls can kiss my arse as well, because your just children who are happy at the misfortune of another that invested alot of time ingame whereas you played casually and were mad because you sucked.


    Bottom line, if a person plays a ton and you play 1 hr a week, he WILL OBVIOUSLY BE BETTER then you in every aspect of the game.


    Sadly, you want to be as good as him with next to no input of time.


    1.2 is a joke, and so is swtor. You want see me here much longer, as I have no desire to "REROLL" every 2-3 months because I mastered a class, obtained the gear, and invested my time to be the best of the best.


    Pointless, timesink. Your efforts will be rewarded with crap. Sorc OP? Well dont worry little boys and girls Sorc is definitely at the bottom of the dog pile now. Your whiny crybaby threads have accomplished their goal. Congratulations. Your class is next...........enjoy.

  11. I have many alts of various classes and two 50's Commando (gunnery spec for grav spam) and Sorc 0/13/28.


    My commando can hit for 3500-5k+ per grav round shot single target and does decent aoe stationary for mortar round. (Inmostly cent gear!!!)


    My sorc who is BM in 5 pieces/champ, force lightning ticked for 300-800 depending on the class/gear I was fighting in wz. My chain lightning on wrath proc was my hardest hitting which offered 2k crits tops 2800. I used wrath proc for single target for crushing. Death field was decent aoe but sometimes button is not responsive and in time of need you missed oppurtunities having to reclick it.


    Overall my opinion of sorcs- we werent OP. I get my arse handed to me by ops, mercs, jugs, assassins, and marauders. Healers, well that could be a 3 min fight 1v1 where eventually I run out of force and lose if I dont properly interupt ther heals. If another came along I was toast.


    My name is Terani on my server, and I am one of the better sorcs on our server. But I assure you there arent a bunch of sorcs doing what a select few of us do. Some were actually not nearly as good.


    These nerfs are simply that. Nerfs. There are many great players on my server that will hand me my arse on a plate. Now, I wont be much competition at all- and be completely torn apart. Whats dissappointing is I played sorc just for the lightning, and the feel of the force slinger. Now thats all that is left, the look. We will no longer be a threat to anyone.


    With this new update I now know I wasted my time trying to get the 65 valor, the Bm gear, and the valor mount for a toon that is no longer viable for endgame pvp.


    With these nerfs should have had a buff to the force speed cooldown removed, as all we will do now is RUN from everyone. Rock, scissors, paper? Um, we fit none of those now.


    Those posting here, saying eveyr class got nerfed is just wrong. We are taking the BIGGEST hit and alreayd have with our dots no longer preventing objectives previously.


    Why would anyone want us on their arena team? CC? Seriously? You know what our whirlwind is for? Its for trying to run......cause our arse is being handed to us.


    Throughout mmo history a caster strengths was its ranged dmg and aoe dmg. Their weakness was if a melee was on them they were toast.


    Now our dmg is nerfed, aoe dmg is gone since chain lightning no longer works with wrath- and too boot we get trashed by melee.


    Then we have these people who say they have sorcs lvl 50 n BM gear coming on here saying we are OP????? Are you serious????


    No matter whose right combat logs should have been here first and dmg meters to explain fights to people. Then it would be known that skill and not 1 button punch is why the guy kicked your teeth in. Not because he was OP. Because he knew his class AND YOURS on how to survive.


    Half the posts in this thread are little children JUST LIKE SWG who crided JEDI was too hard to get I quit "WAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH" then BAM everyone had a dam Jedi.




    You ruined the sorcerer class. Your class will be next. Its the evolution of mmo's when a developer listens to these crybabies whine because they are upset that they feel it isnt fair for person A who played and invested 600 hrs to obtain some rairty, while person B hits forums cause person A has something they dont want to work for. Person B gets rewarded for his crybaby posts in masses since majority of people are lazy and want everything handed to them on a silver platter w/o any effort.


    Person A then quits because he did 600 hrs of gametime for rarity, whereas person B came to these forums and whined in mass and can now get the same item in 2 hrs.


    Person A was the backbone of your server, the guy YOU ASKED what stat was best for this class? The person who knew the strats, the person who lived ingame.


    Then people wonder why a game dies.......go figure.


    This is an epic 1.2 patch alrght, its the death beginning all over again just like the vanilla wow was wasted, swg jedi nerfed and give to everyone, blah blah blah.


    My sorc will now be shelved and my marauder will now be my main until hes nerfed to oblivion next patch as the new flavor of the month since the no skill people try to immitate the people they see kicking their arse in WZ. Next patch this will a Marauder nerf. Rinse and repeat fools until this game just blows and PVE content is so borked that nothing goes hand in hand.


    I am sorry to my fellow sorcerers here, and that we have just became the loser class of swtor with little to none in viability.


    I play 6-10 hrs a day. I just got donkey punched by bioware. ALL that time at fine tuning my character was just wasted. I have a BM geared dust collector now.


    Thank you Bioware. I already quit my 50 republic commando because the SERVER IS FREAKING DEAD and theres ZERO PVP, and now the toon I got to pvp on all the time on sith side is no longer worth elephant piss.


    You trolls can kiss my arse as well, because your just children who are happy at the misfortune of another that invested alot of time ingame whereas you played casually and were mad because you sucked.


    Bottom line, if a person plays a ton and you play 1 hr a week, he WILL OBVIOUSLY BE BETTER then you in every aspect of the game.


    Sadly, you want to be as good as him with next to no input of time.


    1.2 is a joke, and so is swtor. You want see me here much longer, as I have no desire to "REROLL" every 2-3 months because I mastered a class, obtained the gear, and invested my time to be the best of the best.


    Pointless, timesink. Your efforts will be rewarded with crap. Sorc OP? Well dont worry little boys and girls Sorc is definitely at the bottom of the dog pile now. Your whiny crybaby threads have accomplished their goal. Congratulations. Your class is next...........enjoy.

  12. Class: Sith Sorcerer

    Valor: 62

    Professions: Biochem/Bio/Diplomacy


    Situation: Minons out on crafting missions, que for warzone. Join warzone. ONLY in winning matches am I booted right in the last few minutes of match. Has happened 7 times today and it started TODAY.


    Thats over an hour of wasted playtime with no rewards. Its always a sure win match as well.


    One other person on my server is experiencing issue as well.


    Hes a sith assassin and prof is biochem as well.


    Common denominators:






    Very upset right now that only a select few are affected by this bug, which means it may not be fixed.

  13. Very constructive posts and the legacy problems are much clearer now.


    As for taking away from others, I do not wsh that. I wish to have more added.


    One true open world sandbox is an addition that will not take away from any rpg'ers.


    Having classes that can become "hero slot" with perma death (outside pvp arenas)



    My ideas are "choices" and not enforced on others. People can choose to make a hero class, to play the monthly leader of the faction, or to go to the open world darthomir.



    Very constructive ideas from everyone though! TY!

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