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Posts posted by Geston

  1. Cant be your favorite if you unsubbed.

    Anybody with any sense would just shrug this off, its a freaking game. It's like Bioware isn't allowed to make mistakes, people need to learn to back off.

    Does this suck? sure it does, will quitting and crying about it change anything? no it wont.


    How about everyone just chills out and let this get fixed, Insulting people and threatening to leave isn't constructive in any way shape or form.


    Sure, be frustrated but understand that every employee at Bioware is a human, and humans make mistakes. Just stop with all the conspiracy theories about how Bioware is out to screw us and lie to our faces and all this crap. Just relax, if you don't want to play right now, then don't. Stop ruining it for those of us without anger issues.


    Giving one faction the highest possible pvp rank and access to every piece of top tier pvp gear forever is more than a little mistake

  2. 1) This is a new MMO, there will be bugs from untested content, and prompt fixes and balances put in place...the same happened in vanilla for WoW


    I dont recall 70% of the Alliance players having Grand Marshall a month after it was implemented.

  3. This is absolutely ridiculous. I can go an entire Huttball match where I do nothing but score the ball and play the objective and have maybe 3-5 medals, while some sniper sits at the middle and kills people all game and hes rocking 11 medals.

    The current system just encourages people to ignore the objective and play deathmatch, why should I even bother trying to win when I can get more commendations for completely ignoring the ball/turrets and just fight people all game.

  4. Do agree Bioware should take the time and implement DR. Resolve is just plain bad. Half the time it doesn't even work. And when it does work it doesn't even matter because you're pretty much already dead.
  5. I agree guys! Classes are obviously balanced on the first try. I mean look at WoW vanilla, so much balance. Rogue and Warlocks were on par with each other all the time.


    Get off it OP, this games PvP needs an incredible overhall and certain classes need to be nerfed/buffed hard.

    This aint beta no more, this is the real deal. A bunch of us are 50 and we can smell the crap that is this games PvP from a mile away.

  6. Its getting out of hand. Why Bioware didn't add a WoW like report system is mind boggling.



    Afkers :"O NO WHATEVER WILL WE DO? O YEAH walk out of the spawn and afk."


    Also sith sorc afking and self damaging/healing to get massive rewards while still doing nothing is getting crazy.

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