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Posts posted by Septro

  1. OP, get to lvl 30-32 and have some laugh at what you wrote here.


    Quote of the month.


    Secondly - focus on lower health enemies in PVP to pick them off. Dirtykick, Pulse Detonate, and CC enemies around you to give you time to run or (re)cover.


    Thirdly - try and stay around others on your team. Look for spots that place in the position of: ENEMY > TEAM > YOU.

  2. I had no issues with Corso and am now at 37 and can tank elite's with him easy. Turning off hook is easy enuf. No matter who u use - upgrade their armor/weapons is very important.


    My opening combo on a Silver w/ adds. Is to Aimshot the lowest health one, burst volley and then quickdraw as they are usually below 30% health. As the first add dies, CC the silver mob, switch to the last add (usually whoever Corso hooks) burn and then redo the opening sequence on the Silver mob. When he comes in melee, Dirtykick, burn, Interrupt, burn.. rinse repeat until down.


    If the mob is really tuff be sure to be using real cover and not gumby cover.


    It gets a lot easier once you pick up Trickshot in the sharpshooter tree as you can spam that every other burst volley for good dmg.

  3. Yes. I will drop in cover constantly for the instant CB and get mobile with Trick Shot. One of my favorite combos.


    What he said ^.


    PVP especially - I'm into and out of cover often or non-stop really. I think follows the GCD x 2 (or 3secs) since you can't do it back-to-back-back but its up quick enough to make it worth the while.


    I should make a video but my movement is minimal - In cover, opening volley, out of cover move barely and hit Shift-F to reCover.

  4. Sharpshooter Trickshot + QuickAim + Snapshot > DF build.


    In PVP I found a great combo of BurtVolley->Trickshot+Aimshot is a helluva opening and if you can learn the Cover-Quickmove-(re)Cover combination to make BurstVolley an insta-cast makes fast work not only in PVE but also PVP.


    Also - for those of you having trouble with the Cover mechanic, Use Shift-F instead of F to get into cover where you are versus Gumby Cover. Its fast and quick and with Hunkerdown/CoverScreen defense is greatly improved.


    Honestly the only time in PVE I use gumby cover is for hard bosses to get the defense bonuses, PVP is too fast pace to look for a log to hide behind.

  5. Another WoW fanboy trying to achieve don't know what by writing a 0 value "review" from the narrow point of view of a WoW fanboy. Please, go back to your top 10 guilds in other games and don't waste your time (not to mention the time of others). I could go to WoW forum and write a few pages of why I couldn't stand that brainless, ugly game more than 20 minutes. Could compare it to countless older MMO's and say that WoW didn't invent any single new feature and other games already had all these things and even better (yet it shouldn't matter, because MMO is MMO, just like FPS is FPS, can't expect much inventions from a genre that is already shaped many years ago). That the only "greatness" of the game is hidden behind 2 words - "Blizzard" and "Warcraft" (combination of "Bioware" with "Star Wars" means something to lots of people as well by the way). I wouldn't even mention the graphical style that can appeal only to 5 years old ******* or older people with no taste. It would be a waste of time for me and for people on that forum, because when people want to read a review of the game, they'll go to one of the respected websites whose job is to write unbiased, reasonable and mature reviews.

    If you had some of your very own expectations about the game and the game didn't meet them, no one need to know about this, except for your close friends or your mother who is supposedly giving you money to buy games. Just go and tell her - "Mom, seems like I wasted your money on the game I don't like". Don't go here and type so much nonsense that is not interesting to anyone but yourself or someone from the top 10 guilds in WoW. Cheers.


    'nuff said


    OP - you just got pawned!

  6. ^ agree.


    Man if this is what the WOW community brings to this game.. I ain't diggin it.


    The game has got some issues mind you but its still a pretty damn good game overall with lots of potential. Wait 2-3months and if it don't improve then talk but 4 days? Not so much.

  7. I guess it won't help for me to post my FPS then (it runs around 132 in game).. but then again I have a PC built for gaming and not trying to play this on my Tandy TRS-80 with 16k of RAM.


    All jesting aside - The prob most like more related to machines running 4gb of RAM as that seems to be the most common denominator across folks having issues. I'm on an NVidia running the latest 290.53 beta drivers and the game runs extremely well on max settings.

  8. I love the folks that say the UI ain't that bad.


    You can't move or resize a damn window, except for chat. Move a window - seriously???


    The styling is just fine but really I can't move a window? That's day 1 development no matter what kind of MMO comes out.


    But that's my only legit gripe - the game is freaking AWesome-SAUCE otherwise :)

  9. SInce I played a Sith Inquisitor to only 12 in Beta and a Gunslinger to 30 today - I don't remember these many FLIRT options in the dialogue or is it just something the Smuggler gets the most options for?


    Some of the responses to the lady-types are purely hilarious and just like cheesy pick up lines but with flavor.



    The chick on Alderaan was the hottest so far, the wedding crasher crazy chick on Nar Shadaa was the funniest, and damn that Risha is a hard nut to crack, but I faith my Gunslinger will be laying that pipe soon :)



  10. They are near the end of August in Wave 2 of 4. I believe September was a quiet month for pre-orders.


    My guess is wave 4 today will go up to October 9th.


    My guess is based on Sods Law and the fact I entered mine October 10th.



    -- No seriously I think they may clear pretty much all of September today and even possibly into very early October.


    In Koolaid man's voice "OH YEAH!!"


    You know they're going to do another bonus wave like yesterday. How could they not? All you early Oct ppl... Whos with me on playing sometime today??? Oct 2nd here I come :)

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