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Posts posted by pflagerj

  1. More importantly, why is your tank so bad you need more than 1 per 4 man? Seriously, most WZ i can solo tank and not die once, with the level of players currently out there.


    im thinking you just werent clever enough to understand what he was ACTUALLY trying to say. no where did he say he wanted 2 tanks because his wasnt good enough. he simply wanted to play with another tank. reading is OP! i wish they still taught it in school so little kids like you might know what theyre responding to :rak_02:

  2. hey not sure of these points have been brought up but since its general discussion i guess it doesnt matter. here are some random suggestions that i have


    i had a few things that seemed wrong or inefficient... or that could use some extra work maybe on another patch??


    some of those things were:


    dueling - there should be a way to wager money on a duel, since world pvp is dead 90% of the time and you can only play 'hut ball' for so long without getting bored,,


    planets- being able to go to enemy planets would be really awesome, and also would make the amount of planets way less dissapointing. who cares if theres quests on those planets, we just wanna world pvp against people


    servers - since most of your servers are standard or lower on a regular basis why dont you just remove some of your servers or take them temperarily down, or offer a FREE transfer to a different server in the pursuit of full servers to world pvp in


    customization - it feels so damn boring to go down the list cool hilt-1 cool hilt-2 cool hilt-3 what happened to the KOTOR where they had names to make it seem less linear and to create more options or at least the illusion of more options


    special edition color crystal vendor... really... level 7 to level 47 level gap??? might as well not have even paid it to you because by time im that high level ill be using purple or white... sheesh there was a waste.


    security key vendor - first of all, if were realy gonna sit here and pay monthly, and even by special editions,,, then how are you gonna CHARGE us to make sure our account is safe... taht seems kinda lame to me. also, you guys have like 20 different special vendors do i have to get 20 different special payments to use all of them?? yes. so lame.


    hide helm AND hide hood would be really cool, sometimes you have a great mask and you want the hood over it.


    another thing, it takes SO LONG TO GET OUT OF YOUR SPACESHIP EVERYTIME U LAND and whats up with the planets where u hafta land, then go to an orbital relay station then land again?? seems really pointless way to waste your customers time


    the level 50 armors are all lame, at least for the inquisitor..i would prefer to run around with a hood or nothing.. and its weird everyy single level 50 item looks like complete crap except the headdress one. which looks about a 6/10 so not a whole lot better.


    where is hk-47/51???? :):):)


    when you type /who someone, it should pop up with a who serach for the name you entered, but it always just automatically searches for the planet ur on,


    also... the galactic trade market is almost un-usable... you really are REQUIRED to put in so much specific information that it isnt even worth it to look for items in that thing... there should be no minimum search requirements in order to use the galactic trade market, sometimes i like to just search for anything, sort by price, and see what the good deals are.. the way its set up is really inneffecient.


    in conclusion thank you for makin the game, dont get me wrong im having a lotta fun playing and stuff.


    i know this would be close to impossible to impliment now because it would be a change not an addition, but i was really hoping to actually FLY my own spaceship once in a while.. lineaar space battles are boring and long


    EDIT: i almost forgot... what good does it to do search for things on your minimap using the restrictive buttons youve provided if they wont even pop up on your map until your close to them??


    thank you for taking the time to read this, im sure there wil be people who want to dissagree which is fine or whatever, but i really think no one could argue that adding some of these ideas wouldnt really upset any specific group of people or create any imbalances.

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