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Posts posted by NordBlast

  1. or if you could pin the companions you use for crafting to the top of the list, or drag and drop them in the My Crafters tab.


    Really, there could be lovely QoL changes done to crafting... instead of the Mk-8 becomes MK-9 and locking the mats on Zakuul.


    I would also love unified UI for companions and crafting, and a warning when trying to summon the companion that is currently crafting or on mission

  2. They can run missions to get them surely. I'm for this idea as it helps reduce the amount of automated farmers for nodes since they have to actually get to a higher level to get the nodes ( or use crew skills ).


    I don't see why they should have to open up worlds to lower level alts that are probably only intended to be farmers in the first place.


    Mats missions aren't the same thing as gathering mats from nodes - much slower and costly.


    Nowhere in my post I was talking about lower level alts.

    In fact, I have ten level 65 alts, and one level 62 or 63.

    I've done KOTFE on 2 alts, and have no desire whatsoever to do it again on others.

    So, I don't see why these alts should be gated from area where BW is planning to place nodes.

    Previously, it wasn't required to do Makeb, Oricon, Rishi and Yavin 4 stories in order to access these areas.

    I don't see why it should be changed now.

  3. The new gathering nodes will be located in all "public" areas of Fallen Empire. An example would be the Zakuul Swamp.




    As it stands right now, the alts that haven't started KOTFE, are only able to access Odessen through legacy perk and have no access to Zakuul at all.


    Is it going to change in 4.1?


    If not, does it mean that characters who haven't started KOTFE are locked out of new mats?

  4. The only thing that changes in the accepting of gifts for companions who are romanced is the courting gifts, if your Ashara doesn't accept any gifts I think she may be broken, not just the romance flag with the courting gifts. I haven't seen any companion refuse all gifts yet. Has anyone else seen this?


    Of course I can't confirm that my Ashara will or will not accept gifts, since she is one of my unavailable companions atm due to my 5 yr nap.


    You can find what different romanced companions are accepting from here (it was updated for 4.0.2) - difference is not only in courting gifts: http://dulfy.net/2015/10/21/swtor-fallen-empire-companion-influences-guide/

  5. As far as I can see, courting gifts are still broken, no one is accepting them, except those who like them anyway outside of a romance.


    It isn't only courting gifts.

    Romanced Ashara, for example, should accept Courting, Luxury, Technology, Imp Memo. She doesn't accept any of these. It is clearly that romanced flag doesn't work with gifts, if at all.

  6. If you mean on Marr's ship, that's natural. Warrior has Vette, Trooper has Aric, etc.


    OK, didn't know that.

    I have played through story only twice - couldn't force myself to play it anymore on other alts, especially with broken companions.

    I still got email from Kaliyo instead of Temple though.

  7. Sadly I'm in the same boat, Romanced Temple but only after romancing Kaliyo first, I do believe I married Temple and got rid of Kaliyo but I got a letter from Kaliyo and not from Temple, do you only get the letter from the person you romanced or?


    I'm having exactly the same problem.

    Also Kaliyo was in the cut scene instead of Temple in chapter 1

  8. I'm apparently one of the lucky ones-- I got my probe back. (Wow, that sounds... bad, heh.) I didn't patch until after the servers came up, though, so that fits the pattern.


    Sounds like a file manifest problem in the patcher.


    I patched after servers came up, but unable to train medical probe.

    Clicking empty icon in your abilities further prevents that character from interacting with cargo holds, vendors, GTN, trainer, etc., until game is restarted

  9. There's a number of spots in the open game where you can earn a huge amounts of credits by killing low-level mobs in Heroic+4 areas. These areas are generally infested with credit farming bots.


    As long as they increase quest credit rewards appropriately, no players will even notice and the bots/credit farmers will have no more reason to be there.


    Kills will be much harder with level sync, that alone should have impact on bots. No need to reduce credits from kills

  10. I still think (based on livestream comments and FAQ) that:

    1. baseline for subscribers will be 40 slots. Any unlocks will bring it above 40 - up to 50 slots with 10 unlocks.
    2. preferred are going to get 16 slots, whether they have unlocks or not
    3. Unlocks will be in effect only when you are subscriber



    If all above is correct, then for majority of subscribing players, 40 slots will be more than sufficient, and they don't need to buy any unlocks.

    On another hand, BW, being sort of used car salesmen, would want to sell as many unlocks as possible on uncertainty, before expansion hits the servers.

    So people, speculating that they would have to buy more unlocks to bring available slots to 40, are playing into it.


  11. The FAQ says:

    We have increased the maximum number of character slots available to subscribers to 40 per server.


    40 is more then enough, I will only use five more or so myself.


    I made mistake, it was Eric in SWTOR Knights of the Fallen Empire Sept 30 livestream, he said this:


    Character limit – if you are already at 22 character limit and you create a new L60 character it will add a new slot for you up to a cap of 40-50 character per server. If you don’t want to make new L60 characters you can buy more character slots.


    So, this why I think 40 will be baseline, and 50 is for players with current 22 slots

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