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Posts posted by Bovive

  1. Greetings,


    The Dark Brotherhood of the Sith is currently recruiting members of all classes and levels. We are a small/medium sized guild with a primary focus on PvE content. We play all areas of content including flashpoints, operations, dailies, GSF, events, and PvP. The Dark Brotherhood of the Sith is a friendly and social guild comprised of players looking to help each other and generally just enjoy playing the game.


    What we offer:

    - Groups for Story/Hard Mode Flashpoints

    - Operations

    - Leveling

    - Crafting of all skills for members

    - Advice and help for new players

    - TeamSpeak 3 Server (Optional)


    If you are interesting in joining please leave a reply, send a private message on the forums, or contact one of the members below:


    Bovive, Verantis, Ewaba, or Heco.

  2. You guys are aware that things are often put on vendors in test servers so that they can be quickly and easily tested by a great many people, right? Especially things that would be so difficult or time consuming to acquire that only a few people could test them otherwise?


    Let's see what happens on the normal servers before we get outraged.


    If that was the case then why would items cost 250k? You can't even transfer characters there. Not many folks going to grind up to 50 and then amass a huge amount of credits to purchase crystals for testing. If it was there for testing only, then the crystals would cost 1 credit.

  3. My guild downed world bosses about 20 times to get specific magenta crystals schematics. It was a huge achievement engaging guild multiple times on raids always requiring our artificer to come online when we groupped and it took few weeks to get it.

    Now everyone will get it for 25k


    Each schematic on the test server is 250k, not 25k.

  4. IMO he is one of the toughest HM boss fights and rightfully dropping a head piece. I won't waste my time and repair bills with him anymore if he doesn't drop Columi. The final fight is 10x easier and a yawn fest compared to the bonus boss :/ (true for most HMs it seems)


    It's sad because I think its one the the most fun and challenging HM fights. Granted it all depends on group make up and gear but bringing in semi new 50s its a fun challenging fight.


    You summed up my feelings exactly.

  5. Experiencing the same problem with our pre-made group. 1 SW, 1 BH, 2 SI. The majority of what we get is IA gear. At most, each player in our group has 1 columni piece (I have none). All of us have a cunning companion, each of which has at least 2 columni gear. Wish I had some better numbers to show, but we are seeing what the OP is for the most part.
  6. I submitted a ticket in-game to have a mission removed from my journal that re-appeared after already completing it (was not a repeatable mission). They contacted me via live-chat and told me they were unable to remove missions from journals. Glad you got somebody to do it for you, I just wish we could abandon them ourselves.
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