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Posts posted by Agitate

  1. Hey guys,


    I was playing my scoundrel the other day and it seems kind of soulless without the maniacal laugh. I was just curious to how many of you also missed this feature? I miss it as I've been darkside since day one and it fit my character. For those that do not miss it; what was it that drove you insane? Is there a a happy medium that we could all come to if they brought it back?

  2. Hey gang,


    So I've been battle this question for the last month or so now and I've come to an impasse. I just cannot bring myself to remove 400 Artifice for a new trade but that being said I am finding it rather useless. I've already created the basic relics for myself and have been selling augmented light sabers on my server (but they really do not fetch many credits).


    I was wondering if anyone could give some insight to something that would be better for a PvP Juggernaut or a viable reason to keep Artifice. Has anyone else reached this dilemma? Any constructive input would be appreciated.

  3. I think it would be cooler if you could link your friends legacy with your own. Thus giving the Legacy system an actual purpose and creating a share feature you can enjoy for RP. I think being able to be married to a friend, have republic rivals (Actual players), and all the rest connected would really give the legacy system some depth.
  4. I've looked at this thread every month since it's original post. My answer as always been absolutely, without question, I will be keeping my subscription. At least, this was the case up until 1.2.


    Now, let me get this out of the way first. I am not a Star Wars fanboy, I enjoy the universe but it is not why I started to play this game. I started because I was tired of the same style of play other MMO's had offered. (WoW being the primary example.) My Starwars game was a gift, one I happily received and have enjoyed for months, even with getting to the end game with ease.


    I knew that the game had issues (Bugs, people leaving in mass, long ques, etc. etc. etc.) but I stuck by Star Wars and invited my friends to try it. The game has only been out since Christmas and I no longer think I would recommend it to any of my online friends anymore. Not just for the bugs that eat away at the core game, but because of Bioware's consistent inability to correct them. I understand that this is Bioware's first MMO attempt, that there are a lot of things I don't understand working in the background, but the fact is the MMO world now as a bar set by World of Warcraft. Like it, hate it, ignore it, it's the truth. Most gamers who pick up a MMO expect: A looking for group system (not even cross server just one in general!), guild banks, multiple chat channels, minor bugs, and a rewarding PvE and PvP experience. It's a high order to fill, but any MMO that launches must meet this basic requirement on launch. (I am also certain I am missing other features so feel free to post them i the reply :) )


    So what has changed? Well, nothing, and I think that's my overall disenchantment with the game. 1.2 was suppose to bring in a "New Game" experience and all it really did was ad some bars, a flashpoint, ops, and a system that allows me to drag bubbles of my characters around. Don't get me wrong, I am not ungrateful for the guild banks, the neat features associated with the legacy(Ship mailbox whooo!)

    but it wasn't what Bioware had promised. The patch was obviously rushed, much like the game itself, and provided a lackluster change that seems to have only angered players.


    PvP has had a complete renovation. Classes have been changed, so much so that I don't feel like I am even playing the class I started with. This, to me anyways, is neither good or bad. It's like learning your class over again, but the truth is not everyone wants to do that. Especially since people were only just getting use to it in the first place. Yes, there were things that were over powered. Yes, there were things that were useless. Yes, Huttball popped up a lot. And yes, it was once upon a time Empire players vs Republic players (Huttball excluded). With all these new PvP changes I can honestly say it only added to the frustration and disappointment to the game. The last minute opt out of ranked warzones (Although I agree with them taking it down, Bioware should have been honest and upfront about it oppose to waiting at the last minute to post it on the forums.), reduction of PvP experience gain, reduction of coms, increase of costs, reduction of credits obtained per warzone, and even the complete demise of Ilum. All of this, creates one massive issue with the game that should have been avoided.


    I know many people have other issues with the game. Some share my concerns, others don't, and to each their own. As for me? Will I renew my subscription? Yes, for another month or so I will. That being said, there is a lot of competition coming out in the next few months, and I sincerely hope Star Wars will be ready to compete with it.


    - Agitate


    Wrong..This is where it has all gone sour. I know people are going to disagree and that's great. We are all entitled to our opinion but don't be foolish and truly sit there and tell me that your happy with the game. Either your lying to yourself or your just trolling. Reasons for this is.

    1)End game content was doable after 3 weeks.(For those who don't have friends and pugged it prob 2 months). My Guild and I did all but The Rakghouls in 3 weeks with minor problems.

    2)PvP is boring and repetitive "NO MATTER" what server you are on adding another WZ in 1.2 isn't helping when you barely have enough to fill one game of voidstar.

    3)Class balance is all screwed up. (I.E Ops massive stun and Burst)(Sage/Sorc massive healing and DPS range)

    4)Server balance ratio of 4-1 (No hard facts just personal experience fanboys put away your QQ Stick)

    5)Almost 4 months and the only "Major content patch is things that should have been made at launch".

    6)Ship battles according to this site and others who sell the game [ Pilot Your Personal Starship - Earn your own ship which is your base of operations as you explore the galaxy and participate in epic space combat] <That is pulled right off the Bioware store.. Where do I get to explore you mean from one planet instant to another? Or battle npc ships that lag or go into a battle where only I can go and not friends? Maybe let my friends come onto my ship? No wait can't do that either.

    7)$15.00 a month sub for a game we paid $80 (at launch digital deluxe) and have gotten nothing from?

    8)So many spells..now I know all games "modern" are spell happy..I have two primary classes a Juggi Rank 74 pvp and a Shadow rank 62 fact is there are so many spells taking up my bars and No macro's that clicking is a must majority of the time..(I haven't been a clicker since DAOC)

    9)U.I----Yes 1.2 Is suppose to fix it..But like stated before Beta (Closed) Had these options then they were removed?...



    1) I will agree that it is doable in a short amount of time if you're more than a casual guild. For gamers who are looking for full time raiding or more then two nights a week - I am sure that this is teh case and is unfortunate if Ops is what you truly want to do in the game


    2) I disagree that PvP is boring and repetitive. This is an opinion based statement and the views will always be 50/50. Yes, I will agree there are not enough Warzones. That being said, I play a 50 Juggernaut Tank and I love the Warzones. I find them interesting and an excellent break from PvE style of play. Every match I go into is different. Sometimes we win very quickly, other times the republic does, and then there are the matches that go the whole 15 minutes. Either way, I've always enjoyed the way they pan out, even if it's sorc/sage/healer heavy.


    3) The huge over all of the classes are addressing the unbalance for most classes in 1.2. This being said, I am not going to argue that it isn't broken, as the developers themselves have already said it is.


    4) I'm on a server (Ven Zallow) where we're at a 50/50 split. Alas, there will be no saving grace for your 4-1 ratio until server mergers happen. If they happen.


    5) I got nothing. They should have had most of this out already. I agree with you here.


    6) The developers have stated they're working on a more social based Star Ship system. Although it will take a long time to get here; it's hard to compete against the SWG's star ship system. It was fantastic and only time will tell if they can fix this. Also, I find the Star Ship battles to be really enjoyable, both visually and as a break away from PvP, Ops, and Questing.


    7) I've only purchased the regular edition so I am unequipped to agree or disagree this comment


    8/9) I tend to agree the sheer amount of spell abilities is a bit much. It tends to clutter up everything and make it difficult to play. Example: Having a pummel and a kick ability only usable on certain PvE situations. Why bother having them at this point. As for macro's, I've never been a fan of them and think that it is a plus. Reaction time makes the game challenging and forces a player to learn their class slightly more oppose to just press a single key to do multiple things. What I will say, is I really wish there was a threat meter but that's about it.


    And those are my thoughts about your post. Like them, hate them, take them, or leave them. That's up to you.

  6. Good feedback so far. I am glad to see everyone enjoyed my post. Don't fret too much about 1.2 as it isn't here yet and there is time for change. That, and until we've played it it's hard to say exactly how much will change.


    Other than that, I only replied to bump this back up. I think it deserves to be on the front page awhile longer.


    - Agitate.

  7. I'll have to say no. Not because of the price,frankly 50k credits is a decent price, but because right now the end game missions still have a large chance at failure. This leaves you out 50k credits and a a companion for two hours or more. 1.12 is fixing this to give a guaranteed success rate for the later missions. If you want to buy now, and use later, then that would be the best way to go about it.
  8. To all of those that Heal, either in PvP or PvE, thank you. You make the world turn and the sun shine in the morning. You're all amazing, even when you're not at your best. This comes from both a Juggernaut Tank and as a Sorc Healer. So please know that I truly mean these words. Thank you for helping us win and clear the end game content. You're amazing.


    That is all.

    - Agitate

  9. This has happened two my guild twice. It happens when you wipe and not every member of the instance waits a minute or so after the wipe before re-entering. It has something to do with lingering mind traps and it causes the boss just to never actually land. We've discovered that if you die on SOA or have ANYONE die on SOA and you battle rez them; this happens. Your best bet to avoid it is to either - kill him in one shot, do not battle rez anyone until he lands, or to stay out of the instance for at least a minute after the wipe. Reported the bug each time this occurred. Truly, it needs to be fixed.
  10. I'm not putting that kind of faith in Bioware after the games initial launch. I am sure 1.12 will be a fantastic upgrade from what we have, but; the dream world of how amazing this game will be was destroyed on launch through a series of issues. Bugs, end game, yadda yadda you've heard this all before. It's not that I hate the game. It's not that I won't still be subscribed a month from now. It's simply I have little faith that the patch will create 6 months worth of amazing content.
  11. Do you currently find that end game is to easy?



    Did you think the leveling was to quick?



    Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?



    Just curious as i'm not a casual player of mmos but a hardcore player that has unlimited game time. Since causals are taking over the mmo market i'm just curious if you guys think this mmo is way to easy, or if your happy with the current difficulty?


    Dont get me wrong I still love the game, i'm just hoping that operations start getting more challenging for people like myself.



    I'm currently a casual player in a casual guild. I play roughly 12 hours a week at a maximum and I have one level 50 character. This level 50 is decently geared and I've been able to clear most of the end game content. My casual guild has made it past Karagga's on normal mode and have cleared Eternity Vault.


    I think the leveling was fantastic for a casual player. It took me about 2 months to reach the max level and I've been able to see the end game content (Ops only) and still have flashpoints to discover. The MMO is excellent for it's difficulty rating, although questing can be a breeze depending on your class. I think that those who want a harder version, Hardmodes and nightmare should suffice but, not having run those yet, I cannot say if they're up to the par hardcore players would be looking for.



    - Agitate

  12. Everyone - we apologize for the inconvenience. We do everything we can to avoid taking the servers down for maintenance outside of our regular weekly maintenance, but in some cases (like this one, unfortunately) we can't avoid it. This patch is necesary to ensure a good experience for all players during our Weekend Pass Trial weekend. We never take interrupting your playtime lightly, and this is no exception. Emergencies do happen occasionally, and we are working as quickly as we can to bring the servers back up so you can continue enjoying the game. In the meantime, we'll keep you updated with any new information that becomes available. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we work to ensure everything goes smoothly this weekend.


    This just indicates that people who have not paid a dime to the game are more important that those who currently are. The simple fact is that this should have been prepared for the Tuesday maintenance and there is no excuse as to why it wasn't done. Bioware could have, and obviously should have, extended the Tuesday maintenance to allow for the free trial weekend to go smoothly.

  13. It would take me ~160 hours to re-roll one level 50, plus all the hours I've put into alt characters, gathering credits, stocking up for crafting, working up crafting skills, etc... so you're probably looking at way over 300 hours all told. But let's call it 200 hours.


    If I have to pay $25 to transfer but it saves me 200 hours, that's effectively 12.5 cents an hour. My time is worth WAY more than that.


    But if I'm on a dead server, that's not really my fault, so I shouldn't have to pay to get onto a server that I can enjoy the game on.


    First of all, if you value your time you are playing the wrong type of game. It is not uncommon knowledge that MMO's are time sinks. Furthermore, if you are concerned about 12.5 cents an hour I suggest you stop paying Bioware 15.00 a month as you likely cannot afford to be playing it. Last and more importantly, you make this game seem like an actual job. The point is to enjoy yourself while you play and not about the time you sink into it. If you're fixated that badly on one character, than yes, pay the 25(You assume it will be this price) and transfer over. Make no mistake though, you will be paying to do so as Bioware does not do things for free. This isn't a slight against the company; just that it is a business first.

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