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Posts posted by adamqd

  1. The issue is gonna be, what will the Story group/ Lucas licensing do with this crappy idea? (Crappy as in changing something, but the name being almost the same lol)


    If they were rational people like a lot of the posters here, they could explain this simply as "This is where the Jedi were lead to believe the Sith Originated" or "Korriban is a Sith word, it's Coruscanti pronunciation is Morriband"


    But they won't, they will panic retcon as they always do, "Oh no a spider, kill it with your shoe!!" "Oh no an inconsistency, de-canonize everything before 19BBY!!"


    Bye bye Korriban

  2. Pariah would mean TOR was an outcast, or stands apart... I'll be honest, there isn't a good MMO on the market anymore, I played MMO's for nearly a decade, day in day out, like I actually played them, but there's not a good one currently available. I'm not speaking for everyone, but when a 30+ year Star Wars FANATIC/10+ year MMO freak (Me) cant bring himself to log in for more than 20 minutes a week in a Star Wars MMO, you failed.
  3. Why so much hate for ANY "fantastic" game? Simple: different people have different opinions. Just because you like something does not mean other people will. Conversely, just because someone else likes something does not mean you will. It is sad that some people simply cant comprehend that other people have different opinions than they do, and that opinions are neither "right" nor "wrong".



  4. I'm pretty picky when it comes to kitting out my player, and believe it or not I've been searching for a chest item I actually like since launch. As a big fan of KotOR I was over the moon when they released the Vintage Republic Military armor, I always wore that armor when playing through the game as I've always been a fan of fitted light armor padded shirts etc rather than bulky ugly armors. So Ive been sitting on a very expensive Black/black dye for a while now, and I was just about to put it in my eagerly awaited armor, when I noticed this strange (Ugly) green glow up ring around the neck (Never noticed that in KotOR or the cartel screenshot) and to top things off, the yellow area around it is also ugly and immune to the dye kit.


    Anyway to cut a long story short, my dream armor is a bust, and the search continues, but I'd just like to know if..


    a) Can you redesign this damn thing without a green light bulb on the neck? (I'm guessing no)

    b) Seriously consider making a three part dye kit, or at least allowing us to decide which of the 2 available colours we can use to color the other parts of the armor

    c) Release another type of dye kit that is just for the third or fourth colours on the armor (Like the singular primary and secondary kits currently available)


    I've edited a screen shot to show what parts of the armor aren't effected by the dye kit>>>




    I understand this may seem trivial to a lot of players, but Its important to me


    Thanks for any feedback.

  5. Hate it, but mainly because you can't enable Joypad/stick. Its a must, and I don't buy their explanation of "Well not everyone will have a joypad so that's not fair"... Not everyone has excess cash to buy loads of CC to get rich, not everyone has 30 hours a week to play, get good, grind gear. But it doesn't stop them designing the ground game that way. Its looks pretty, but its no where near as good as SWG: Jump to lightspeed... and tha'ts 10 years ago.
  6. First off arenas are a cool addition, however can you guys separate them from the warzone queue. I think its pretty frustrating to pug an arena. especially if the opposing team is not pugging. I have also encountered the problem of matches where both sides have 3 healers and a tank. as you can imagine those games end up hitting the "draw" portion of the match. so PLEASE bw give arenas their own queue option that is separate from the warzone queue!


    Agreed, but mainly because I have no interest in 4v4, I've had nothing but boring or bad experiences in them and to be honest I don't have enough play-time to do Op's so PVP is my only reason to log in... As 50-75% of my WZ invites are arenas I just end up logging. **** experience imo

  7. Right - 2 million+ people have done exactly that - QUIT! Rather than suggesting casual players quit this game, like you are, I'm 100% in favor of giving them options that might get them to STAY here longer.


    I'll ask you - how does this "screw up SWTOR"? Please keep in mind that F2P was never in the design of this game, so the whole "play how they designed it" argument is invalidated.




    I've "quit" several times, mostly because my time is limited and rolling another character in the same storyline, so I can experience a different group roll is impossible, AC switching would add a lot more to my experience.

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