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Posts posted by Coogihat

  1. I don't know if it's my server, if I'm just going up against bad players, or if it's my skill level. But I am having rather positive results in WZ's with pure Lightning spec right now. Last 12 games or so, I have been number 1 on the list with top damage, healing, medals and usually objectives too.


    For me at least, the 'weak' Lightning spec seems to be working quite nicely! I'm using this spec (Lv 45 at the mo): http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201G0bZbsrMdRMutzZc.1


    I find that when I approach battles from range as much as possible, I can pump out some decent DPS (150-220k). I try to kite and prevent myself from being focused as much as possible. The extra range on Lightning Strike, CL and Thundering Blast helps alot with this.


    No huge numbers but I do seem to get highest DPS in games consistently.


    Anyone else having positive results with Lightning spec? How is it at 50? I'm hearing a lot of bad things..

  2. When you have 1-2 mil customers, how can you please everyone?


    You can't. Which you already know, hence your rhetorical question.


    But that has nothing to do with the nerf to sorcs. What you are doing here is holding up the 'you can't please everyone' notion as if that validates BW's nerf to sorcerers. It doesn't.


    They could have gives us a much more 'fair' nerf. Many people have offered good suggestions: boosts to 31-point trees, less dmg on CL or less activation time on Wrath etc.


    In that way they could have adressed the boohoo sorc OP complaints while still keeping the sorc population relatively happy. But as I said, BW only cares about big picture and quick problem-resolving, not getting the best resolution for all parties.

  3. Agreed 100%.


    As I said in other posts, we got nerfed simply because we were on the radar. We attracted too much attention, others classes hated us cause we were overpopulated. Then they make up the 'OP' excuse, everyone runs with it, and we get nerfed to hell.


    Perhaps a bit of an exaggeration, but that's the general story imo. They could have given us a more 'fair' nerf. At the very LEAST a boost to 31-point trees.


    But all they have done is simply kill the most viable spec, while leaving the other (sub-par specs) just as they were. Perhaps a slight DPS boost to pure Madness (+20% on Crushing Darkness thru Wrath), but that's it.


    Where's the love man.

  4. The sad thing is, they are probably right about the majority of the players.


    Yup.. BW has the power in this situation. If we want to play a sorcerer, this is the only option we have. And that's fine with them, they don't care about us.


    What they care about is subscriber count (see: recent sudden 'patch' for weekend pass) and addressing large complaints. Imo their reasoning goes like this: if we don't find a way to please the sorc QQ'ers, it will be a bigger problem than if we don't (and keep sorcs happy). So they choose option A: nerf sorcs to please majority.


    Understandable. But this also shows us (imo) what kind of company BW is. They don't care about the individual customer, or a sub-group of customers for that matter. Big picture is all that matters to them.

  5. Hey guys, with the upcoming nerf to hybrids I have begun practicing with 31 Madness build. It's pretty fun to play imo.


    Any experienced Madness players willing to provide some tips/input? This is the build I'm going for (currently at lv 43): http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201hZf00MZcMfRsMkrfz.1


    What I'm really torn about is whether to get 2/2 Exsanguinate (because Affliction is one of your major skills) and 3/3 Convenction (same reason, CD is high-prioritiy skill so dmg boost to it is nice).


    But I'd have to give up Lightning Barrier and Seeping Darkness for those skills, having no room to spare in the Madness tree itself.


    Also not sure about optimal rotation (for PvP). Is it advisable to try to line up Dots all the time to coincide with Deathfield/Deathmark? Or for example try to keep Creeping Terror up on a target at all times, because it's only got a 9 sec cooldown.


    Thanks for any input.

  6. It's funny, I just had a discussion with a Rail Shot spamming PT about this.


    He agreed with the nerf to sorcs, citing the example of 'sorcs getting 828k every game is OP'. Lol.


    I get idea of a nerf, because hybrid's do have high dmg potential. But isn't what they are doing now basically just gimping sorcs completely? With this nerf, our dps looks like a crying little girl compared to mercs and snipers. Not even gonna start on non-ranged classes.


    I still think the only (or at the least by far the largest) reason for the nerf is simply the overpopulation of Sorcs. Everybody sees Sorcs, people who DON'T have sorcs get all hurt because they see so many of them (even tho most are garbage). They die to a good one and cry nerf. One thing leads to another and before you know it..


    Pure Lightning is so weak.. at least give us a buff to the 31-tiers if you're gonna nuke hybrids completely. But no, that is not what BW is concerned about. Their concern is 'adress large number of complaints', not 'balance all classes fairly'. At least that's what I think.

  7. Obviously BW is a company and as such wants to make money. I actually don't care at all about this downtime.


    What I want people here to be aware of tho is that this 'patch' has illustrated 1 thing very clearly: Bioware does not care about you, the individual paying customer. Or about groups of customers.


    Their main goal is to get as many subscribers as they can. If they have to screw over their current paying subscribers to do it, they will.

  8. can't believe that people are whining about this, I mean it's a new game after all, and what I think of when they shut down the server is that they want to IMPROVE your game play so you can enjoy the game, and yes some people get mad when the shut down is, ofc and I understand, but in the mean while it is down, go take a shower or take a walk, just take a few moments from the computer and just do something else instead of complaining about it..


    Can't believe your lack of information. And probably lack of intelligence.


    Bioware shafted it's paying customers to earn more money.


    That's what they did here..

  9. I am so sorry bioware, don't let these whiners get to you, your doing a great job! Things like this happen and normal people like me, who don't get to play today are okay with it. Keep up the good work!


    They are doing a good job.


    But they also shafted their paying customers so they (BW) can earn more money by getting more customers.


    I don't really care, but I think a lot of people are missing ^^ this point right here.

  10. readily accept our new downtime overlords.


    This is an excellent case of a Catch 22:


    1. It doesn't matter when the downtime happens, lots of people are bound to explain. I've seen it happen even when it was scheduled. People just like playing and they take it personally (as if Bioware has a vendetta against specifically them and their needs), when they can't play no matter what the time.


    Shut it down during EU's prime, EU complains.

    Shut it down during America's time, America complains.


    Oh well might as well just shaft the europeans everytime then! Less complaining and upsetting our LARGER base aka america. Screw fairness, let's shaft the euros! There's less of them! Might as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. So if they do maintenance at 2 a.m. CST people complain. If they do a patch at 1 p.m. CST people complain.


    Face it - there's no good time to do it - someone somewhere will be inconvenienced. Deal with it.


    Oh might as well shaft the europeans everytime then! Because everone can be inconvenienced. For our convenience we'll just EFF the Euro's everytime. Less QQ than with Americans. Might as well!

  12. It's sad to see how outraged people get when they cant be Hot Pocket Nawers......... :confused:I mean it's freaken Star Wars, and that alone should be enough to keep playing, After all, the game hasn't event been out for 6 months yet and people want a perfect game. There is a reason why the game went down, plain and simple. This just means people must now have a life for a few hours...Waaaaa?!?!!? :eek:


    Not. the. Point.


    The point is that these maintanances are often being done during EU peak time, which is a bit unfair. The point is that this patch was dropped without warning, without explanation. That does not sound like good service to me.


    The point is I cannot go play 'Star Wars EU', I am dependant on the company I pay, Bioware, to play Star Wars.

  13. Another thing: how much more useful is 2/2 Telekinetic Defense over 2/2 Disturb Mind?


    I know Telekinetc Def is great, obviously. Force Armor absorbs a lot and this makes it absorb even more.


    With longer uptime for Weaken Mind from Disturb Mind tho, don't you get more chance to proc Psychic Projection? The dual-dipping or even a single short duration Tele Throw is quite powerful and might also give more chances for PoM procs.


    But this is just speculation. Since the Psychic Project proc can only occur every 10 seconds, I don't know how useful the prolonged duration of Weaken Mind really is.

  14. Good insights Elrath.


    I was personally leaning towards the 7-17-17 as well, choosing the 2/2 in Effusion because of the force regen.


    But if you really never go OOF with 1/2 effusion, then the choice for insta-CC is clear.

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