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Posts posted by Woetoo

  1. My subscription ends shortly and so I'd like to end where I started... with a suggestion.


    Why would you make a suggestion for a game you are quite possibly going to stop playing (unless buried somewhere in that impenetrable WoT is something about continuing to play Preferred)? If you're done with the game, you're done with the game. If and when you feel the desire to play again, do so. If not, don't.


    Why would I make a suggestion?

    I guess because I'd like to see the game improve and think that I could perhaps contribute.

    I perhaps also wanted to highlight that the people who are (like myself) choosing to end our subscription, aren't just throwing our toys out of the pram and stomping off in a huff. Some of us still have positive contributions, despite our negativity about the game direction, thoughts about revenue and investment, as well as customer interaction and communication.

    Hell, I wanted my last post to include something positive. I guess I've blown that idea by replying here.


    Liking the game is not a binary state. It's not either "I do or I don't".

    I can like the game enough to be willing to offer a suggestion AND dislike the current state of the game (and my perceived perception of where things are headed) enough to have reached the point where I choose to end my subscription.

    They aren't mutually exclusive.


    If anything, it was an idea that was knocking around in my head since the original Rakghoul event, and the impending end of my subscription gave me a deadline, where upon I would no longer be able to post it.


    I had an idea. I had a deadline. I posted it.

    Where's the downside? What did I do wrong?


    I'll just assume that you're fed up with people posting "I'm quitting the game" onto the forums. You'd rather not hear it. Then rather than empathise with that position, you feel the need to lash out. Fair enough. Good luck with that.


    To those that continue to play (and pay)... enjoy.

    To those that choose to quit... enjoy that too.

    To every other combination and fringe case... what the hell... you guys have fun too.


    Meanwhile, back to the important bit: Large bulletin screen in cantinas and around fleet. Behaving like CCN, highlighting "something out of the ordinary going on". But blank the rest of the time.


    I wish everyone a happy new year.

    Take care.



    Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.

    -Eleanor Roosevelt


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  2. My subscription ends shortly and so I'd like to end where I started... with a suggestion.


    I know nobody is listening. I know that those that are are filters for the people who might really recognise a useful idea. But despite the entire black hole of communication, I feel that shouldn't be a reason for me NOT to put a suggestion in - though obviously at this stage, it's more about my wanting to type this idea up and not about it ever making it into the game.


    So the idea...


    One aspect of the game that seem really lacking is how information is communicated to players (*cough* in game). Sometimes it's a terminal. Sometimes it's an obscure object. Sometimes it's a quest giver stood on a fleet of quest givers. Sometimes it's even a quest giver stood on a planet (HK51). Being somewhat inconsistant, invariably knowledge of "where to start" comes from the forums, from general chat, from news sites or just good luck.


    And I wonder if there's a better way.


    Back during the original Rakghoul event, there was a video screen at the Alderaan spaceport entrance if I recall correctly. Clicking on it gave a news report update. I really liked the implementation and the thought that it was a mechanic that would have been really better used if it were on fleet.


    What I was thinking was this... Have a few computer screens liberally scattered around the galaxy, especially a few strategically scattered around each of the fleets and in cantinas everywhere. Most of the time, those screens would be blank.


    But... when there is something of significance going on - those screen light up - either with a video, news anchor or a simple "news website" like imagery. Just a simple "oh, that wasn't there before".


    The screens would be entirely silent, no annoying noise or speech to inflict them on people who aren't interested every 90 seconds for a whole week (or longer).


    Then, anyone who is interested can click on the screen and see the whole introduction and perhaps receive a quest that directs you to the primary quest giver.


    Because the screens are usually blank - any image on them will become significant to players without becoming an irritation or distraction. Using a common central point of communication means that players don't need to hunt down the initial start point. But more than that, it makes sense - it's how sci-fi films have depicted "big events" being communicated to citizens of that universe for decades.


    You could have smaller screens surrounding or close by the big screens for most common events (finding your class trainer when you first get to fleet, being offered a flashpoint quest). Or have them as information terminals, where players can "log in" to get directions of the GTN or the skill mentor.


    I'd like to think that our spaceships included a big blinking red light on the flight consoles each time an new event starts. Because again, that's how sci-fi films depict that happening.


    The idea seems like it would streamline a lot of inconsistent trigger points within the game, at least for a short period (since not every communicated idea has an expiration date). I thought it was necessary mainly due to the number of times when something comes along that general chat becomes filled with questions that the game just doesn't provide a better answer to. Where to start the HK-51 quest was one. "Is it bounty week?" might be another. Even stuff like the Revan expansion or the arrival of the Dread Masters on Oricon could have been shown as "new bulletins" for a few weeks.


    I'm not suggesting a replacement for the quest givers / items / whatever. The screens being blank most of the time would be an important aspect of their existence.


    Anyway, that's it.


    And just for old time's sake... here is a selection from my other suggestions from over the years....





    I did exclude a couple that were implemented into the game (shock and awe, yup - though clearly that was just coincidence and not as a direct result of my post) and a couple I thought weren't relevant to the game as it exists today.


    Have fun this Christmas time. Enjoy the holidays.

    Enjoy the games you play and move on to another as soon as they stop being the most fun you can have with your time/money.


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  3. As others have said, you don't lose the money as such - it goes into a reserve fund (escrow) that you can't access without using a special unlock (usually bought with cartel coins). imo, it's not worth it.


    Each character can have up to 350,000 credits. So alts are one way to mitigate the dip in funds.


    You can't trade money with anyone. You can't mail it after you are F2P (see next note).


    You can split your money between your two primary characters and mail it in small(ish) increments between those two characters (I used to use 100k and 150k) BEFORE your subscription ends. That way, both characters have a couple of million in their inbox waiting for you to grab as needed. The mail will sit in your inbox for 30 days, then bounce back to the character that sent it (which is why you use 2 characters, so you get 60 days with money in the inbox not 30). 30 days after that, if you haven't already grabbed it from the inboxes - IT' S DELETED. So before that happens (and I lost 10 mill the hard way) - grab it and put it in escrow (or subscribe for 1 month).


    Keep in mind, without a some tinkering, you're not going to be able to buy anything for more than 350k. So anything you want to buy that is more expensive (the account wide unlocks mentioned above are a good plan) - do that before your sub ends.


    As soon as you subscribe again, all the money from escrow (including any money you've earned over the 350k limit) is returned to you.


    Finally, there are all those "click my referral link" links. Speak to your friends. As preferred, using one of those links gives you various benefits - like certain unlocks and stuff you'd normally need to buy from the cartel market. There are terms and conditions obviously. I think one of them is that you need to have been preferred for 90 days before you can use the link - though that might only be the 7 days free subscription. The way I planned it originally was to do the money in the mail thing. Wait 6 weeks. Get 7 days free sub via a referral code. Sort my mail/money out during those 7 days. Then do another 6 to 8 weeks. That said, I forgot and f**ked it up. Anyway, go investigate yourself. It might be it's no use to you - but hey, maybe you'll still be playing in 90 days and still don't want to subscribe.


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  4. I've been tracking the Red Eclipse server population since September.


    There's definitely a big spike this week.

    Christmas is definitely helping. The movie too no doubt. I'd also credit the 2XP too.

    There was a minor climb in population for each of the last 3 weekend too (each week being slightly ahead of the same day the previous week).


    http://www.torstatus.net/the-red-eclipse/trends/60d and http://www.torstatus.net/shards/eu/stats


    TORStatus may not be quantitative - but I do think the numbers are consistent. I know people are saying perhaps the server caps have been tweaked. I don't think so. Party because I my impression of how many people I'm seeing online. But also because tweaking that number would probably require a coding change - and let's be honest, Bioware are on holiday and (seemingly) understaffed. I doubt it would occur to them to fiddle the numbers just to give the impression of a busy server.


    There was a similar spike back at the end of October.




    I did notice a couple of shouts recently for recruitment for French guilds, which is odd considering there are dedicated French servers. I wonder if perhaps part of the increase in population on TRE is people doing server transfers to a "busier" server. (I assume the same is true for The Harbinger for the US servers - despite the USEast / USWest split).


    I wouldn't read too much into it right now. It's so easy to colour the numbers with personal perspective. I'm much more interested in the trends - which I don't think you'll see until late January / early March when things settle down and will lack the "distorted by the temporary --whatever-- factor" (Christmas, 3 month subs from KotFE launch ending, subscriber bribes becoming active, Chapter X release, the new PvP zone launching, etc).


    btw, the other number you can track too is the number of toons (not accounts) actively parsing raiding content. SM raiding isn't consistent, because not many people seem to parse those runs. But HM raiding parses could allude to the trend of how active the progression raiding scene is. ( http://ixparse.com/stats/?boss=&mode[]=HM&metric=Toons - Hover over the columns for "Class Distribution - All" for actual numbers)


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  5. There are three flavours of customers from a SWTOR point of view :



    • Subscriber
    • Preferred
    • Free-to-play


    Both Preferred and Free-to-play are F2P. The difference is that preferred people have previous spent money in a way that Bioware liked (mostly subscribing, but I've a feeling there are a couple of other ways too). Preferred pay exactly the same (nothing) but have a few extra perks available (like chat).


    Once you've subscribed, you'll always become Preferred when your subscription end.


    And yeah, the names do make it a bit awkward.


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  6. When looking from end game operations point of biew it doesnt matter anymore this NiM issue. It seems a lot raiders have started to quit this game anyway. I see drastic drop from last week compared to start of november (like half less) http://ixparse.com/stats/?boss=&mode[]=HM&metric=Toons


    Also server population activity has been declining especially EU suffers a lot http://www.torstatus.net


    I really doubt NiM loot can fix that trend anymore. And we still have end of december + whole january without any update.


    I have to say, finding this post was a bit of an eye opener.


    I would say the torstatus values I've been tracking show that the population of my primary server (The Red Eclipse EU) is holding fairly steady. If anything, since the NiM loot discussion and (lack of) announcement about future FPs and OPs - the population tracker shows that the trend is slightly upwards (ie. More people logging in, or the same number logging in for longer). I was a bit surprised, but there it is. ofc, that's still a lot lower than the numbers than were showing for the release of KotFE - but that's to be expected. I do know that a few French guilds have popped up recently though, despite there being a dedicated French server - so that could be once reason for things appearing steady, as population drops, people migrate to the busy server.


    I look at http://www.torstatus.net/the-red-eclipse/trends/60d - then show the %standard+, %heavy+ and %full.

    Really just looking at the %heavy+ if I'm honest - to track how often the server is showing full/heavy.


    Here's my current tracking image (going back to September this year)....




    As you will see if you click the image, September the server hardly ever reached "Heavy" status, except a couple of minor weekends. Then as the early access and main releases happen, things heated up - with the server even showing "Full" a couple of times. Then things settled down by early December. The last 3 weekends things show a minor upwards trend. Same for the midweek numbers.


    ofc, all that said, these are just interpreted figures based on an imprecise measuring system. They seem consistent to me and reflect my perception of the server. But judge for yourselves.


    For the ixparse numbers, I chose to look at the HM numbers for all classes/all roles.


    Hardmode - Toon Count (All toons)



    • w/e 27-Sep -- 37,232
    • w/e 04-Oct -- 40,097
    • w/e 11-Oct -- 39,394
    • w/e 18-Oct -- 38,157
    • w/e 25-Oct -- 26,545 -- (Early Access, 22-Oct)
    • w/e 01-Nov -- 66,296 -- (DP HM)
    • w/e 08-Nov -- 96,487 -- (DF HM)
    • w/e 15-Nov -- 109,945 -- (ToS HM)
    • w/e 22-Nov -- 108,935 -- (EV HM)
    • w/e 29-Nov -- 103,245 -- (S&V HM)
    • w/e 06-Dec -- 131,255 -- (TFB HM)
    • w/e 13-Dec -- 77,737 -- (KP HM)


    On the face of it, a drop from 131k to 77k in a week is pretty bad.


    I would however throw in a few notes of caution. ixParse's stats are from Monday to Sunday. SWTOR's raiding week is from Tuesday to Monday. It shouldn't affect the numbers overall, but it makes it difficult to gauge weeks affected by the "preferred hardmode" target being adversely popular (EV/KP) or adversely unpopular (EC). Secondly, this tracks toons, not accounts - I know our guide runs alts through even HM content, so I assume others will too (especially EV and KP). Finally, this only counts number of toons who are logged through ixParse - unlikely as it is, the drop off in numbers could just be people not parsing their runs or people using a different parser. (yeah, I know, unlikely - but still, that's the thing with numbers... context matters). I'm not a progression raider as such, more a social hardmode raider - so as I said earlier in this thread, the NiM loot issue specifically probably doesn't affect me that much. Bioware's attitude to repeatable group content though does (for me, that's raiding).


    My interpretation based on both these sites is that the overall population is remaining pretty static right now and that there was a drop off in people logging HM raids last week. I think that's probably progression raiders just not raiding, but I'd need to see the numbers after Christmas to make sure it wasn't just something unusual like nobody wanted to do EC HM runs or something perfectly normal, like guilds calling a raiding break for Christmas. It could even be stuff only semi related, like perhaps people did enough EV and KP HM runs on all their alts for SO much 224 gear, they don't feel the need to continue raiding right now. ofc, the NiM raiders are raiding for challenge, not the gear :p so perhaps the 224 gear doesn't matter. :eek:


    I hate to say it, but perhaps Bioware are doing it right (for them). That the raiding community is small enough that losing us isn't that big a dip in the revenue. Which in turn allows them to save money not developing costly operations. That doesn't help me, I've already stopped raiding and I'll be offline until at least August when my sub runs out in two weeks because of my needs from the game not being met. It might be August (so I can see the how the story plays out). It might be before then (if Bioware add "enough" content). It might be never (fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me). Obviously I'll only be judging things based on concrete news of what has been added, rather than vague and misleading promises of better stuff later.


    Now that I know the ixParse page exists, that'll be interesting to keep track of.

    The numbers will be all over the place for the next 6 to 8 weeks, with the release of the film and Christmas holidays. Even the release of Chapter X in February. I doubt we'll really be able to judge the trends in overall population until around March. But trends concerning HM raiding should be clearer by early February.


    More interesting for me though will be EA's next quarterly earnings call.


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  7. Overall though, I'm starting to doubt the wisdom of separating character from old companions for months. Not so bad if they all come back quickly, (with frequent meaningful story chapters) but some might take a year or more..... And that's a long time to play 'no spoilers' + 'wait-and-see.'


    My guess would be that everyone will have all their companions back by the end of Chapter XVI (Around August/September next year if memory serves). Some will come back as part of big story arcs (Kaliyo for example), whereas others I'm sure will just be slotted in because there are 40+ companions and only 7 chapters remaining.


    My doubts about Bioware's wisdom arise due to the sheer number of companions being thrown at us.


    My personal experience, having levelled all 8 classes to max level, is that after a while - the majority of companions become just background noise (an annoying noise in the case of Treek). Of my 40+ companions, perhaps 2 or 3 actually "mean" anything to me, and for the most part they are the companions I either got to know the best very early on or were the companions I found interesting.

    Obviously some were better written than others. Some had a more indepth back story than others. But after a while, no amount of story was going to keep me engaged with semi-generic companion #33.


    And that is my concern for the KotFE treatment of companions, new and old. Everyone wants their favourite companion back. Everyone's opinion is going to be different. Bioware are going to give everyone what they want. And so everyone is going to get (or at least be offered) every companion and some more besides.


    Yes, you'll get "your" companion back. But "your" companion is yours because it's somehow special to you.

    I doubt very much that sort of connection will arise for a KotFE companion. And if not, then that somehow betrays the fact that the original story has something that the KotFE story doesn't. Which is a shame, because the new companions for the most part are written to be a little less one-dimensional than the originals. A shame, because they're lost in the avalanche of companions that are coming your way.


    Throw companion gifts into the mix, where some will always do quests with "that one companion", because that's the one you got to influence rank 40+ - and the chance of making a connection to 49+ of those 50+ companions is lessened further.


    ofc, there are going to be exceptions. Some people are going to love Koth. Some people are going to love Scorpio (especially since she's clearly going to have a big story arc going on). Some will love Skadge. But for each companion that is the exception, there are going to be 40+ that I suspect most people are just going to "meh" about.


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  8. I personally don't see how the alliance could be anything but a timesink to gain a couple of "bling" items.

    Same with companion reputation (mostly - they do actual have stat boosts and crafting bonuses).

    Same with companions overall.


    Personally, I think of it as just a bad Facebook game. Throw a lot of time at it, where the payoff is the opportunity to throw more time at it.


    My reasoning is this: Bioware's logic is that everyone must be able to progress.

    They can't release a new expansion like KotFE without allowing for the person who reached level 60 in entirely green gear. So level 61-64 questing inevitably give upgrades that bring everyone to more of less the same level.


    Same things with the Alliance...

    When Chapters X thru XVI are released, everyone must be able to see what comes next. You can't gate things behind "Alliance level 10" or anything like that, because the people who never got past Alliance level 1 would be unable to do stuff.


    You can't make something dependant on a specific companion - because maybe you made the choice not to collect that one.


    I hate to draw a comparison to the very, very emotive subject of Mass Effect 3. But think War Assets. Yes you can collect them. Sure you can absolutely max them out. But whether you collect 1 or 10 thousand - you'll still see almost the same end result. Because the person who collected just 1 can't be told "nope, you didn't do enough".


    So if you can't make anything meaningful be dependant on the Alliance rank... what is there left? Mounts, hats and pets. Perhaps an achievement or two and a title.


    There will undoubtedly be be some minor dialogue changes. Maybe even two alternate cut scenes. But if Chapters 1 thru IX have taught us anything... it's that nothing we do matters. The same characters will always die (unless they're resurrected through the magic of subscriber bribes). The same ships will blow up. The same planets will fall. The same bad guys will arise.


    You're always going to be able to get all your companions back (or at least, be offered the choice).

    Then the people who see an XP bar and must fill it, or a "Rank 1 of 20" and must get to 20 - they can do that - but it won't DO anything.


    Ultimately, you should be doing stuff because doing it the most fun can have in the time you have available, not because someone put a progress bar under your nose. If you're not, go do the thing that is more fun.


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  9. Follow my logic here...


    - The game starts as a subscription game. --- You pay some money and you get access to everything.


    - Then the game transitions to F2P. --- New players can demo the game for free. Active players continue to subscribe but also have the option to pay more money on top of their subscription to the cash shop. Semi active players can choose between F2P and subscription, plus throwing extra money at the cash shop.


    - Now we have the KotFE expansion. --- You only get it if you subscribe but the cost is below that of a normal boxed expansion, but technically it's still F2P. There's already a cash shop. You're effectively paying a smaller amount for a brand new proof of concept idea (A "story only" based MMO), it's buggy, unfinished, but on the whole what is currently available holds together and is pretty well done. It was hyped, but didn't quite live up to that hype.... I mean, that's pretty much an Early Access Game isn't it? Or something that's just gotten through St**m Gr**nlight? Pay for something now, for the promise of something better later?


    So if the progression continues...


    - K**kstarter ... Bioware asks for money. They've realised that the big corporations won't actually fund a game to the level required to actually deliver what the players want so are approaching player base directly. Without that money the game just won't happen. Money goes into the black hole. No promises are made, because you're not an investor. The game may or may not happen, but thanks for the money.


    Sorry, I'm just having a little fun here. The idea of KotFE being an early access game came to me last night and it made me chuckle at the thought of the game devolving into a K**kstarter campaign. I'm just covering my disappointment with humour.


    Why the "**" in the names? I've no idea about the copyright and trademark implications. So I'm erring on the side of caution.


    To the Bioware team, I know it's not really your fault, I wish I could continue to support the game, but I'm a customer not a benefactor... so...


    Take care,

    enjoy the holidays,

    hug your family,

    let them hug you,

    and good luck with the game, your careers and everything else that might be important to you.





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  10. On the PvE side, we do not have anything specific to announce at this time but we will certainly share more information as we have it.


    Oh dear.


    For us, it is important that all of the our content, group content included, ties into the storyline of Fallen Empire and connects to your character’s story.


    Have you played your own current endgame content?... Because it clearly isn't the case that group content ties into the storyline. Though perhaps Star Fortress IS the current group content, in which case I withdrawn my statement.


    We hope that this addresses some of the concerns that you may have.


    I guess that's as clear a statement as we're likely to get given the current limitations on what you're allowed to say and how you're allowed to say it. Because a "no, we're aren't actually working on any Flashpoints or Operations right now" - was never going to happen. Not while there are still some people who will remain subbed because they still have faith.


    As always, I will pass on updates as I have them. Thanks everyone.


    Thank you Eric.


    I hate to point out that you don't really pass on information as soon as you have it. In fact, that's quite rare these days. But I'll be appreciative of the "I will pass on updates as soon as I'm allowed". Or perhaps you really are out of the loop, though personally I think I'd find that even more depressing.


    Take care,

    enjoy the holidays,

    hug your family,

    let them hug you,

    and good luck with the game, your career and everything else that might be important to you.





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  11. - Early runs of Black Talon pre and post launch.


    That real sense of it being a different dynamic than another MMORPGs. The feeling of choices actually making a practical difference, even if it was just a "go left" or "go right" through the ship choice. Something that felt more than just a minor dialogue change. Combined with the social aspect of picking a lightside choice when all your friends wanted the darkside choice or visa versa.


    ofc, that was all before the "ffs... plz spacebar the cutscenes, I've only got 15 minutes".


    - Getting a couple of people to understand actual mechanics of the puzzle and getting various pug groups past the Fabricator in KP, despite the guy who's all "I can solo the puzzle"..


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  12. I applaud this effort.


    For lots of reasons, some players don't feel like their feedback is being correctly interpreted by Bioware. Though I was sad to read today that one reason for the almost zero activity from the CMs/Devs was as a legal requirement for the company to protect their employees after death threats. On top of that, some players have no faith that Bioware are interpreting the metrics data correctly and overlooking "lack of data" as data.


    So when one approach (giving feedback on the forums, filling in /bug reports, etc) feels like it isn't working... TRY SOMETHING ELSE. This is as good an attempt as any. It stands the chance of being picked up by social media and some of the news sites - and perhaps that will nudge Bioware into communicating things that players would like to know.


    I wanted to step up and participate here, despite not being French and not being able to speak/read French. I levelled a Juggernaut to level 17 on the server in anticipation before I got my personal ship and realised I couldn't actually REACH Odessen (I don't have Nico and the legacy unlock now requires level 55).


    The problem with everything right now is that Bioware are locked into a development cycle. I like the story. I think story is absolutely essential to stop the grind feeling like a grind. I just worry the resources just haven't been made available to do "Good Story" and "Good Something Else" and so Bioware are making the best of limited resources by focusing on a single solution to their woes.


    They have committed to 16 Chapters of higher quality story and they've delivered 9 (opinion varies on the quality). I have no doubt they already have things like voice-acting and other stuff for the whole 16 chapters already ready to go. For all I know, everything about those 16 chapters is already complete and the deployment over the next 10 months is purely a business strategy. More likely though, is that Chapters 11 thru 16 (and the HK-55 chapter) are still work-in-progress.


    My recollection is that Bioware said their wouldn't be any new Operations with the KotFE expansion. The glass-half-full people are leaping to the conclusion that means "at launch" and new operations are being worked on to be released early in 2016. The glass-half-empty crowd are leaping to the conclusion that means during the KotFE expansion and we'll not see any Operations before at least September 2016. I'm in the glass-broken-already camp of saying that if Bioware had any positive news about Operations, they would have already announced it just to mitigate the sh*tstorm that keeps heading their way.


    Source : http://www.swtor.com/blog/operations-and-flashpoints-fallen-empire and http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=822508


    But that was before the guy who wrote that blog left to work on Mass Effect.


    Edit.. Oh, I found this post. It was pre the blog post...


    Hey folks,


    Lots of good questions around Operations! I am not going to go into details right now but, we have plans for Operations that we are pretty excited about. We will be releasing a blog in the coming weeks which should answer many of the questions that you have right now.






    ofc, the blog post DIDN'T actually answer the main question. And the "exciting plans" could be the re-balancing of all the old raids to be current raids.


    So I'm still Glass-broken-already guy.


    If I can figure a way to get to Odessen, I'll try to put an extra body on the screen. If not, I hope your efforts get noticed by the right people.


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  13. Hey folks,


    There are quite a lot of things that will be going on in-game during the month of December. We wanted to share all of them with you so you know when to get in on the action.


    BW to English translation : Damage control post incoming. We've read all your posts about not really having any repeatable content to do - so we're going to announce the stuff you were already bored with anyway.


    • Dec 8 – Dec 15: Relics of the Gree


    Did that to death already. Already got everything I wanted. Don't really feel the need to do it again.

    But I'm sure others will enjoy it.


    • Dec 8 – Jan 5: Log in for 4th Anniversary Rewards!


    I'm sure there are people who care about their Stronghold decorations enough to appreciate this one. Not me though.

    But I'm sure others will appreciate it.


    • Dec 15 – Dec 22: The Rakghoul Plague


    See my note about the Gree.


    • Dec 15 – Jan 5: Life Day


    See my note about the 4th anniversary rewards.


    • Dec 18 – Jan 1: Double XP


    Wow. You haven't done this one to death already?


    I guess all those new people who've never played the game before who you're hoping will flock in after the release of the film will enjoy this. ofc, they may just use their "insta-60" token instead - and let's be honest, 60-65 levelling needs a double XP boost in the same way the Atlantic Ocean needs a cup of water.


    Plus, when did "you won't have to play as much of our game (to reach max level)" become an incentive?


    On the positive side, I may even level a few more of my alts. I'm not actually sure why, since I already have 15+ level 60+ characters - but I guess there's nothing else to do.


    • Dec 22 – Dec 29: Bounty Contract Week


    Now in theory, I need to do this. I barely ever did it in the past and my bags aren't already collapsing under the weight of the event rewards like all the other events. The thing is... the reason I've not already done this event to death was that I didn't enjoy it very much. Too much running around to kill 2 or 3 mobs per contract. So chances are, I won't be doing it again.



    • Dec 8: Relics of the Gree
    • Dec 15: Rakghoul Resurgence
    • Dec 22: Death Mark
    • Dec 29: The Balance of Power


    tbh, there are people within my guild who will really appreciate knowing this sort of stuff well in advance. Not me. But thank you anyway.


    Personally, I think people should be able to see this sort of stuff in game rather than posted on the forums/dulfy/reddit. But I guess if you're going to partially implement new gaming infrastructure - the forums are as good a place as any to fill in the gaps.


    That is everything coming to you in December. Don’t forget about all of the subscriber rewards you can become eligible for in January as well.


    BW to English translation : Please sub. Please sub. Please don't take a break. Yeah, I know, technically we're a F2P game, but please sub, please sub, please sub.! We already posted high numbers for subscribers due to the release of KotFE - and if you don't sub, the sh*t is really going to hit the fan when the huge drop-off we're seeing continues.


    Thanks everyone.




    Please sub, please sub. See I'm a nice guy. Please sub.


    Sorry Eric, I know the financing of the game isn't in your hands.

    You aren't responsible for the fact that the game was released as 1.0 rather than as it should have been with 1.2 or 1.3.

    It's not your fault that all those potential loyal customers left before 1.3.

    It's not your fault that the reduced income has led a lot of players with high expectations being sorely let down again and again.

    You personally could not have turned the game into the run away success it could have been, with the associated increase in revenue to deliver the content on it's originally scheduled cadence rather then drip feeding everything at the slowest possible pace over a number of years.

    You don't choose to be myopic about development resources - bouncing from one approach to the next, leaving each previous attempt to keep people happy as husks of what they could be if those systems were only fleshed out.

    You don't do the analysis of the metrics data. Assuming that if lots of people are doing "something" that they like it, without considering that those same people might prefer to do something else, but that something else isn't really within the game any more (if it ever was). Looking at data of those who are currently active, without taking into account what the people who already quit the game wanted from the game (and therefore might be willing to pay for it it still was in the game).


    I know the company feel like they are catering to their audience.

    Ever think your audience might be those nearly 2 million people who subscribed during 1.0 to 1.2 ?

    (I think it was 2 million, could have been 1.... honestly, I pulled that number out of the air)

    Edit: Yeah, 2 million. I thought so, but didn't want to commit without a source. Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20120204115906/http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/19915-electronic-arts-q3-fy12-earnings-call

    Sadly, it feels like Bioware have decided those people will never return. To me it just feels like you've given up any attempt to fix why those people left in the first place. Or perhaps it's just the money.


    Meanwhile though... your job (as I understand it) it to be the communication conduit between the players and the developers.


    And yes, I know, anything you say becomes gasoline for the fire.


    Here's the thing though, your feedback to the players is so few and far between - everyone NEEDS to hang on your every word. Could I please, for the love of gods, please ask you to consider having a member of your team (or yourself) be visibly active all the time. So that players can get a vibe of what's going on from the sheer volume of information, feedback and opinion being directed at us - rather than over reacting to each tiny morsel of that is thrown our way. I'm sure there will be some early set back, with players treating a new style of continual feedback in the same ways as we currently do - but surely, over time, things will settle down to a normal level of interaction?


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  14. It's sad that it has come to this.

    It will be interesting when the Ops forum is dead, class forums are dead, no more class guides, streamers, guilds, and most importantly players disappear from the game. The day Dulfy stops supporting this game, TorCommunity isn't there, it will be a interesting sight to see what mess BW has made of this. And if Pvpers follow suit as well even more so.


    look at first page check dulfy's comment :D


    Can you link it?


    How does this make any sense? If a guild choose to spend the extra time and effort to do a nightmare ops, why shouldn't they get the best raid loot from it rather than doing brain dead targeted hardmode ops every week?


    Dulfy's SWTOR account name is Iwipe, her post is here : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8684154#post8684154


    But I quoted it for you to save time.


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  15. Governments are anything but organized.


    I was aiming for amusing. That moment has passed. Let's see if we can get back onto topic...


    Would I quit over this NiM loot announcement? Not in isolation, but as another design choice in a long line of recent design choices that have me concerned about overall game... maybe. But it's a mute point. I already cancelled my recurring subscription 3 weeks ago and it'll expire in about 3 weeks from now. Why isn't relevant to this particular thread.


    I'd love to hear from more actual NiM progression raiders though...


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  16. It is by design that the best and most consistent way to gear up in Operations is to run the highlighted Hard Mode each week. Although they did certainly want to make sure there was a chance for greater reward from Nightmare!


    So let me see if I've got this right :



    • In one Hardmode raid per week: Nightmare loot is guaranteed to drop.
    • In Nightmare raids : Nightmare loot isn't guaranteed to drop.




    I'm sure my fellow forum posters will somehow nail it.


    Here, found one appropriate for you...


    Stormtrooper triple facepalm




    Thank you. Exactly the sort of thing I had in mind.


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  17. You have to realise that Bioware are a metrics driven organisation.


    What makes you think that they are organized?


    Because chaos would at least get things right occasionally by accident.


    The state of the game at the moment has all the feels of a group of people where decisions are made by committee. Where design philosophy flits from one "great idea of the moment" to the next, before it is abandoned. Where anyone with any true insight is either drowned out by the masses or forced to compromise due to limited resources. Where the perception of success is more important than actual success. Where the great minds have already left or been let go, leaving those who remain with only half a clue how everything really works and removing any sense of consistency or future insight. Where corners are cut and people's dreams are crushed.


    ... in short... local government.


    Governments are organised. I wouldn't want them developing games though.


    There was a piece of paper I picked up early in my working life... it read...

    "We the unwilling, led by the unqualified have been doing the unbelievable for so long with so little, we now attempt the impossible with nothing". I can't help but feel every SWTOR developer probably has a copy of that over each of their desks.


    Or perhaps they really do think they are doing a good job and therefore identify with the original quote instead.


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  18. It is by design that the best and most consistent way to gear up in Operations is to run the highlighted Hard Mode each week. Although they did certainly want to make sure there was a chance for greater reward from Nightmare!


    Could you expand on this design decision please? Short explanation or something because people who typically used to run nightmare now have the choice of doing something easy for better rewards or doing something harder for less rewards?


    I could imagine the logic going something like this...


    Nightmare operations are primarily there for the people who want to test themselves against the hardest content in the game. Not the people who are just there to get better loot. We've tuned the bosses to still be as difficult in full 224 gear, meaning that boss kills are a reflection of the player's skill rather than the gear they are wearing.


    Player's rewards from NiM operations will be shifting from gear and achievements (that they probably already have anyway), to unique mounts and titles so their accomplishments are obviously on show to anyone who wants to display their rewards, effectively for bragging rights.


    Perhaps that's even what cutting edge progression raiders want to separate them from the people who just raid to gear up.


    I'm not that level of progression raider. So I can't answer. What I am though is an old school raider, who sees gearing up as the right of passage you need to progress through to the next boss. Each boss tuned to be harder than the previous one. Where an expansion is something a guild can work together for as a team. Something that is achieved over weeks or even months, rather than days or weeks.


    Gear is a non-issue this expansion. They may as well put a chest just inside the zone-in entrance and let people skip that boring killing bosses mechanic.


    I'm sure this is in keeping with Bioware's design philosophy. And I'm sure they aren't actually telling us in detail what that is because they want people to keep subscribing while we wait for things to get better. After all, if you've got nothing good to say - say nothing.


    At the end of the day, what do expect them to say? : "Great things are coming... please sub, please sub!!!" or "We're gutting everything you enjoy slowly over the next 9 months so you don't actually notice how bad it's getting, but we'd really like it if you kept your sub going despite our announcement, because our shareholders demand it".


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  19. ... lets see how many of us will be left after these changes.


    You have to realise that Bioware are a metrics driven organisation.


    If people stop doing NiM raids... that won't be a sign Bioware scr*wed up and drove people away...

    ... It'll be seen as a absolute truth that consistently people aren't interested in doing NiM OPs, so it's a waste of resources and so they should focus on the other stuff.


    The NiM loot itself probably wouldn't be directly an issue for me. But the design philosophy... my perception of the ideas BEHIND this decision, just make me realise how big the expanse is between what I want from an MMORPG and what Bioware want to deliver.


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  20. This statement is in error and needs to be corrected. When running a Nightmare Operation, there is a chance that a 224 item can drop, but it is not a guaranteed drop like the highlighted Hard Mode is.


    So let me see if I've got this right :



    • In one Hardmode raid per week: Nightmare loot is guaranteed to drop.
    • In Nightmare raids : Nightmare loot isn't guaranteed to drop.


    There just aren't word to express...



    I tried... everything I type just sounds like....



    Nope. I give up. Words fail me.


    I'm sure my fellow forum posters will somehow nail it.

    For anyone who can't find the words too... google search "picard double facepalm". Any GIF or Youtube video should convey the sentiment. It's probably just as well that images or video can't be embedded into these forums.


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  21. 400 cartel coins. Unbound.

    Two versions: Dark side assumptions and Light side assumptions. (Dark side tokens cost 425 instead of 400).


    "On use: Immediately advance to current next available Chapter". (Currently Chapter X, but with later chapters included for future-proofing)

    All decision tree or alignment choices to be applied according to the two "flavours" of the tokens (Light Side / Dark Side).

    Usable by level 65 characters or above only.

    Dependency: At least one character of your Legacy must already have completed the currently available chapters.


    Single use item, only applies to KotFE Chapters available at the time of use. (ie. Does not unlock future Chapters retroactively).


    Account-Wide variants: 2400 cartel coins (Light) and 2600 cartel coins (Dark).


    I hardly ever buy anything from the cartel market, but I'd buy this.


    Price has to reflect that people with lots of alts are the primary buyers - anyone who already completed the story and then reached level 65 by doing Storymode OPS, Flashpoints or some other non-story XP related activity on their alts and doesn't want to spend 5+ hours per alt doing a story they've already seen at least twice already (I assume everyone does it twice - hoping that they really can make meaningful choices before their hopes are dashed.).


    I don't know about anyone else, but 14 of my 24 characters were all level 60 at the time of the KotFE expansion. With the upcoming XP boost (my guess would be 2x the current accelerated XP) - that number could increase. Despite the fact I've only done the story on 4 of my characters, 9 of them are already level 65. That's 5 characters who've never done Chapter I - who haven't switched from having 6 or 7 companions to having access to 20+.


    I can just imagine there are a lot of people who'll get to the next expansion with characters who've never done Chapter I either. If that does happen, a script might have to be written to migrate those characters over to the new companion infrastructure. And if it's going to have to happen anyway, why not make some money from people like myself who'd dearly like to not have to experience the same story, over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. I love story. I think it should come first (but only only).


    Then there's the potential for double-dipping. Someone buys a token now, taking them up to Chapter X. Then in September next year has to buy another one so they don't have to repeat Chapters X thru XVI on their 11 alts.


    Right now I've actually already cancelled my sub with the expectation of playing either preferred or not at all in about 3 weeks. But I can still have ideas - and I think this one could make Bioware some money (something they are clearly clambering for based on the "please sub, please sub, please don't take a break" subscriber rewards).


    I realise there is actually development time involved in this request, rather just recycling or recolouring existing assets. But my hope is that the people who wrote the "Skip all pre-KotFE content" scripts for the start of KotFE's Chapter I might be still around.


    Thank you for your consideration.


    For anyone wondering if I'm serious or just taking the p***.... I'm both. I really would buy these.

    (but when people would pay to skip your content rather than play it, something is going terribly wrong)


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  22. Two things occurred to me after my long rant earlier...



    Firstly. A new companion, whilst an nice theory is just a waste.


    You've created a system where companion's "power" is based on the gifts you give them. Gifts take time and lots of investment in effort to get a companion suitably along the influence treadmill.


    I can only speak for myself in saying that the grind to influence 50 is something I would be loathed to repeat for a late addition companion. I'll use the companion that has the highest rating from now, until there is a reason not to. Just that one. Hell, on my alts I'm already picking the companion nearest the top of the list just so I don't have to scroll down 15 companions just to find the one I initially thought would be a good idea to level.


    I'm sure others will get HK to influence 50 - but my suspicion would be that they would be in a lonely minority. My guess would be that you'll see a HK used for a short time, then people will return to using whichever companion they already boosted. Perhaps your metrics will point to whether people are using "new and shiny" or "old and boosted" companions after February.



    Secondly... I think your metrics based decision making is flawed.


    In theory, it's a good idea. Take all the vitriol and misunderstood goals out of the equation. No need to listen to those who shout loudest. No need to listen to people who think they want one thing when they actually want another. No need to depend on forums where the discontent visit daily and the happy people never visit, because they're too busy having fun in the game. No need to listen to people who want you to spend lots of money on something that would never recoup it's costs.


    However, you're relying on metrics taken from people who are filling time waiting for something better to do. Lots of people are doing achievements? Sure, because it fills time and can keep a guild focused on a common goal. Conquest? Sure, same reason. Solo'ing content? Well, yeah... it's the easiest way to earn "x". Levelling another alt through the story? How else would I level if I don't like PvP and don't want to queue for hours upon end waiting for a flashpoint? None of which says that it's what people WANT to be doing, just what they are doing rather than just logging out.



    On to other matters... KBN's post...


    People in this thread have made a lot of KBN's post. I agree with the sentiment, whilst not the detail. I think story is content. Expensive content that doesn't last very long and has very limited repeat value. But story is what separates an MMORPG from a horde-mode wave based shooters. It give you a reason to collect those 12 bear arses and stops the perpetual grind treadmill from feeling like a thankless task. It's the glue that hold things together... but for that to be the case, there has to be something for that glue to link together. Something that keeps players playing week in, week out - long after they've finished the 40 minute cinematic gameplay. Diablo did that well. Starcraft did that well. imo, the Corellia questing did it well, with events constantly changing and being fed into your ear via the communications net.


    Finally, I'll say what I say to most everyone I'm usually guilded with. Gear comes and goes. Tiers come and go. Dungeons, flashpoints, raids, operations, even whole expansions come and go. Raid bosses will still take 6 to 10 minutes to kill and quest mobs will still feel like the quest mobs you were killing at level 6. The only constant and therefore the only thing of value within an MMORPG are the people you play with.


    The writers of the game may come up with a cool moment, but discussing it with your friends is what will make your day. Developers can't script that bit where Bob fell down that same lift to his death every Tuesday night. So in that is where I agree with KBN's sentiment, content has to include others and has to be something that will keep the vast majority of people busy from one release of content to the next.


    Chapters, Solo flashpoints, solo heroics2+, solo questing... won't do that.

    I'm not suggesting group content for everyone, but there has to be player interaction even if people aren't grouped.

    We still need story, I'd still like it to come first. But it isn't substantive enough to hold an MMO together alone.


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  23. As a mostly casual raider who doesn't PvP, I'd already cancelled the renewal of my subscription. Mainly because what I expect to be 30 to 60 minutes worth of new content each month didn't really feel like value for money. I'd decided to return when there was enough fresh new content to make me feel engaged again (primarily either enough new story and/or new operations).


    I mostly enjoyed the KotFE story. Chapter IX was less story, and more introduction to the to companion grind. But for the most part it was okay. The shine came off it though once I repeated the levelling process and realised that whilst there are some differences based on decisions... those differences are minor, almost inconsequential.

    Flashpoints that have been added mid expansion have felt redundant, in so much as the gear from them was never an upgrade and once you've seen the story - there's little point to repeating it. Maybe the people who like cosmetic gear could find more reasons to go back than I did.

    Sadly, the new companion alliance system felt like a bad facebook game.

    Then there's the remainder of the PvE content... a rehash of everything I've done before. It's nice that all that content has been made available again. More so that it's relatively a challenge again. But it's last year's Xmas present wrapped in new wrapping paper.


    I will miss not having HK-55 as a companion. Most people I speak to already think they already have too many companions - but HK has character. I couldn't give a hoot about Nico, but HK will leave a bad taste in my mouth that I missed out. But that's my choice.


    Likewise locking a full new chapter behind the paywall of "please subscribe, even if there's nothing really much going on right now" seems a bit of a crappy move. Again, it'll be my choice not to subscribe for the whole 7 to 8 month period (Jan 11th to Aug 11th, when Chapter 16 comes out).


    None of these subscriber rewards tempt me to stay a subscriber during this lean period.


    And honestly, that you feel people need bribing to stay subscribers right now makes me worried about the position the game is in from a development investment point of view. People should be falling over themselves to subscribe to your game because of the wealth and quality of content and enjoyment they can get from playing it. Subscriber rewards should be a nice novel bonus, not full blown content that has to be written, scripted, voice acted and integrated into the game engine. I guess I'll just watch it on Youtube sometime after September next year.


    I'm looking for substance, not gimmicks.

    For me, that would be fix the bugs.

    Revisit the "thousand cuts" type threads that have been posted over the years.

    Add enough content. What's enough? I guess that depends - but for me it would be 2 new concurrent operations I can do each week (Like EV/KP, TFB/S&V, DF/DP).


    As a side note, you might want to stop investing massive amounts of time and money into both ingame and out of game projects that you abandon either on completion (Starfighter, World PvP, Huttball, Space Missions) or give up on before they've seen some sort of reward from the investment put into them (Class Representative, Every "no really, we're going to start doing proper communication this time, honest" initiatives, etc).


    Finally, try to stop trying to get people to subscribe today for promises of something better tomorrow. Deliver something better today and I'll subscribe today. Promise me better tomorrow and I'll wait until tomorrow before I think about giving you my money.


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  24. Hello, everyone.


    My name is Michael Backus, and I’m the Lead Designer for Star Wars: The Old Republic. I wanted to take a minute to apologize for the recent Companion changes and address combat balance. I wanted to do so personally because as fans of Star Wars: The Old Republic and our customers, we cherish your feedback and value all of you, and I feel you deserve to hear this information directly.


    Firstly, Thank you so very much for stepping up and proving some customer facing feedback. It's WAY too rare an occurrence within the SWTOR community.


    Which brings me on to... I hope you're prepared for the feedback. Anything tagged as a Bioware post will draw a massive feedback - due to it's rarity. Maybe if posts like this weren't so rare, people could settle down, rather than "oh...oh... a developer... quick type a reply while they MIGHT be listening".


    ... we wanted to make Heroics sexier. We wanted players to have good reason to go do them, but also give players a reason to join up with their friends. What we failed to realize was how much most of you would enjoy them


    I think you're mistaking the metric that people are actively engaged in them for actually enjoying them.


    You put a number as a target for people who see a %complete number and must do everything they can to fill it. In this case, you created a companion system where four companions require a special currency and the special currency is obtained easiest by doing [Heroic2]s.


    I can only give you my personal opinion, rather than speaking for the community (but it is an opinion shared with other people within my large guild) ... We aren't doing [Heroic2]s because they are the most fun content. We're doing [Heroic2]s because there's very little else to do solo and so we've set ourselves the goal of reaching Rank 20 with each of our main companion advisors. It is a short term thing, I would take the metrics in say a months time from now as being the "true" view of how people think of this content.


    Once we reach Rank 20, most of people I know active grinding the boxes are planning never to do a [Heroic2] again.

    If anything, you've created a significant contributing factor to "burn out". Nobody I've spoken to is seriously considering raising their Alliance Rank on alts. With alts being such a significant part of SWTOR, that should be setting off some warning bells. Anyway, that's a separate discussion.


    You could still engage in [Heroic 2]s and beat them, but they had become arduous, even grindy to many players.


    You realise they always will be surely? If this is news to you... well, welcome to MMOs.


    Our misstep was in not realizing that our goals we had set no longer fit with the game all of you were enjoying. The emergent gameplay that was created didn’t fit what we had embraced as our mandate within the Design Team.


    If by "emergent gameplay" you mean people would rather solo with a companion than join with another player... Then yes, I guess you're correct.


    However at the point where [Heroic2]s become solo content for the vast majority of players... how are those quests any different than any other solo content? Surely "solo with a companion" is just normal solo play for SWTOR?


    If this is new the design goal for planetary weekly quests, you might consider categorising the quests as [WEEKLY] rather than [HEROIC2]. As calling them anything else changes people's perception of what group content looks like within SWTOR.


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