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Posts posted by Zad_Kast

  1. As A 50 Sniper in Half Champ / BM I find after 1.2 that I see nothing really changed.


    Usually Top 3 in damage, that's if I don't get LOS. They fixed Explosion Probe so it can't go off before snipe actually hits.


    We are a class that has the least mobility in Wz's seeing as half our skill you have to be in cover for. Yet I still have fun.


    I don't think any thing is wrong, I do get a little P.O'd when people are smart enough to LOS me but that's part of the game too.


    Mainly a DPS class I don't mind coming in top 3 in damage. I dont need to be on top every game.

  2. U came late into game, glass in spawn zone opens every 30sec +-.


    Nope definitely a new game our whole team was flying in, 1:35 count down until the gates opened up, every one was complaining.

  3. I am not quite sure if this has been posted yet, but I didnt see any. I was just in Void and before the gates opened up their were about 3 people arming the bomb on the opposing team.


    Does any body know/seen this before?


    I hope it gets fixed if this is a recurring problem

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