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Posts posted by BlueRahja

  1. Do you have Gmail??? If so check your promotions folder and it should be in there labeled as chapter 10 promotion.


    Thank you, so much, if I didn't find this post, I never would have found my code. Everything else bioware sent me in the past went straight to inbox. I guess this was EA? Who knows, anyway if anyone else still cant find it, hopefully quoting and re-posting it will help some folks too.

  2. "As mentioned in an earlier post, the Eternal Championship is intended

    for players to have an alternate way to gear up to a higher tier of gear

    other than grouping up for a Flashpoint or Operation."


    It would be neat if it was intended to have fun. It would be interesting if they added ranks past 10 and a leaderboard mechanic per class that reset weekly. If they don't want to design more and more involved fights, they could make round 11 just be round 10 + round 1 encounter, and so on, till it comes back to double round 10. Or round 10 but add 1 trash mob, then 2, then 3, then 4 etc till you inevitably drop.


    Next, supply a vendor with gladiator themed gear and decorations. Maybe have various fight promoter factions to champion each week. So this week I fight for the mandalorians, and my rewards are mando themed, or to use on the mando vendor. Next week I champion the Hutts, and have access to the Scum and Villian vendor. Then I champion the Zakuul nobles, etc. There is plenty of gear that could be reskinned, droid models to put on hk, etc that should require minimal developer time to keep the hampster wheel a turnin. Hell if it is enough fun, people might start creating spec's and gear builds just to see how far they can push the system.


    If they want to go beastmode on single player content, its time to start doing it right.



  3. Last night I decided to finally use a ranged companion, I have had Treek for over a year now and never used her, I loaded her up with tech gifts up to influence 20 but had to turn the sound off for all the repetitive thank you's. I should have kept it off, because for all the "You underestimate me!" spam I feel like i wasted my time and gifts. I assume it will be fixed eventually, but by then K'Krohl and I will be friends. He is like the Pokemon evolution of Treek anyway. :rolleyes:
  4. All professions should give appropriate titles when maxed out. Treasurehunter should give the title Treasurehunter for instance. Heck, make them legacy titles, but tie them to the maxed profession achievement. Also, there are furniture pieces on our ships to represent our crafting professions, like that loom looking thing, or the science station. Those should be added to those crafting professions as furniture recipes. That way we can "work from home". I find it bizarre I have to even post this, it seems kind of intuitive. I feel stupid even writing this. But this should probably be a thing.
  5. Can we have something like a motorcycle? Or dunebuggy like? Can everyone afford gravity defying vehicles? Or are the poor scrubs that cant afford even the ugliest Ubrikki forced to ride a smelly flesh beast? There is so much potential for wheeled and tracked things. Give to me please.


    Remember there are tracked vehicles all over the place in the game already. Imperial's have some neat crew transports with tracks.


    OH! And some spider walker style things would be cool too, I know someone wanted a spider walker throne, but heck, anything spider walkery would be great! :jawa_smile:


    No more reskins of the stuff nobody uses anyway.

  6. How about before making items for Strongholds, someone puts a character beside it. You look at the item interacting with a character and think. "Does this look completely stupid? Are we implying the skeleton here is 3 times bigger than a person? Are we implying this character captured a hutt somehow twice the size of karraga the unyielding?! Are we implying the person is making protocol droids too large to fit through the average door, possibly two or three times their own height....man THAT looks silly we should fix this." PLEASE think about proportions. We arent making a Hulk movie, or a mid 90's godzilla ripoff. Somethings size in relation to something else is important, but it EVEN more important when you are asking people to buy these items sight unseen...and randomly.


    Proportion Control. Thats my suggestion. Also maybe fire whoever made all the giant super skeletons on Voss and the skyscrapper sized crashed republic fighters in the korriban instance....he is making you all look silly.

  7. Just what it says, instead of adding all sorts of races we have already been told we wont be getting, you just add the heads as helmet options. That new 505 cybernetic gear replaces heads, hands legs, all sorts of stuff, why not do the same thing for Rodians, nikto, trandoshan etc etc, Just straight up head transplants, and that lets us look like w/e race we like, but at the same time, its just a "costume" so theres no voice change to be expected in cut scenes etc, just like the 505 gear. Huge boon to roleplayers, still fun for everyone else too. And we dont need full voice overs for the whole game, or full character recustomizations. The only real problem might be body size to head. But, helmets change size to body, so maybe just make 4 different head versions, or use the already existing ones, or hell, only allow the use on appropriate body types, so rodians for 1 and 2, and Klaatu and Trandoshan for body 3 etc.
  8. Kind of sad, never even seen this in a game before. Achievements you cant unlock because the objectives dont exist? Very innovative. I just cant understand how something gets implemented without any testing at all, because all it would really take is 1 person, running through all the new achievements to be like "Wait a second...this is full of holes...we cant implement this, that would be terrible."


    So...not a single person tested this?



  9. Less armor put in packs, more armor made available to just buy. I am not of the pokemon generation, I dont buy into the "chance" to get what I want.


    Armor in the market sold in pieces. We all want the sith raider boots, few of us want anything else from that set, this is an example, I am sure there are more.


    Stop putting pets in cartel packs, start making pets into quests and world drops, offer a "Pet owners license" in the cartel shop, for say people with more than 4 pets, make it free to subs.


    Hellfire helmet, or something like it, but adaptive.


    Wheres the Nexu Kitten? Why is there like 4 ugly cats, and still no nexu kitten?


    All those classic versions of the adaptable gear...that would have been really nice if you made it recipes for crafters, instead of turning it into yet another cartel pack. If anything, the cartel packs could have had recipes instead of armors.


    There are so many alternative race skins in the game players dont have access too. Just make them all available through cartel market, with the understanding they are not very customizable, and they speak galactic common with comedically human voices. We mainly want those rodian/whatever heads for RP anyway.


    Armors the NPCs have in the storylines made available as sets in the market. Like the ((Spoilers)) armor the guy is wearing in the sage quest on hoth, Voden I think. or the armor the crazy guy creating a sand person army is wearing on Tatooine, also sage quest.

  10. From an RP perspective, the trooper uniform never made sense as a CE only item anyway. It should have been something a bit more rare. Kinda puts a damper on running rp events where 5-10 people are in trooper regalia, because nobody has access. Honestly, its a big hope of mine to see the uniforms go into the store, just to see the availability increase. That 1000 coins should be a buyout, and just let the store die. Honestly, all it does is make people mad anyway.
  11. I've been thinking about this a bit, and I don't think a cap is the way to go. I think we want warzones and flashpoints as populated as possible, for all of us, subs are paying good money to play, and part of that experience should be having people to do warzones and flashpoints with. Perhaps instead of limiting the weekly FP/WZ we limit the rewards. Like loot drops and commendations are limited to subbed and weekly passed players, and the free players get tokens or reduced comm's. Then they still feel they are building towards something, and having a good time, but they can see the benefit of being fully subbed, and they help flesh out the number of active people.


    Or, simply give them unlimited access to 1 flashpoint, and 1 warzone. Then, although chances are if you queue, you will get BT/esseles or Huttball, at least the queue is popping. (I would still limit rewards gained for completing the instance/warzone though, because if you want subs, thats whats going to do it)


    Edit: Heck for pvp, you could limit the rewards to just what they get for completing the daily and the weekly.

  12. people like you are the reason we have idiots in office in America


    People like me? I said 1 thing. You have no idea what people like me are like. Take your political rhetoric and your "I was in the military so you have to listen to me" stuff somewhere else and stay on topic. All I was saying is, there is plenty for free already. Honestly, I would prefer they only give access to one HM, like BT or Esseles, but that wasn't part of the poll now was it? But if you give unlimited access to those HM's at least the queues will still pop, and everyone can play, and maybe people will think "hmmm, I should subscribe and get them all" Because if you want full access....subscribe.

  13. They wont let people queue for flashpoints while in warzones. Warzones pop faster (10-13 min, instead of a possible 20+ minute wait) so the majority of people who have no patience are just mashing out warzone after warzone because its faster, and flashpoints are kind of getting the shaft. Best thing to do is push flashpoints in general chat on your server, get people to queue up, say there are people queue'd. And then you still have to deal with clueless dps queuing as tank to speed up the pop.
  14. Even the lvl 31 crystals require 400 artifice to make, plus ground spawn materials that wars are fought over, and semi rare worldboss recipes. That said, if you are really gung ho to start up, google those magenta crystals and put in the research. That time spent searching is all that stands between the people already competing for resources and the people too lazy to get that far.
  15. Thanks all for sharing, some pretty decent laughs in there. I love tossing enemies over the sides of catwalks etc. My wife plays a sentinel, she says shes nervous as hell jumping to mobs because of my Dovakhin like tendencies.
  16. I understood most of this. RP on this server is pretty solid and enjoyable, however I have found my successes to be outside of fleet and cantinas. And you have to be willing to shoehorn yourself in a little. Standing by a balcony staring whistfully off into nowhere is not going to result in people approaching most of the time. If you want RP the best thing to do is start it up. If you see some people in RP mode, introduce yourself, offer your services. Just be mindful of things like logical distances to overhear things, and of course, try to refrain from "I am a Sith, everyone do as I say"


    On republic side: Try Tython, at the temple, or even the waterfall. Nar shaddaa promenade or cantina. Fleet ships. Anchorhead. Smugglers den on corruscant.


    On empire. Drommund kaas and korriban and nar shadda promenade good. Fleet bad. Fleet very very bad. Unless you are a 12 year old dude playing a girl who is into girls, but with the mindset of a 12 year old boy, or if you are an attention seeking nudist who just hit social 2. Honest fleet RP died with Execution and Darkmoon.

  17. Pull the CE vendor from the game completely. End all the arguing, and remove the special snowflake line that randomly pops up and has the community at each other. As for the gear, slap it on the security key vendor, everyone should have one of those anyway.


    Give CE owners some extra cartel coins at FTP launch....oh wait they already are. I am going to spend mine on candy.

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