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Posts posted by Majulla

  1. Unfortunately, this is an example of two general failings:

    * any "asymmetrical" weapon is unmirrored when stowed in dual wield, including all lightsabres or vibroswords on Mara and Senti, and all pistols on Gunslinger and Mercenary.

    * holsters and microscabbards are catastrophically broken for all weapons that have them, and that list includes half a dozen blasters and one vibrosword.


    Wow that makes this problem even worse. Sigh.

  2. Thanks :D Too much Quinn, there's no such thing! Still love him every bit as much as when I made this thread and before that.


    Also thanks to Damask_Rose for providing the link to the Quinnsights. :D


    And in the spirit of Rose's post, a gorgeous Quinnette art by the talented JediSerenity82. It might've already been posted, but hey, it's awesome, lets see it again :Dhttps://www.deviantart.com/jediserenity82/art/Vette-and-Malavai-Quinn-SWTOR-710853432


    Wow that picture is absolutely awesome! It made my day! :)

  3. It would have been better if the traitor was randomized between Theron, Lana, or Class Companion. Perhaps not so random using an algorithm giving your Romantic Partner preference then your faction, such as if Imperial then Lana.


    It may be too subtle or rose colored glasses, but there is a clue Theron is still loyal. When you send out your message as a romance that you still love him, when he hears it he says he loves you too before contact is made with the bad guys. Do the other options have a similar tell?


    In any case, he remains a hero though stupid, but I still haven't forgiven him for his haircut.


    There are even more clues if you look for them:



    I play with headphones; so, you can actually hear him clicking off the safety of his weapon before he fires at Lana (on the train)...not to mention he saved you by creating that hole in the window...also...if you do the bonus on that space station...you literally get to see the reason why he did it. There's also his small comments like "Its up to you commander." I think there's a few more, but I can't remember them off the top of my head. All of those are even for non-romance. I don't know what makes me more mad...the Theron kill option or the one for Torian.


  4. He isn't super happy with it but it doesn't seem to impact the romance so far. Darkside choices however have shown signs of relationship impact. Theres an entire kiss scene missed for letting civs on corellia die because he is mad at it.



    Yea, I'd heard about the lost kiss scene if you don't try to minimize civilian casualties during that. I'm just worried that it will somehow later affect your friendship or relationship with him. C'est la vie. He's just so awesome that I hope my worries won't become reality.


  5. What has been your favourite class to romance Theron on?


    A hard question, but a good one. I'd have to say that I absolutely loved romancing him on my smart *** smuggler for the pub side. So far, I'm really enjoying romancing him on my LS Sorc for the Imp side (Just started it tbh tho-- but its awesome so far!)


    Also, I do have a quick question if anyone knows (But I'll put it on spoiler tags just in case):



    At the end of Onsalught, does rejoining the Empire fully affect Theron in any way (whether you romance him or not)? I haven't done it yet, and I'm a little nervous to do it haha. I've remained independent on the few Imperials that I've finished so far.


  6. It's like watching a show which had a different actor in the pilot , but you don't see the original pilot until after you've watched the show for years.

    The A-Team pops in to mind, with face, the pilot had one guy (Tim Dunigan) before Dirk took over.

    FAce to me will always be Dirk Benedict.


    This is quite true! I don't think I will ever get used to the changes of him though haha. Ugh thinking about this again, also, reminds me that I actually need to read the comics.... sigh. :o

  7. Whilst there might be less Theron interaction with an Imperial character, if you're a female Sith/Imperial, it's worth it for the

    kiss on Yavin where Theron's body language seems like he's totally lost himself in your Sith/Imp awesomeness. You definitely don't get that on a Republic character or a male Sith Imp character



    In other crazy altoholic news, I maxed out my available character slots on DM after creating another Sith Inq purely so she can romance Theron (fortunately not yet up to 100 so there's that). I'm gonna need more hard drive space. And also -send help- I'm clearly a nutjob! This Theron madness is fast approaching my Quinn madness.


    There is nothing wrong with that, and I wholeheartedly approve. Enjoy! Haha! :D #TheronMadness

  8. I don't even know, maybe I just did the alert late, all I know is I got the romance scene/kiss with Scourge after echoes completed.


    And i'm 100% with you. I was not bluffing when I said the moment Theron stops getting scenes or included in the story is the moment I stop playing this game. The companions I felt close with in the vanilla story will NEVER get as much content down the road as we would like, there's simply too many of them for Bioware to make everyone happy, so they will always have to pick and choose "which vanilla companion comes back this time" which will always leave people from other class stories inevitably feeling left out. So Theron was the compromise. The one guaranteed constant. One of the last my character feels invested in continuing the story with, he goes? with the vanilla companions only showing up every once in a while? there's nothing really to keep me playing.. Him being in the echoes trailer however reassured me that they have been listening to us thus far.


    I agree...if they ever ditch Theron, this forum will light up like a Life Day tree with Theron threads, and I would definitely be posting in all of them. Luckily, my other fav romance from the vanilla ones is Torian...at least he was treated pretty well (compared to others). But yea...I could talk all day about Theron, which reminds me I still need to romance him on the Imp side.

  9. I will see, depending on which character I am playing. but either you kill her o imprison her, he is happy 🤣 the only thing that I think I will keep with ALL my characters ( including the 3 Jedi ) is to punch her 😂 so cool to do that.


    if you arrest her, Theron says with a smile "you have no idea how happy I am" 🖤 instead if you kill her, he will be "is it wrong to say I enjoyed that?" 😂 he basically approves both decisions.


    It's honestly one of my favorite scenes of the game. I am always thinking that "yea, we both just enjoyed that." It's just a major bonus that Theron is happy either way. And yea, I punch her every time, too, because that wench deserves it.

  10. Yay for positivity! Honestly, I know there are plenty of things that people don't like and some bugs, but c'est la vie. They will get fixed, which is why I will just be patient on that front. As for the good things:


    >The new reputation added to the other space missions besides the heroics, even though I love the heroics. It is still nice to see that others who could not or just do not like the heroics to be able to slowly progress through that reputation.


    >The new intro with Satele and Malgus was a nice touch and made me smile.


    >The new ui is an upgrade in my eyes; it feels more streamlined for me. The amplifier pane doesn't bother me, but I'm sure that BW (Like Nee-Elder said) can easily make it optional at a later date.


    >No more conquest banners staying on my screen is awesome, as having to ctrl-U every time I went some place was getting old.


    >Anddddd the new story update that they snuck in was a nice surprise and made me truly happy for reasons I won't name here due to spoilers. But YAY! Thank you BW for that!!


    Anyways, I'm sure I can add more, but I just wanted to voice my opinion on some of the happier components of this update. I rarely ever post, but I just wanted to add some positivity to everything today.

  11. Hi everyone,


    Wanted to check in on a personal level and let you all know that we are still recovering from the Texas ice storms that hit us last week, but we are working to become fully operational. Many of us were without power, water, gas, internet etc... for the majority of the week, and we appreciate everyone who has sent us positive and uplifting messages.


    We will have game focused updates soon, so please keep an eye on all our official channels as usual. We thank you for your continued patience as we continue to recuperate and bounce back from last week’s crisis.





    Thanks for the update. I know that I have been worried. Just take care of yourselves; we're not going anywhere. See y'all soon!

  12. Hey folks,


    Based on your reports we know that solo-mode of Spirit of Vengeance is definitely quite a bit harder than it should be. We were able to get some quick fixes in which are live now (no patch to download)! They are:

    • Bask Sunn’s Uppercut Ability has been disabled.
    • Rass Ordo's companion influence level has been increased from 1 to 25.

    Additionally, we are actively working on a patch to address a number of other issues, look for more details on that tomorrow or Monday. Thanks!




    I really hope they fix this on Monday, as we cannot progress through KotFe/KotET with all these game-breaking bugs. Honestly, it makes me worried about the other parts of the game due to it being a problem with cinematics. It is just really disheartening to not be able to play the game I love when I finally now have time, and I really hope it gets fixed, along with someone coming up with a game plan to not let something that is this catastrophic happen again. Minor bugs and hiccups are expected, but this train wreck is not acceptable.

  13. The holster, also, seems to move to the offhand side if you use it just for main-hand. I had Mischief on my Quinn, and I had to keep taking it off and putting it back to fix it because it looked horrible. It happened after every cut-scene and getting on/off mount. It makes me sad because they are really nice weapons. :(
  14. I've had the Shae Vizla meeting, which ended with my PC saying 'keep me informed'. I then went to play the flashpoint, and there was no opening cutscene. I was just dumped into the starting area with the companion I had at the time (Quinn and then Jorgan), with no explanation as to how or why I was there. I progressed through a few mobs before exiting as I wasn't sure what was going on. Is the beginning supposed to be so sudden and unexplained, or is there a missing scene? Or am I supposed to only do this FP after the Kira/Satele story content? Apologies if this is by design and not a bug.


    I'm on Darth Malgus and I've tried starting the FP with two different characters, once on story mode and once veteran. Same result.


    Edit: Looking on SWTORista, it seems we're supposed to complete the echoes of oblivion story content first, then do spirit of vengeance. In which case, why does the Spirit of Vengeance opening mission appear in my log first? I felt led towards doing the flashpoint as I'd already done the opening mission.

    I can confirm that you need to do the Echoes of Oblivion content first, and then the "purple" quest for the Spirit of Vengeance will be in your log. I'm waiting to do it though until they fix it, as there seems to be numerous bugs with it.

  15. The final step for Lokin is easy. Having all the stuff to get him to the point where do you the plague used to be a lot harder but wiith all the droid parts being handed up by gathering skills its a lot quicker than when I was doing it. I pretty much gave up. See below.


    The real problem with Lokin is no one knows how to get the last hidden achievement so he can never be completed meaning IA companion achievements can never be finished.


    Dang that makes me hella sad, as I do enjoy trying for achievements. :(

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