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Posts posted by kmhsw

  1. I am looking for a raid team that is still running HM ops for one of my heal toons. I have been focused on gearing my sage/sorc but also have a level 70 scoundrel and operative. I am typically available from 7-11 EST on weeknights and could run to 12 EST on Fri/Sat.


    I completed all the HM ops through DP when they were first released and then took a break from the game. I am 7/10 on Rav/TOS. I also have some limited experience running Nim. My main has always been a healer.


    Feel free to PM me here if you have an opening.

  2. I am looking to find an active Rav/TOS HM raid group in need of a healer.


    I recently returned to Star Wars after a break of about a year. I am currently involved in a casual guild, but I have realized that I miss the challenge of doing HM operations regularly. I'm not necessarily looking to remove all my toons from my current guild as they are very nice people. However, the guild is currently not actively raiding, and I would like to be part of a raid group that is more consistent in doing hard mode content.


    A bit about me:


    • I have currently completed the first 2 bosses in both Rav/TOS HM as a healer.
    • I could raid on either the pub or the imp side, as I have a consular/sorcerer pair and a scoundrel/operative pair of healers.
    • Both pairs of toons have 192 6-piece set bonus gear. The sorcerer is still in 2 crafted implants and a crafted relic, but, otherwise, all 4 toons are basically HM ready.
    • I would be comfortable using either type of healer in HM content depending on the needs of the group.
    • I am available to raid any night except Wednesday or Sunday. My preferred raid time would be 8-11 EST, but I could adjust an hour either way most nights.

  3. A few of us did 5-man runs of DF and DP SM, and wanted to share some of our videos.


    The DF run was mostly done with 1 tank, 3 DPS, 1 Heals (for the 2nd boss we swapped to 1 tank/2 dps/2 heals due to the damage). Most of the group was in 72/78, but I (the healer) had forgotten to change out of my PVP gear after doing open-world PVP on Oricon, so was in 63/67 gear for the most part. The videos of the first two bosses only pick up the end of the fight, but the rest are the full fights.




    The DP run was also mostly 1 tank, 3 DPS, 1 heals. For the 3rd boss we switched to 3 DPS and 2 heals. This time I actually remembered to wear my PVE gear, so we were all in 72/78 gear.


  4. Video of our group doing short-man's of TC SM and HM. For both, we ignored the adds, who then aggro'ed to me (the scoundrel healer). I hid in cover at the top of the stairs so the adds couldn't hit me. This let us just focus DPS on the boss. The end of both videos show our tank hanging out with the army of droids who are all trying vainly to shoot me. :D


    We haven't yet figured out a place where a sage or commando healer can safely stand to make this work with any healer other than a scoundrel.


    The 3-man SM was done with a guardian in vigilance spec (and dps gear), a gunslinger, and a scoundrel healer.

    The 5-man HM was done with a guardian tank, a scoundrel healer, a gunslinger, and 2 commando dps.



  5. I fixed the calendar so the events should be publicly visible.


    We have one group that typically starts between 7-7:30 on Sat and Sun night and a second group that runs at 8:30 on Sat.


    We are not looking for any specific role for our progression groups at this time, but for our ad-hoc raids, we are always looking for good tanks.

  6. I'm sure others have done this, but I thought I'd share our video of our group 3-manning KP HM Fabricator.



    The group was a guardian tank, a combat sentinel and a sawbones healer. We were all in mostly 72 gear so obviously out-leveled/out-geared it, but had a really good time trying to figure out how to balance doing the puzzle, sustaining the healing and hitting him enough to not hit enrage. The video is from the tank's POV

  7. Post Midnight Council is a PVE-focused Republic guild on The Harbinger. When we are not raiding, we enjoy socializing in voice chat while we level alts, do dailies, hunt down datacrons, complete flashpoints, and run SM Ops to get a few more comms. We also set up worldboss fights and other events. We have many members who are willing to do whatever they can do to help guildies.


    We currently have 2 formally established and scheduled 8-man raid groups where individuals are asked to commit to regular attendance and are selected based on ability and fit with the raid team. Both raid teams are 5/5 TFB HM (1/5 TFB NiM) and 7/7 S&V HM.


    In addition we do regularly scheduled SM & HM 8 and 16 man guild runs which are open to the membership as a whole. We select the level of the content on any given evening based on the gear needs and abilities of those in attendance. We have a guild bank with funds available for guild repairs during guild ops runs. Our current Raid schedule can be found on our Calendar.


    We are always looking to welcome new adult (18+) members. Our expectations of all members are simply to be respectful/polite to your guild-mates, to have fun playing and to maintain a sense of humor. We also hope that members will be willing to participate in guild raids/events as time permits.


    In addition we are interested in individuals to join our progression raid groups. To participate in the regularly scheduled teams, we are looking for individuals who

    • Are able to commit to regular attendance in scheduled raids.
    • Have experience hardmode/nightmare raiding in SWTOR or the equivalent in other MMOs.
    • Have excellent situational awareness and be able to perform utility roles
    • Have a headset and microphone, and are able to use Vent.


    If you are interested in joining, you can reach out to one of our councilors in game or fill out the application on our website here



    Irah (Ynah/Veronicah)

    Jird (Ayudame/Microo/Bubblenoob/Hangover/Jirdia)


    Zenary (Innacuracy/Kerrinne/Tiy)

    Pekseirr (Shootagan/Shootjr/Asabat/Obigan)

    Adette (Hexi/Khal)

    Bohjangles (Bunions/Erexion)

    Canneto (Bagens/Bagene/Bagenes)

    Errell (Baasta/Aziishia/Azarah/Kallistaa)

    Godbubble (Rspser/Antibody/*****ibilla/Kieren)

    Jorj (Asprey)

    Luna'rose (Nyllasta)

  8. We have run into the following issue in both S&V SM and HM on the last boss (Styrak).


    A person is called into a Nightmare, but is immediately returned to the fight without having to fight their companion.


    Typically, the next person (although sometimes we have seen it as much as 2 people later) to be called into the nightmare has to fight both the first person's companion and their own. They then take damage based on health remaining on both companions when leaving the nightmare if they cannot kill both in time.


    This can be a problem for tanks/healers in HM due to the higher health of the companions and the higher damage done based on companion health remaining.

  9. Postmortem is a republic-side guild actively recruiting the following roles to be part of our main raid team rotation:

    • 1-2 DPS


    Current Raid Schedule:

    Tuesday 7:45-9:45 pm Pacific

    Sunday 7:00-9:30 pm Pacific


    Guild Charter

    Raid Team Policy


    About us:

    • We have a dedicated republic-side raid team focused primarily on progression content (7/7 S&V HM, 5/5 TFB HM, 1/5 TFB NiM)

    • We are a relatively small group, many of whom have been raiding together since 1.1

    • We participate in all aspects of the game: leveling to 55, running story mode operations and flashpoints, PVP, world events, crafting, chasing after datacrons & achievements.

    • We have a sister imp guild where we do more casual content

    • When we are not raiding, we enjoy socializing in voice chat while we do those pesky dailies, complete flashpoints, and use that annoying group finder to get a few more comms.


    What we are looking for in all guild members:

    • Mature temperament & control over your own schedule (ie. 18+)

    • Be respectful/polite to your guild-mates

    • Have fun playing and maintain a sense of humor.


    What we are looking for in potential progression raid team members:

    • Minimum 90% attendance in raids you have committed to attend.

    • Be willing to participate in unofficial raids/events as time permits.

    • Extensive experience hardmode/nightmare raiding in SWTOR or the equiv in other MMOs.

    • Have excellent situational awareness and be able to perform utility roles

    • Headset and microphone, able to use Mumble.



    If you’re interested, please contact us through our website or contact one of our officers in the game:


    Postmortem (Republic) Officers


    Jird (GM) (alts: Ayudame, Hangover, Jaswor, Microo)

    Errell (alts: Aziisha, Kallistaa, Azarah)

    Sláinte (alts: Mycroft'holmes, Cínnamon)

    Siresh (alts: Erkel)

    Tombstoné (alts: Tomb'stone, Tombstones, Darkréaper, Grimréaper)

    Zionna (alts: Eiju, Rixe, Kasuli, Verwirrt, Vashtah)


    Pushing Daisies (Empire) Officers

    Jiira (GM) (alts: Notjiird, Eviljird)

    Chérnobog (alts: Iñsidious)

    Echelòn (alts: Loki)

    Errellcattiva (alts: Nyssia, Zythiah, Ashlyssa)

    Vassav (alts: Missim)

    Zelenne (alts: Semil'jahat, Eiju'jahat)

  10. Ah ... yeah....we wiped a few times on that trash room before we got it down.


    Supposedly if you have a stealther they can stealth out of combat click the switch and it opens the door so that everyone can run out. However, we have never been able to get that to work, so we just kill the room.


    When we come in we immediately cc the suppressors. They throw atomic tears that do a large amount of damage to the raid, and were the biggest cause of our wiping. There are 4 suppressors - 2 in the front and 2 in the back. Everyone is also really careful not to stand in the lightening from the data cores, since that is the 2nd highest source of damage and is completely avoidable.


    Once the suppressors are cc'ed, our dps focus target the left data core, while the tanks pick up as many of the other decompiler adds as possible. Once the first data core is down, we kill the second core as quickly as possible. After that we clean up all the decompilers and then kill the suppressors one at a time.


    Getting the suppressors cc'ed as quickly as possible is the key to making that room manageable. If you don't have enough cc's the tanks should target the remaining suppresors, as the atomic tear is interruptable.

  11. I do primarily PVE healing and have gone with a balanced build that is 287 Surge / 287 Alacrity. This puts me a bit over the diminishing returns on surge, and I might ultimately drop 1 Surge Enhancement as I move to Dread Guard gear, but this has worked for me so far. As others have said, I like the alacrity both to speed up UM and for the improved energy regen on DS and would never lower it below the 287 I have right now.
  12. Our guild Postmortem has been putting together guides for Terror from Beyond. The Story Mode content is largely complete, as well as the guides to the first 2 bosses in hard mode.


    The Hard Mode guides include both video and written guides.


    The written guides are located at http://www.postmortem-guides.com/

    The videos are on youtube at http://www.youtube.com/user/postmortemswtor/

  13. Resurrecting this thread to second the suggestion for a legacy bank tab as a legacy perk. It is very tedious to spend time mailing mats from one toon to another for crafting. This would be a very nice quality of life improvement for those with multiple crafting/gathering toons.


    I also love the suggestion of having the ability to send all my companions across toons out on missions from a single interface. Due to loading screen times, I can spend 20 minutes just cycling through my toons to send them on missions and start their crafts.


    I would also love to be able to set up a legacy fund of credits that are accessible by all my toons. It is incredibly annoying to go to run missions on one of my alts, realize I don't have enough credits, and have to log back into my main just to send them money.

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