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Posts posted by zazamataz

  1. Speaking of telling people's traits from their avatars you can tell how old someone is just by how they type. And how good they are.


    If someone comes on here and bashes WoW while using precise grammar and instantly denying any negativity about SWtoR it's safe to say that most of them are much older players simply playing because they are star wars fans, which I personally find hilarious.


    Anyyywaaayyy... yeah bioware does need to learn from other companies mistakes (such as Blizz did with WoW for the first year). Don't think that your ridiculous argument that it's new is a good argument, because it's not.. if you had any logic in you, you would clearly understand that if something FIXABLE (such as getting non-fail coders to code your game) then it shouldn't have been BROKEN from the start. WoW had massive troubles with bugs early on because their coders weren't top notch. A company such as Bioware who already has successful titles should definitely have top notch coders. The fact that they are making the same mistakes as other games before them have is laughable at the least. And to the idiot that said you can't blame the weather man for making a bad prediction about the weather... really.. that's going to be your comparison.. something that is a 100% ASSUMPTION BASED ON PREVIOUS GRAPHS THAT IS STATED TO NOT BE ACCURATE because again.. its a GUESS. And you are comparing that to coders making coding errors... great job captain. Here's a better comparison If DELL has made computers that everyone hates because they're slow and they crash a lot... and then a company decides to make their own computers based off of what's inside a DELL and then copies exactly what DELL did and just slaps a new logo on it and rearranges the components visually, then that company is fail, and that's exactly what BW is doing, they're coding the same way the early day coders of WoW did instead of realizing that people will not pay to go through the same **** again that they did with other MMO's. **Pro tip, the majority of WoW's basic game coding is done on your computer herrppaaderrpppaa, aka you can read them if you learn their coding language.. which can be found on multiple websites.


    TLDR : Bioware step your **** up. Drop the BS excuses and hire some competent people, keep falsifying patch notes and not having a clue what's going on and I guarantee you this game will be dead in 2 months.

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