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Posts posted by Dakotafett

  1. Less and less people are pvp'ing now, sometimes it takes 45-60 mins for a pop to happen.... I've noticed a trend on certain servers you get a few PvP guilds that do nothing but make up 4 man premades and ruin all the fun for people who just want jump into a quick warzone... What happens is you can go against a fully geared out premade who's on vent/mumble/team speak and they pretty much just own everyone...


    Bioware you need to add a PUG only warzone option, this will level the playing field more and allow people to just have fun.... If not, less and less people are going to pvp due to frustration with the situation..


    I agree totally. You get tossed into pvp with recruit gear and are expected to compete with people in WH or higher gear right from the start. Total BS. I am a casual player, I don't get to sit on my pc for hours and earn coms for gear. Bio needs to separate the WZ's somehow. I love PVP I hate getting gang banged by some shadow with 24k in hit points over and over again not doing any damage to him getting my 2 mercy coms and starting over again. I guess if these ego elites get there kicks by killing new PvP 50's over and over, they have bigger issues they need to deal with. Make it a challenge ffs and go up against players of equal gear and rank.

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