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Posts posted by Suspirium

  1. Anyone else have their music suddenly fade out or just stop playing? Or go through patches of no music at all?


    I for one want there to be music looped constantly, whenever you're in battle mode to have the music be switches on immediately and then when in travelling mode have it fade back into the ambient music of the planet you're on :<


    The music in the game is really good but it seems like it doesn't want to play most of the time :<


    Absolutely agree and from general beta I signaled this with zero effect. Glad that someone else thinks this way.


    P.S. beware of the trolls who will tell you that they have music 24/7.

  2. The reason it's a healer stat and not a dps stat is because DPS need slow abilities to maintain 4th tier of ammo regen. Casting faster won't do a whole lot other than run you into the 3rd tier much quicker. Healers need it because there can be the 'oh ****' moments when you need your heal to drop just that .2 seconds faster to keep your target alive.


    Either 1.5 is the GCD and Alacrity lowers it (Since every ability is 1.5 at the lowest) or it's 1 second and you won't ever reach 33% activation speed from your gear because of diminishing returns. So either way you look at it, it's still the same.


    the reason your theory fails badly is because you assume every single one of us will do only pve.

  3. During the development of Star Wars: The Old Republic, we’ve been paying a lot of attention to the game’s responsiveness. As pointed out by some people on the Forum, a very responsive experience is one of the factors that separate the best MMOs from the others. This is something we are fully aware of and take extremely seriously.


    Several of the issues brought forth by the community have already been dealt with and you should see the fixes integrated in coming patches, including those coming this month. Every lead mentioned on the forum is being investigated and I cannot stress enough how useful your feedback is – especially when coupled with the level of details found in some of the posts.


    So I’d really like to thank the community for this very constructive feedback.


    Thanks again and best regards,


    Nice to hear that, but can you guys do something about the actual performance of the client ? I have an i5-2500k with 8gb ram and Radeon 6970 and the game STILL stutters, especially in warzones where is basically non playable on high settings at 1920/1080. I imagine that my computer shouldnt have an issue, yet it has. For the record I am playing BF3 on ultra with very stable frame rates and no stutter at all.


    Also I would like to hear the reason why the shadows of all static objects (basically whole world) are rendered in real time by the client and are not pre-rendered like in WoW on lowest shadow setting ? WoW has a reason indeed to render world shadows - since it has night/day cycle, you guys dont. I sincerely couldnt believe my eyes when I found out this gem, its a basic mistake that shouldnt ever go live.


    One thing is sure, without serious (and mind you, quick) performance optimisations, Swtor will not live much. I want to believe that the dev team is aware of this and they are doing their best to fix the performance before its too late. The game has huge potential, its a pitty to not fix it.

  4. Aside from other facts that I am learning as I level, such as a cap of 120 people per "instance" on a planet and the lack of cross path questing, there is something else that has me pretty upset about WORLD PVP. The inability to take a group of friends/guildies and head to the opposing factions "capitol".


    Correct me if I am wrong, but that is something I have probably gained the MOST enjoyment out in other games. I'm getting pretty discouraged and hoping for something to change. I was hoping for the real "sandbox" or true open world feel. Instead this game makes me feel like I'm on a "leash" and not allowed to go some places, speaking more about planets.


    I am currently level 27 and on Tat. Please tell me it gets better?


    there is a reason all pvp-ers who worth their salt already cancelled their subs.

  5. I am sick of the "warzones" they means slaught houses..... 50 destroy everyone you get a group of 3-50's and its game over.....


    Cancel your subscriptions and let Bioware know how pissed you are about the PVP. A few hundred thousand ppl cancel and they will make changes real quick.


    I cancelled today I think you should too.


    As long as your paying they can string you along with false hopes about they are working on it etc... They stop getting you money and it will become a real priority.


    already did it from last week. my wife too.

  6. I am sick of the "warzones" they means slaught houses..... 50 destroy everyone you get a group of 3-50's and its game over.....


    Cancel your subscriptions and let Bioware know how pissed you are about the PVP. A few hundred thousand ppl cancel and they will make changes real quick.


    I cancelled today I think you should too.


    As long as your paying they can string you along with false hopes about they are working on it etc... They stop getting you money and it will become a real priority.


    already did it from last week.

  7. Well like the above poster said, the real problems are being addressed. I have both an assassin and a jedi knight and usually rip ranged apart. In all honesty though if you bought this for pvp you made the mistake to begin with. Why would you ever think PvP would get a huge focus in a "Story Drive Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game." Personally I love the PvP in this game, sure theres not alot there and it has room for improvement but its missing one thing that makes me smile. The super trolls of WoW and RIFT who were constantly telling everyone how they were baddies, noobs, racial slurs, and what not and how they were leet as hell. Not to mention huttball is blast (even if no one will ever pass the ball) lol.


    you tear ranged apart, really ? I can kill without issues same time 2 jedi knights on my imperial agent.

  8. 1. You play against people on your server, rather than having cross server play. This is bad design. You end up with the same people facing each other over and over within a certain time period, with the same results, since skill, gear, and coordination level aren't going to improve teamwide in that period.


    2. Geared up people win more easily, which means they get better gear faster, and it repeats. There should be some analysis of team power factored into commendation awards, at the very least.


    3. Losing every match for hours on end is frustrating. You should get more and more buff every time you lose a match. When you finally win, you reset back to normal. If you're bad, you'll still lose more of the time, but the occasional win when your team of losers finally gets so buff that they win will reduce the frustration without making the better players feel like they're getting gypped.


    4. There is no way to boot afk players, which seem to be fairly common, at least on my server, especially when the same premade group of geared out 50s wails on you on every match because they're the only ones queueing.


    5. PvP gear is too good. Why can I buy a rank 23 barrel from a PvP vendor yet I can only make level 22 as a crafter? Asinine.


    6. Open World PvP is complete garbage. People act based on incentives, and as a game designer you are supposed to use incentives to encourage them to play in fun ways. The incentives here just encourage people to avoid each other. Somewhat like Planetside, but without an "instant action" button. Whoever thought this was serviceable should not be allowed to design anything again.


    To those who say blah blah blah make your own premade and spend weeks losing so you can match your opponents' gear, I say...that's not fun. Games are supposed to be fun, and bad game design is at fault for the PVP system not being fun for anyone except those who love smacking down opponents who have absolutely 0% chance of beating them -which, admittedly, seems to be a decent % of the PvP player base.


    Name of the dude who designed it is Gabe Amatangelo or something, he seems to be one of the WAR designers, so it appears there is a relation between why the design is so bad.

  9. So i'm looking over the armor available once I hit 50 and I notice something.


    The armor FROM THE FRICKIN MARAUDER part of the Sith Warrior Progression video is Heavy Armor.


    .......................Are you kidding me?


    REALLY Bioware?


    thats actually the 2nd reason I cancelled my sub, 1st being the marauder's gameplay which is totally crap, I'm not a fan of playing a rogue without combo points.

  10. Ok this is just from my experience.... most people grew up in the Age of playing WoW


    Stopped reading here. WoW is the game that has the best gameplay that ever existed in a MMO, period. People stopped playing WoW because the game was destroyed with arenas, flying mounts and other crap things, but the gameplay was/is stellar.

  11. This game is awful. The millions of people playing this game and enjoying themselves are fools. You should listen to me and my opinion on the game that you worked so hard to create because I'm a professional MMO expert and can also predict the future of the gaming industry. SWTOR will go F2P in 2 months once everyone is tired of the voice acting. Most people are hitting spacebar already anyway, opening their easy mode map and hopping from marker to marker playing collect the gear.


    Seriously you guys couldn't make some new quests? It's all just start from point X go kill or click on N of Ys and then either return to point X or continue on to point Z. Also all of this instancing is terrible because I want to compete with 200 other people for the same quest objective that's on a 30 minute respawn timer.


    Also, what's with the lack of a LFD tool? I mean seriously. I should be able to click one button and be transported to the dungeon of my choosing with random other strangers. I find it tedious to actually have to talk to people and go to the area that links all of the dungeons together. So dumb.


    Another thing, your UI. I mean look at it. It's just there. I can't do anything with it at all. It just sits there taking up space. I can't drag things around like I want. Nevermind that I had to download, install and update (with every patch) at least 5 add-ons in other games to get the UI the way I wanted and it took years of trial and error to finally get this right. I want you guys to give me full control right away because it's 2011 and just because other games have had 7+ years worth of development on you, you should be past them already in every single area.


    I don't care if you've done your market research. I don't care if you've had the biggest and arguably smoothest/successful MMO launch to date. I speak for all the players out there because instead of playing the game that I paid for, I'd rather #occupy these forums and spew forth this hatred I have for you.


    Server maintenance? You're joking me right? This game should be online and active 24/7 because I'm a paying customer and I pay the right to play when I want. By taking servers offline during what you call 'non-peak' hours are peak gaming hours for me. Who needs to do things like sleep, work, go outside and productive when I could waste away in front of my computer playing a game that I despise because it's just a clone of WoW which is just a clone of EQ which is just a DIKU MUD clone.


    Oh and you have the nerve to toss out a nerf with the first weekly patch? My word. I've never seen something so idiotic in my entire life. Who cares if slicing was allowing players to have hundreds of thousands if not millions of credits in a much quicker fashion than those without the profession that could've potentially lead to a virtual economic crisis? It was profitable to me and I'm the only one that counts. Have you not figured this out yet?


    I haven't even mentioned how bad this game looks. I don't care if you're trying to cater to a broad audience with literally infinite variations in hardware/software configurations. You should be catering to me and my wants. I want my eyeballs to explode in graphical awe of your art conquests. Not this filth that you've presented me with. I don't care how many stunning videos of this game I see in 1080p this game looks like crap because I say it does. My uber system can handle more. GIVE ME MOAR.


    Space combat is another thing. If you're going to give me Star Fox, at least give me all of the controls. I keep waiting for Falco to come out of left field and take out that Destroyer for me, but noooooooooooooooo I have to fire the missles at it myself and then take my free credits, commendations, and xp for playing such an awful mini-game that is designed to give me a break from the grind of questing for my daily profits.


    I think this enough for now BW. You have been warned. This game will implode soon if you don't just scrap the whole project and start over because this game is a steaming pile of dung because I say it is and I'm a professional MMO expert and I speak for everyone here.


    you know whats sad in your post ? you are trying to make fun about gamebreaking stuff, that actually kills your beloved game and dont even realise that basically... you're making fun at your inability to grasp reality.

  12. ... why do you insist on writing on these forums how much you dislike it? Why do you even bother wasting your energy here instead of doing somethin you actually enjoy? Are your lives really that miserable?


    I hate golfing. Tried it once and it's not my cup of tea. That doesn't mean I take frequent trips to random golf courses and shout at the players how stupid they are for enjoying something I don't. But that's exactly what you are doing.


    Why can't you let us "deluded fan bois" enjoy this "linear", "bugged out", "empty", "what-ever-fault-you-can-find", game?


    Because we feel cheated since we were promised a good game and received a bad one. And surprise, our money have actually the exact same value as yours.

  13. Adapting to problems and situations are a way with not only coping with it but minimizing it to the point of virtual non-existence. If you find yourself in a bad neighborhood, complaining about its problems won't stop the people in it from killing you, adapting to it is the only way of surviving, pure and simple.




    You would be worth a lot more to your team if you tried to adapt more to the situation instead of constantly putting yourself in the "lagging" predicaments and then complaining about it.


    Hello !


    the part you missed is the fact not all of us are fanbois nor are payed to play this game or praise it to sky and back. I dont care "what" I can do to minimize the faulty design of Bioware devs and their clunky combat system. Like I said, I am not payed for that, in fact I'm the one who pays to have a good experience, experience that I DONT have so far.


    If one go to a restaurant and orders a meal thats plain bad, what he should do ? Looking at your words, you're the one who would try to eat it and adapt your taste :D My take would be to spit it out, stop paying it and order a refund.


    You like it ? Good for you, the perfect client never complains and tries to adapt at bad products instead of stop using the product/company. In fact, companies would kill to have all their clients like you since they could sell 3 year old sausages as icecream and still receive tips. Keep up the good work mate !


    And since you made a "wonderful" analogy with the bad neighborhood, you know what I would do in such situation ? Get out of it and never ever came back, not in a 5 mile radius. Which is exactly why my subscription and my wife's already cancelled 30 mins ago along with half my guild. I will give Bioware time to fix this till my subscription ends, after that not only I'll never subscribe again but I'll never buy a product signed Bioware in my whole future life since they proved they cant make things on my taste.


    But please, you go adapt mode, I am sure many players will do the same. Not.

  14. So I'm kinda disappointed in how a Marauder equipment looks, this is just opinions. I really hate that we look like inquistors for the most part. the later gear is just robes and and it looks more light light armor then medium imo. and the Raid gear is just outrageous looks like terminator it fits the juggernaut class way more. but this really needs tuning.. and i really hate that if we chose to not wear those darn skirts we end up with those skinny jeans and slippers no decent modable shoes so far. I really like the Jedi's look with the hoods and leatherly like gear. I know that people might think why not reroll jedi? well I like sith and i find it annoying that we cant use the gear we have the option to craft. Im a syntweaver and i can craft tons of Jedi gear but i cant use them? Is there any particular reason to why i cannot wear the same gear? while being sith! :p


    Post your opinions on how you think it should be! and please link some cool looking equipment! both jedis and Siths!


    Given that I am not the reroller type of guy, I will probably stop playing swtor alltogether if we wont have some decent sets. So far sets are beyond pathetic for marauders.

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