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Posts posted by Mlande

  1. I disagree. This was the worst lunch ever.

    Looks like no one in BioWare was thinking about community implications of those stupid waves.

    Because of this staggered launch i got separated from my guild. Before i got in, my guilds server was full and queue was 50 minutes. I know that for some players that may not be an issue but for me it is. It was after 8PM in Europe when i got my invite, and i have to get up early for work. So waiting for 50 minutes is unacceptable. So i had to choose another server.

    Some people are more tied to their guilds and that's the reason why some serwers had even longer queues. And that's all because of staggered launch.

    Firs BioWare deployed guilds stuffing servers almost to maximum capacity. Then some players from those guild got in, and some slots were taken by people without guild or by guilds that were not deployed. Same happened on day two.

    And then suddenly BioWare added new servers. Why they needed new servers? The should know exactly how many servers will be needed at EA, is it so hard to divide amount of registered pre-orders by server capacity ? Add (let say) five (or more) to it and you have needed number of servers.

    So on day three everyone want to play with their deployed guild, but there was no room on servers so they got stuffed even more.

    Terrible planning BioWare. I thought you can do better than that.


    You are grumpy. Go to sleep.

  2. Right there with ya, redeemed on the 2nd of Dec. and still no invite, oh well back to the movie Im watchin, and we will see in about 30 mins if we are just ignored or not.


    Im leaning towards ignored. They don't owe us anything other than communication. I feel completely let down considering I pre-ordered on the 29th but didn't get my code until a few days later thanks to the magical minds at Best Buy "cough".

  3. whats wrong with leveling in pvp? Why should it matter how others level?


    Why do people in MMOs always equate playing to being in some sort of race?


    In three weeks most people will be at cap and will this point even be relevant?


    Please don't speak about matters that you do not know about. The OP was concerned with the apparent Warzone leveling exploit that was out. Bioware says it doesn't exist / it's potency was falsified. If this is true then I don't think anyone is complaining about it. You are so naive.

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