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Posts posted by Blumonk

  1. I love the update but I have a few bones to pick with it. One, you guys are asking people to pay why to much money for anyone to enjoy playing this amazing game. I understand it cost a lot to keep this game going but I know for fact that you are losing a lot more money from the people who either quite playing or refuse to subscribe . The cartel market needs to be more player friendly.


    Here's an idea for future update. You have a wed/phone app were players can change and buy from the market. Players should even change the look of there companions. Also, there should be an area where players can create a back story for thier character. :D

  2. You are wrong.


    Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi 7: The Prisoner of Bogan, Part 2

    Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith 1: Masters and Students of the Force (First identified as Cathar)

    Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith 3: Descent to the Dark Side

    Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War 1: Edge of the Whirlwind

    Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War 2: The Battle of Coruscant

    Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War 3: The Trial of Ulic Qel-Droma

    Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War 4: Jedi Holocaust

    Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War 5: Brother Against Brother

    Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War 6: Dark Lord (Cover only)

    Tales of the Jedi: Redemption

    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Flashpoint

    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 15: Days of Fear, Part 3

    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 42: Masks

    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 48: Demon, Part 2

    The Betrayal of Darth Revan

    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

    Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan

    Star Wars: The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance

    Star Wars: The Old Republic

    Darth Bane: Path of Destruction (Mentioned only)

    Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones comic

    Imperial Commando: 501st (Mentioned only)

    Coruscant Nights II: Street of Shadows

    The Gem of Alderaan on Wizards.com (original article link, backup links on Archive.org)

    The Star Wars Holiday Special (First appearance) (Retcon)



    Star Wars: Legacy 2: Broken, Part 2

    Star Wars: Legacy: The Hidden Temple

    Star Wars: Legacy: Storms

    Star Wars: Legacy 37: Tatooine, Part 1 (Mentioned only)

    Star Wars: Legacy 45: Monster, Part 3

    Star Wars: Legacy 46: Monster, Part 4

    Star Wars: Legacy 48: Extremes, Part 1

    Star Wars: Legacy 49: Extremes, Part 2

    Star Wars: Legacy—War 5

    Star Wars: Legacy—War 6


    Sure, the Holiday Special as first appearance isn't actually a plus in its favor; it wasn't until the Dark Horse comics that they started to get developed. They were also part of the Star Wars d20 rpg (and SAGA of course, but that was post KotOR)


    WOW good to know thanks.

  3. I can think of several reasons why people are hostel to Cathar as playable race:

    1. They're not a well known race even in Star Wars literature. They were in KOTOR and SWTOR and not a whole lot else (I could be wrong).

    2. If the devs are spending time making Cathar and they have limited time/staff then that means they aren't making other stuff/other races while that happens. People selfishly want stuff they want and when stuff is made that they didn't want it means time was (in their opinion) wasted where it could have been making cool things for them.

    3. They are being used as the guine pig for other races. Meaning if Cathar flops because it's an unpopular race then it could kill the chance of other more popular races being made (and if you don't believe me about popularity there's a huge post that polls people on what they want, Cathar is not in the top 3).


    I'm not a fan mainly for 1 & 3. There are plenty of races that I don't necessarily want to play as, but I would love to see in the game (Wookie for example).



    The Cathar did start in KOTOR but were later put in comics and a few books based on SWTOR. Since this game is based on the KOTOR lore it only makes since to make them a head liner race. I am looking forward to making both a Jedi and a Trooper Cathar myself.

  4. I can think of several reasons why people are hostel to Cathar as playable race:

    1. They're not a well known race even in Star Wars literature. They were in KOTOR and SWTOR and not a whole lot else (I could be wrong).

    2. If the devs are spending time making Cathar and they have limited time/staff then that means they aren't making other stuff/other races while that happens. People selfishly want stuff they want and when stuff is made that they didn't want it means time was (in their opinion) wasted where it could have been making cool things for them.

    3. They are being used as the guine pig for other races. Meaning if Cathar flops because it's an unpopular race then it could kill the chance of other more popular races being made (and if you don't believe me about popularity there's a huge post that polls people on what they want, Cathar is not in the top 3).


    I'm not a fan mainly for 1 & 3. There are plenty of races that I don't necessarily want to play as, but I would love to see in the game (Wookie for example).


    I only think they did it because of KOTOR franchise. When Juhani came out in the first game everyone who played wanted to know what she was and why we couldn't play that as a race in the game. But do to the forums I think they should have done a survey.


    With the amount of voice over work that needs to be done on this game I'm sure it will be a while until they release any new races.

  5. I don't understand the big urge to play a new species... aren't there enough already? Everyone keeps freaking out about a new species, but after a year, why not just enjoy the species you have? I am the type that would much rather get a new class(which i know will never happen) than a new species... all species play their class the same, I just don't understand the fuss for the Cathar...


    It just give a player or a new players more options. I think (and I'm just guessing) the Cathar were chosen to bring in more female players

  6. Out of all the MMOs I have played this is the only game that I have met people how really role play. Not only that but the developers really listen the the players to improve this game. Hands down the best MMO I've played to date.
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