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Posts posted by sevenex

  1. I know that the shortcomings of the prequel trilogy are well documented and, for the most part, I agree with what others have already pointed out. I do, however, find them entertaining. I just go into them knowing that they are not going to be as good as the original trilogy and enjoy them for what they are.


    I like episode 1, but I think I still like episode 3 a little bit better. I think episode 3 should have been the hands down winner, but it suffers a bit from the set up of episode 2. I just felt like I was supposed to like Anakin more. His fall to the darkside was supposed to illicit more of an emotional response from me, but I was almost grateful for the transition because I really didn't like his character much before the switch. To me, a lot of that is because of episode 2. That's when he is supposed to establish himself as the hero. I know that I said I can enjoy the prequels for what they are, but I just can't stand episode 2. To me, it's just a poorly made movie and to make things worse, episode 3 suffers because of how much episode 2 fails to set the stage.


    I like episode 1. I like Qui Gon and I like Maul. I like the pod racing scene, although, it should have been a bit shorter. I can ignore Jar Jar. I still like episode 3 a bit more.

  2. I'm just coming back to this game after a few months and I had a few questions concerning the cash shop. I have never played a game with a cash shop before and I'm just not quite sure what to expect.


    Is it really just cosmetic? I can handle that, if everyone wants to run around looking like Revan or whatever iconic character, that's cool and it's a cool looking helmet. I just don't want to play a game where end game pvp or pve gear (stat wise) is available for cash. Cosmetics? cool. End game stats? pretty much a deal breaker for me.


    It didn't take me long to just plain sub to the game. I prefer to play any game this way. For anyone who would rather play for free and buy stuff here and there, that's great, I hope you have fun too.

  3. This guy is asking for the players to get more options to have their characters indecently dressed. I am strongly against degradation of women so this brings an overly emotional, negative response from me. I think there is little doubt this post was made for shock value.


    Why hasnt this post been deleted yet, like they do with most of mine? It also breaks Code of conduct.




    I bet you're a blast at parties.

  4. Well, Jedi would have a super high movement value. Jedi on speeders even more so. Gungans would cause instant pinning tests because of people shaking their heads in dismay. That would give the Jedi time to zip over to the objectives and control them on the last turn while the Gungans pretty much caused everyone to laugh at them. Gotta give this one to the jedi. Unless it's just straight up kill points, then they're screwed.


    Kidding of course.

  5. Sand giants in oasis! EC tunnel trading grounds! Lockjaw! (still have my tunic in a bank somewhere)


    Veksar is probably my favorite zone from any game ever!


    MGB virtue inc at bank in 30 seconds!




    Just a few memories that this thread sparked up.

  6. Great post! I miss sandbox and I miss having a longer leveling up process. I get that the super fast leveling, themepark MMO is what is popular right now, but I'm hoping (and apparently not alone) that there is a bit of a retro gaming wave coming up.


    I have 2 50s. That's insane. It's incredibly too fast and what it is doing is making me want to stop playing. I want a game that's about the journey not the destination.

  7. Not entirely true. WoW's most successful years were during some incredibly hard raiding content. Their subscriber base has started to slip in the last few years, as LFR and LFD tools have been implemented, and raids started being a more 'casual' affair.



    Exactly! Where older games went wrong is making content only for the hardcore raiders. Where WOW went right is making a game that appeals to everyone, as well as making leveling solo to max level possible. Now they are starting to get away from that and only really catering to a more casual gaming crowd. Why wouldn't you want both?


    The problem with this and many other games is that they took the WOW model and extrapolated it to a fault.


    If WOW was easier than the other games at the time and they made a ton of money, we will make our game even easier than that and make even more money!


    Unfortunately, this logic just doesn't play out and ends up alienating the folks who enjoy a game with at least a modicum of difficulty. I think we are close to seeing a revert to more challenging games. Not EQ1 or Lineage or anything, but hopefully something along the lines of TBC, which in my opinion was close to perfection.

  8. There's a difference between arguing whether people enjoyed it and arguing whether it was a good game. I used to enjoy Star Wars Rebellion, but I'll be the first to admit that it was a terrible, terrible game.


    I actually agree. I appreciate a good combat system, which swg did not have. I don't think anyone claims it did though, pre or post CU

  9. I love how lots people talk about how much fun they had in SWG and there's always a few that come in and argue. It's like they're trying to pull off a jedi mind trick and say, "No you did not have that much fun, you must be mistaken!"


    Good post, I also really miss the game.

  10. I guess it would all depend on what it was. If it's not star wars, then what is it? I don't know I like the game and I don't hate the MMO model they use (minus the star wars) as much as other people do, but I probably wouldn't keep playing.


    I would either be back on my time locked EQ1 server or try out Vanguard again. I know I have strange tastes in MMOs compared to most people.


    Oh well, good thing it IS star wars!

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