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Posts posted by Tagglebops

  1. Black Talon, Directive 7, Battle for Ilum and False Emperor are all capable of being completed with some patience and coordination.


    As for Boarding Party and The Foundry, they are not really working too well right now. Boarding Party's final boss is difficult, and his loot chest is also broken, making the flashpoint honestly not worth doing unless you want something from the earlier bosses. The Foundry's final boss is currently bugged (or extremely overtuned) and begins to instantly kill players when the fight reaches a certain point, rendering it impossible to complete for most groups.


    All of the level 50 hard FPs have major bugs and broken mechanics. The difficulty is also extremely inconsistent - some bosses are completely trivial while others are practically unbeatable without creative use of game mechanics or a specific group makeup. All in all, like the above posters said, the endgame PvE as a whole is very clearly in an extremely unfinished/unpolished state, although I honestly wasn't expecting much more.

  2. Just tried to do this. We were not able to beat him. Group was:


    Tank: Juggernaut

    DPS1: Marauder

    DPS2: Mercenary

    Healer: Operative (me)


    Contrary to some of the other reports in this thread, he is indeed still bugged and one shots people (instant 20-25k damage) at ~35%. The tank was able to survive the first cast by popping all of his cooldowns, but subsequent attacks instantly killed whoever it was used on.


    The first "tick" of damage is dealt before the channeling bar is even visible - meaning that, for us, even with a perfect interrupt, the target was going to get hit at least once for 20k damage or so, which was more than enough to kill the person instantaneously with no chance of recourse.


    Conceivably, if your DPS is high enough, you should be able to simply zerg him down with battle rez before the group wipes. Regardless, the fight is clearly not working as intended.

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