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Posts posted by Eujin

  1. Exactly, and I crit for one out of every 3, which is higher than your suggestion, 3 rich cost 6000, my average 1:3 yield is 8500. Sometimes it is higher, other times it is lower, but I always come out with a positive yield. I suggest to everyone not making a profit to just buy companion gifts.


    The real treasure of slicing missions are the mission items. Even if I don't make a profit I would still gladly run slicing missions for my chance at the mission items. My average mission item crit ratio is 1:4.


    To cap: max affection yields=

    Lockbox crit 1:3

    Mission Items 1:4


    If you're somehow getting a crit at 1 out of 3, every time, then I'm going to call you either bugged, the luckiest player in the world, or misinterpreting your numbers(or perhaps just a liar, but I don't like to think people would do so when dealing with this kind of situation)


    I have max affection on 4 different companions across 2 different characters with slicing, one republic, and one imperial. Even on those characters, the max crit rate I see is /maybe/ 1 out of 4 if I'm ultra lucky, but is on average 1:6 or 1:10.

  2. Everyone in this post so far is very wrong :/ so wrong that i'm afraid that people actually start believing that slicing is useless. Slicing is very profitable, so profitable that both of my 50s have it. Not only that but ALL of my characters benefit from it. There was no nerf to slicing other than the one if got shortly after release.


    While some people are off on their numbers, I think you misread the main posts.


    The cost of slicing missions hasn't changed in 1.2. The average rewards did.


    Crit rewards are still the same as they were pre 1.2, roughly 5000-7000 credits for tier 5. However, where as running a Rich tier 5 lockbox mission pre 1.2 gave around 1900-2000 credits average if not a crit, it now gives 800-1000 credits average if not a critical success. The mission still costs 2000+ credits, as they did before 1.2, so you're looking at a loss of 1000 credits on average if non critical success.


    So, if you're slicing Rich lockboxes, you will operate at a net loss unless you're getting crits every 1 out of 4 lockboxes.


    For example, lets say you're running only Rich tier 5 lockbox missions, and the average cost is 2000 credits. If you run 4 missions, that's 8000 credits. If you do not crit at all on all 4 missions, and do not fail, since 1.2 you're looking at a return of 3200-4000 credits. Meaning you still lost 4000 credits (-8000 cost + 4000 return = -4000 loss). If you crit on one out of 4 (Which you're not likely to do), you'll have made a profit of about 1000-3000.


    That is a drastic change. This change also is only affecting Rich Lockboxes. All other types reward the same as they did pre 1.2. All tier Rich lockboxes currently give half their cost back if they're considered a "Success" now.


    More people reporting info can be found in this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=402397&page=3

  3. So slicing is now in line with other money-search crew skills like underworld trading and treasure hunting.


    I've had max treasure hunting for a while and I generally net losses on most standard class 6 lockboxes. BUT when the RNG is nice to me, it drops me a green/blue item as well as some credits, and bam! profit! Then when I crit and get green lockboxes, BAM! MORE PROFIT! Slicing's return on investment was much higher than the others before, but the again, IT IS A GATHERING SKILL! So you can go out to any planet, gather credit boxes to your heart's content and make....FREE EASY MONEY!


    I have a character with 400/400 Underworld Trading. I always get way more than 50% the cost of the mission in value of items or credits from selling to vendors alone. So no, it is not in line.


    Edit: Heck, my Jedi has 350/400 Treasure Hunting, and the tier 5 lockboxes (What people are looking at right now in the above numbers) usually give even results, if not 100 credits less/more than the cost. As of 1.2, even. So again, no, slicing is not in line.

  4. Not sure where anyone got the idea that Chiss force users are non-existent. From what I remember, The Chiss Ascendancy is all about showing them to be the superior race without any outside help, which is why they actually volunteered to join the empire, and actually forced the emperor to accept their terms and allow themselves to be independant.


    That being said, apparently force use is frowned upon, as it makes them look depending on something other than themselves. It is not unheard of. There are in fact 2 known, canon, Chiss Force users.




    Dark Acolyte and CIS general Sev'rance Tann, and Jedi Padawan Nuru Kungurama.


    So there you go.

  5. I can also report that after a few hours of slicing today on 3 companions, rich rewards (at least on the 2nd to last tier) are now giving a little under half (1000 credits, Give or take 100 credits) the cost to run a mission unless you crit, compared to pre-1.2


    The one time I critted within that period yielded about what I'd usually see as the lowest crit reward for that tier (about 5000 credits. Prior I'd seen 5000-8000 credits)


    That's a bit insane. Even if this was the case on PTS, that's a big enough change that it shouldn't be an unlisted change. Can we get confirmation that this is WAI?

  6. Hey all,


    I realize that there are probably threads out there about this, but sadly even after 2 weeks since it was taken down, search is still down.


    With that said: I would like to make a statement/plea/I don't know what to the Devs that are currently working on the "updated" customization system talked about in the blog.


    If this updated system is any of the following:

    • An appearance tab
    • More easily accessible Orange Gear
    • More gear with different color sets

    Please add in the pre-existing color matching system alongside the new one.


    An appearance tab is a solution for people that don't want to worry about mods so much, but want the same look throughout their leveling experience.


    Orange Gear is a great boon for Armormechs and Armstechs. It is also great for Cybertechs, to an extent, it somewhat covers the needs of an appearance tab, but orange armor is excessively rare, especially in sets.


    More gear with different color sets just seems to be the easy way out, and doesn't really help anyone.


    None of the above solve the problem for people like myself: Those that like changing the models of their gear as they level, but just want them to look like they at least somewhat fit with one another. The previously implemented color matching system seemed to solve this pretty much perfectly.


    Seeing as paint isn't a rare commodity in Star Wars, and a majority of gear is obviously painted or dyed, there is no reason that some sort of dye buying/finding system should be implemented, either.


    So again I beg, please, if the system you're working on doesn't actually bring back a simple toggle to match the colors of different armor pieces to a single theme, please bring back the pre-existing color match toggle in addition to your new system.



    To anyone who reads this, while I do not expect a Dev response, if anyone wants to chime in other feedback, it is appreciated.

  7. Go check Commendation Vendors. On both Coruscant and Dromund Kaas, the commendation weapons vendor (Or Specialty Goods vendor) both have nearly all of their weapons full of Orange Crystals. Get one, pull the crystal from it.
  8. The only time this has happened to me was on alligment choices, giving me light or dark points..


    Never had that happen sorry:/


    Thats what I thought, originally, but alignment choices will fade your screen blue/red.


    It's really bizarre as it's not like normal passage of time responses as the other poster said, as it doesn't fade all the way out. It just dims the screen a bit then fades back.


    If anyone with an IA has let Nemro's Commander lived and said be safe, they should see what I mean. (I've tried on different PCs to make sure it's not some weird graphic glitch with an option, too, and have exited out of dialogues and reselected the choices to make sure it was repeatable.)

  9. lol guys thank u for postin but ur PCs r not exactly high end... they r monsters :D A GTX card should absolutely play this game very well even with crappy optimization! The mid-ranges ones got the problem...(even if they shouldnt!)


    =on&prod[4913]=on&prod[5005]=o"]Comparisons of your card vs others


    Your card is roughly half the performance of the current generation low end card. It is roughly 1/3rd the performance of the current lowest end mid range card. Therefore it is not considered high end.


    If you hit ctrl+shift+f in the game, and the text is green, your GPU is the problem. If the text is Yellow, your CPU is the problem.


    While I would love for them to do a performance patch, from what I understand the main focus right now is prepping for launch and quest/major bugfixes.

  10. Hey, I just ran into this again on my SW, so I thought I'd ask as no one knew in General.


    What does it mean when certain dialogue options cause the image to fade out slightly then back in?


    Further description: On my Sith Warrior, when you are going to the secret cave with Vette, you meet up with your opposing acolyte. The bottom most dialogue option is along the lines of "Back Off, now", and the actual dialogue line tells him to back down now so he doesn't need to get hurt. During the character's speech, the screen fades partially to black and back.


    This same thing happens during the Imperial Agent's story on Hutta. If you spare the life of the Hutt's commander, and then tell him to be safe, the screen fades out and in again while you speak.


    Anyone know what this means? It's not an dark/light alignment choice, and doesn't get you any points with your companion, if they're with you.

  11. Hey everybody, I don't know about you all, but my favorite thing to do in-game is create an empire of crafting alts and pretty much control the whole server's economy. It's just sooo much fun. And much more difficult than downing a boss or beating some scrub kid in PvP (both of which I do anyways).


    Anyways - what are your thoughts on what will be the best money maker in this game? I'm fairly certain it will be one of these three:


    -Cybertech: obviously, people need mods

    -Artifice: same as Cybertech + lots of new jedis in-game that need crystals

    -Biochem: consumables need to be purchased quite often for endgame stuff


    I don't know which of those three will be the best. I know it will vary server to server. But if we're just guessing, what do you all think will be the best for making credits? Also, if you're in the game already (don't know why'd you be posting on forums instead of playing though :p) share some information about the prices on your servers for the different crew skills.


    On Lord Praven, the GTN is pretty much barren. I think it is far too early for people to be caring about the market at this point. Especially considering the huge credit and time costs for missions later on, I wouldn't expect there to be a huge difference at the lower levels.


    At cap, however? Maybe Cybertech and Artifice, as their mods could be used even by raiders with raid gear.

  12. When they simplified the crew skill recipes, a significant portion of the Armstech recipes were removed.


    Armstech could originally make: Weapons, Blaster Color Crystals, Barrels, and enhanced clips of some sort.


    Everything past Barrels and Weapons were removed, and many of the Weapon recipes were removed or restructured. At that point, the Armstech skills didn't seem to go up to max Armstech level. At least not ones that were trainable.


    However, that was just from Trainers, and I never made it to 50, so I do not know if the recipes were just made drops or not.

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