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Posts posted by Moroder

  1. RP-ER here as well. There is a lot of things I want. Chief among them being speech bubble (seriously yes). I feel this would make the world look less static. I also want he rp options that have been already mentioned. Think about it SWG (a game that was released before WoW) had one of the most immersive enviornments seen in an MMO. No X amount of years later that has yet to be replicated.


    I want a guarantee that at some stage my inquisitor and agent storylines will be continued. I want my legacy to be expanded on-meeting my rival or sibling in a storyline. Right now all it is is a graphic on the screen showing me a family tree. There is a lot of other stuff too. But those for a start would be great.

  2. Yea, speech bubbles. That's what we need. More graphics clutter. </sarcasm_off>


    Have you actually played a game with them? Or seen screen shots of a crowded are crammed full of speech bubbles?

    NO! Please God, a thousand times NO!

    Even IF they included the option to turn them off, it's still excess rubbish data the computer has to process BEFORE it can block it. More rubbish in the downstream.


    Fair enough you are entitled to your opinion. In every other MMO they have them so I fail to see why we cannot have them in this one. Then again this is down to subjective opinion. I really want the game to succeed. It’s just at the moment I have “0” faith in the devs to turn the ship around and make this game the success it could be.


    Oh and hands up who misses SWG even the NGE SWG? I Know I sure do (for all its faults)

  3. So honestly where do you think it is headed? I hope it does well I really do. I have a lot of concerns though. Chief among them being – have they bitten off more than they can chew. By this I mean will we get expansions whereby the storyline is actually progressed? Can they actually afford to add full character and arc storylines that are fully voiced? Will sub numbers settle where by the devs can actually say that the game is being profitable? Will we ever see the hinted at features. The big example being the space section. There was quotes flying around shortly after launch that they had “big plans” for this section of the game.


    I would also like to see the legacy idea expanded on. Right now NOTHING excites me about it. Apart from maybe plotting a family tree etc. The perks and mcguffins do absolutely nothing for me and I don’t care about them. What I do dream of seeing is crossover stories to so with your legacy tree. Ie meeting your nemesis/spouse/sibling in a storyline. Imagine having legacy storyline where you interact with your legacy characters. A scenario where your bounty hunter nemesis tracks you down pops into my head.


    I don’t know I really enjoy the game but I fear for it. The one thing I would actually be happy to see are speech bubbles (small I know but I feel it adds to the game. Right now it feels like all characters are mutes).


    So what is your opinion. What are your fears/concerns for it?

  4. Reasons for me are simple. The game at the moment offers a very tangible sense of “I want to see what happens next” that no other game is doing right now. I am playing 2 characters in tandem at the moment and it feels like every night I am playing I am catching up on the latest episode of the clone wars. That for me at the moment is one of the main reasons. I also see that after the merges etc there is a healthy influx of players on my server so that is always a plus. At the moment I feel that the game is going to achieve a lot content wise down the line.


    However I do still have my concerns. My main one being is can they (bioware/ea) afford to add the afore mentioned content we expect? I know there is an “expansion” coming down the line. But lets face it, this is just going to be a very big patch that you have to pay for. I am worried that we are never going to see character storyline progression- world storyline progression. With all the voice over content etc, at the moment it just seems like something that can’t be done.


    I really want to see the space element fleshed out. Everytime it is mentioned we are told “that there is something in the works”- I just don’t believe them. If this were the case we would have SOME hint of whats happening.



  5. It's very hard to ignore the various harbingers of doom that have popped up over the months. Since my own rp server (Lord Kalypho) has turned into a ghost fleet, i abandoned my IA and went to a better populated server. This is within 6 months of playing. Something I never thought that I would have been doing in the first year.


    I have defended swtor tooth and nail since day one, but even i had a bit of "oh dear...maybe I have been wrong" as I was re-rolling another character last night.


    So being honest, are any of the die hard defenders of the game starting to feel the same way?

  6. Well it been a little under 6 months and the wrinkles are starting to show in my beloved game. I really (REALLY) miss the feel of an open world. I do understand that planets like tatooine etc are open but it still feels linear. The environments are too static (or maybe I have been playing too much skyrim lol). I also do not like the system performance of the game. Now I realise that my rig would be considered old (3 years ish) but I do think it could be better optimised. Loading take foreeever! Also my server feels ...dead i guess. I know its not as it is one the few pvp rp servers out there. It’s just that people don’t seem to talk to one another.


    I really don’t want to go back to “a certain MMO”. I do miss certain aspects of it though. Is there anyone on the same fence as me?

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