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Posts posted by macmachado

  1. You come to regs and farm numbers ignoring objectives like you will get a serious disease if you get any obj points.

    You pass the huttball to each other to make sure it goes the full 15 minutes.

    You clear mid, but won't bother to cap it because that will ruin your numbers.

    You ruin the game for those of us who enjoy the SWTOR pvp experience.


    The "ranked" players destroy pvp in this game and laugh at those of us who enjoy objectives and are actually trying to win the game. I hate you on my team however going against you isn't a big deal because I know it will be a guaranteed win. You have all the excuses:

    "Obj's don't matter lawlwlawlalwlawlwlw"

    "Practicing for ranked"

    "Oh we could win if we wanted to"

    "Just want to kill stuff"


    Traveling around in your little packs destroying lone players or farming spawn points. Running around like bots from red guy to red guy, drooling and panting like dogs. So how is this fun for anyone? Go to pve and fight bosses if all you care about are numbers. No, you have to prove yourselves with your numbers in regs. This is a battle royale to you and that is all. Just like you hate the reg players in ranked, we hate you in regs and wish you would stop queuing.


    I honestly wish they would just get rid of numbers at the end of the match so you would have no reason to come into warzones with your trolling attitudes. I could go on and on with my frustrations in a game I find fun, but the people (farmers) are ruining it. Sure this game has bugs and faults but I really, really enjoy the pvp when both teams are playing to win. Why can't you do both? Why have you created this "collective" attitude in which objectives are only for "bad" players.


    Defend yourselves all you want, but you guys have decided that you are winners only if you get highest on the scoreboard and by so doing you've done your part. Gone are the guilds that you were scared to go against because it was gonna be a hard win. IMO you can't handle losing if you actually tried to win the game so you ignore everything because now you can say "We weren't trying."


    I remember "epic" pvp matches with the underdog pulling off amazing comebacks! Or even matches where we win by the skin of our teeth in a huttball where everyone is taking advantage of the traps and using any means to stop the opposing team! But it seems everything is devolving to "hur hur" press my buttons harder! It is so infuriatingly disappointing!


    We want our game back.


    agree 100%

  2. There are so many issues with the matchmaking situation that it is hard to unpack.

    1.) Restrictions for heal/tank only makes things worse, not better. No changes will create good matches until that has been removed.

    2.) I agree with Trix about the weight given to premades is way off. In reality you can have a premade of utter noobs on voice and they'd be able to stand up to quality pugs. It is such an unfair advantage premade over pugs that really unless you had huge populations you cannot balance it.

    3.) The flaw with most MMOs, by design is to funnel wimps into premades to have unfair advantage over non-premades. Frankly, many people who play premades have absolutely NO interest in a fair matchup. They are there to be on the winning side of a face-roll easy no-skill needed matchup - quite simply. These people are wimps. The OTHER people who premade simply to play with friends and actually would like a fair matchup, also would agree that better matchmaking should be designed.


    The only solution that will actually work is to give people option to opt out of queing with premades. I'd gladly wait twice as long for a pug vs pug matchup, because I would much rather be playing other aspects of the game while waiting for a quality matchup. What people like to skip is the fact that the amount of time to get a quality game would be way less with this design. Even though the amount of time to get a queue pop may be slightly longer.


    Unltil then, people can just keep dropping everytime they are in a premade face-roll and since there is no way for healer/tank to backfill properly the circus will continue.


    MMOs are dying, not just each game but the entire genre. Partly because huge guilds and premades are given unfair advantages over those who prefer a different playstyle. The non-inclusive policy is dumb and when all the MMOs die, the one left standing will have moved away from unfair premade vs pug matchups.


    I could not have said it better

  3. No need to wonder.

    We’ve all seen how BioWare have systematically destroyed pvp by accident or incompetence or on purpose. Who knows why they do anything.

    If they actually consulted more with the pvp community instead of trying to force stuff on us or not interpreting what we say and understanding ( means they need to communicate more to make sure they understand because they mostly seem to do the opposite of the feed back they are given ). Then maybe pvp wouldn’t be in the sorry state it’s in and more people would play it.

    you're right

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