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Posts posted by -Axil-

  1. I challenge you to go play a healer. You will realize quickly how ridiculous your post is.


    I have. In many games, including this one. For many years. So other than implying i'm ignorant, is there a specific reason you disagree with my post?

  2. task 3 people to interrupt/cc/ctrl 3 healers, remaining 3 people FF interrupt targeted healer...


    there, solved your baddy tactics for you.


    Right... so in order to kill a healer in a group of 4. First you need 6 people. Then you need three of them to identify and stick on separate healers, interrupting them. The other three need to DPS down your target. None of the people interrupting can loose the CC war, so they need their CC breaks and all their CC's up to make sure they get enough interrupts off. None of them can get killed before you kill the primary.


    All of this effort is needed to counter four players clicking on the smallest green bar and healing.

  3. do dps characters ever run out of their resource if played properly? Nope. Why should healers?


    Because it's better for the game when you have deaths being exchanged over the control points instead of a stalemate?


    Healers should delay death, they should not be able to prevent it, playing against equally skilled opponents. Otherwise, assuming equal skill and gear, you want as many healers as possible on your team.

  4. interesting.. i just assumed this was going to be the same with all modifiers... I will rebind to alt and see if it makes a difference.


    I have ctrl+WASD bound aside WASD, but i do occassionally get a glitch where my guy gets stuck going a direction, and won't stop until i press ctrl + the direction he's going. If rebinding to alt fixes that too, double thanks to you.

  5. I'm posting this here because i figure most of the dedicated PvP'ers must have figured this out.


    How do i set my right mouse button to mouse look mode even when a modifier like control is pressed? I turn exclusively with the mouse, and often find myself unable to turn because i'm trying land an attack bound to ctrl+x. I don't see an option to bind mouselook anywhere in the binding menus


    Is there a workaround, and if not, how do other competitive PvP'ers deal with this?

  6. It seems obvious that the number of healing abilities, should be reduced, or their cooldowns increased so that you cannot spend every single GCD healing. Time and time again the devs have mentioned that healers in this game are not meant to be "heal bots" they're supposed to be true support that apply damage and healing depending on the situation.


    You are supposed to be getting the 75K damage medal and 10 kill medal if you play well.

  7. I also thought most of the prequel saber combat was pretty poorly choreographed. The flips and spinning were completely meaningless most of the time, and precognition doesn't account for it at all.


    I wish we had saber combat with the martial effectiveness of the first movies, and the flair and special effects of the prequels =/

  8. can confirm that i have gotten purples off most of the biorestorative gear, chest included.


    Still havent procced the boots into a purple yet, but i assume that will happen eventually.


    Keep at it :)


    interesting, now did it take you dozens of attempts indicating there's just a very low chance, or am i just terribly unlucky?


    As i said, belt and bracers went very quick... chest is now over 60 attempts, without a single blue.

  9. The solution to make everything the same is not ideal. Why not call all crafting skills Bananas while you're at it and make everyone able to use all recipes?


    the only thing "the same" is that they would be useful..


    You have two choices for PvE: make raid gear the very best PvE gear, or make crafted gear the very best PvE gear. They went with raid gear. It's not going to change. Therefore to provide an ingame advantage, you have to craft something that isn't gear. That limits you to cosmetic stuff and temporary buffs via consumables. PvP is pretty much the same thing, except these consumables are even more vital.

  10. If any devs are still reading this. I understand you nerfing things is unpopular and can cost money.


    However if at the end of the day:


    1.) biochem medpcs are still reusable.


    2.) They are close to as good as consumable stims.


    3.) your average PvP'ers income isn't enough to constantly buy and spam stims as often as the cooldown is up, whilst still retaining enough income to do all the other things they want to do.



    A.)It is still mandatory in PvP.


    B.)You will still see a migration of the majority of your PVP players to biochem.

  11. The tears in this thread is more than the Amazon river. You can clear every bit of content in this game without biochem. l2p


    You crybabies can get a lvl 10 character, sit on Dromand kaas and level crafting to 400



    Crafting in this game is ridiculously easy, making credits is ridiculously easy. it justs eems like you are bad, and want to blame everything but yourself.


    it's pretty hard to clear other players popping reusable medpacks in PVP, when your options are to spend huge amounts of credits.. or just lose.

  12. I think you misunderstood my viewpoint. You seem to be advocating that people who enjoy crafting will do crafting without the need for "perks" (i.e. making items that are only BOP). I agree.


    So the whole "BOP's are needed to be perks for crafting" argument which some are using goes right out of the window, so long as the items that can be crafted are seen as attractive to other players.


    oops! i meant to quote the post right above yours.

  13. complete rubbish. The Biochem cries have nothing to do with BOP, and everything to do with the fact that the items produced where seen as being of greater use than other crafting professions.


    If there are no overpowered BOPs (biochem) then only people who enjoy crafting will do the crafting.. why is that bad? And right now the issue is no PvPer should be any profession that's not biochem. And unfortunately, as long as they have reusable medpacs that aren't terrible. and only they can get... that will always be true

  14. All the crafting abilities are completely useless in the end game. Why would anyone not want to go biochem for the reusable (and remarkable) medpacks, stims and adrenals?


    Has anyone seen any real reason(advantage) to having any other trade skill in the end game? BOP recipes are nearly the equivalent of Tionese grade drops; which was garbage since the 5th day after release.


    Please enlighten me or confirm!


    as evidenced by the replies to this post, there is currently no gameplay reason to not go biochem.

  15. It is quite tragic that the content is impossible to beat without the use of Biochem and that I become immortal in PvP when I pop an adrenal. I hope this gets addressed soon.


    I'd rather they just disallow adrenals and non-pvp medpacs in PvP.. won't fix open world, but nothing short of nerfing biotech into the ground is going to fix the situation. Seriously, who thought non-consumable consumables was going to work?

  16. I also think that anything BOP in crafting is a bad idea. This is coming from a lvl 400 armor crafter.


    The issue is you end up with alpha-crafts (like biochem for Pvp right now) If you absolutely must make somthing BOP, make it purely cosmetic.

  17. So I'm having an issue it would seem. I am in the end game crafting (level 49 armor heavy synthweaving to be exact) and I have made over 50 chest pieces, reverse engineering every one, only to have 0 procs. that's 0 folks, not "I'm looking for redoubt but i got overkill", I mean I have not gotten a single proc in over 50 RE. So I'm wondering, Should I just stop because I am wasting mats and its impossible to upgrade that green (silly notion because I have redoubt protos of the entire set aside from the chest and pants)??



    I wonder if some items aren't bugged. I've also pumped over 50 attempts into a lvl 49 chest (biorestorative chest, armormech), i got procs on the biorestorative bracers and belt within 2-3 tries. Yes it's possible i've had extremely bad luck, but at some point the possibility of a bug outweighs the possibility of 50 consecutive failures.

  18. Has anyone successfully RE'd a Biorestorative Suit. It is a level 49 schematic you learn as an armortech at the trainer. I have RE'd over 50 of these with no blues at all. I don't think any other item has taken me more than 10-15 attempts to get a blue.


    If i'm unlucky, then that's fine i guess, I'm just becoming more and more suspicious something is broken.

  19. It's amusing that people are using Lucas quotes in their argument.. you realize Lucas doesn't recognize (or probable even know) half the EU... You may as well have Lucas tell you who would win between Vader and Superman.


    Also, the question wasn't who was more powerful but who would win.. have you guys not noticed that every time there is an epic battle in Star Wars the more powerful guy loses?


    Darth Maul gets the better of two jedi for most of a fight. Clearly more powerful.. loses.


    Anakin supposedly most powerful force wielder ever... loses to Obi-Wan.


    Emperor supposedly more powerful than burn-victim-vadar... loses


    Thus we have to assume the weaker combatant would win this fight.

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