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Posts posted by DarthKaratus

  1. The more I think about it the more I'd rather if we could trade TOR for SWG. Hands down SWG was the better game outside the storyline really TOR doesn't have much to hold anyone too it. I really don't see TOR even lasting half as long as SWG did.


    It's funny you look around and see more cries of how much people want SWG back. TOR is just a game, SWG was an experience.


    Too true. I would definitely play SWG over this. The EMU is entering alpha soon. Hopefully by release it's actually playable, because if it is, I'll never touch TOR again.

  2. TOR is fun, but it really doesn't match up to SWG. And anyone who says otherwise never truly played SWG, and probably believes the WoW template is how every MMO should be, which is undeniably wrong.


    If I had the choice, I'd be playing Galaxies over this. I think if Galaxies would be rereleased with the 2012 "polish" and would get hyped up like TOR did, people would realize just how good a game it actually is compared to all the others out there.

  3. Not true; he WAS in all 3. I forget exactly where he is in Fellowship (in Bree, probably), but in The Two Towers he's guarding the gate of Helm's Deep. You see a closeup of him yelling and throwing/thrusting something at some Uruk-Hai. Then he's on the black corsair ship in ROTK, but you only get a decent look at him in the Extended Edition (I think the regular version has one shot of the corsair ships before they arrive at the battle... could be that was only in EE, too)


    What was said on the first page that WAS false, however, was George Lucas in TPM. He was in Revenge of the Sith, not The Phantom Menace, as Baron Papanoida.


    That's right, my mistake. Been a long while since I watched the prequels.

  4. Hey all, I was wondering which advanced class you would recommend me to choose. I want to be outside of melee range ( not necessarily at 30m. I have a consular already and find it a bit boring to be so far from the action ) though I don't want to be up close and melee most of the time. I figure I have a blaster for a reason. I'd like to dps, off-tank if necessary, I like bursty specs ( especially for pvp ) and I'd prefer not getting steamrolled in Warzones.


    Is there a spec/AC for me?


    ( Oh, and I'll add that I sort of prefer blaster rifles over the laser cannons, so if I can get what I listed above as a Vanguard that'd be great, but not necessary I guess. )



  5. What is your favourite cameo that occured IN Star Wars media?


    Mine would probably have to be Delta Squad from Republic Commando showing up briefly in season 3 in the Clone Wars. George Lucas in TPM was cool too. I don't know many other directors who cameo'd in their own film.


    How about you guys?

  6. Lots of Jedi have fallen in love, married and had children over the long history of the order. Revan and Bastila for example. Yoda and Obi-Wan came from a time when the Jedi held so tightly to their rules that they weren't flexible. After Order Sixty Six they realized that this was one of the problems with the old Order. Luke was not so strict and allowed his Jedi to have relationships. It has proved successful so far.


    By the way, Ki-Adi Mundi was also married and did not fall to the darkside. Also, Luke was not the Grand Master when he married Mara. He did not take that title until well after the Yuzhaan ving war, around...35 ABY I think. give or take a couple years. I'll have to go look that up now lol.


    Awesome. Thanks for the answer. As I'm sure you noticed I don't know much about EU except for what goes on in the games and what I read on Wookie sometimes. I just saw that Luke had a wife in an article on Wookiepedia and came here to ask (probably could have gotten my answer there now that I think of it haha)

  7. I understand that Yoda or Obi-Wan never told Luke that love and passion lead to the dark side, but can someone still explain to me how Luke could have gotten married, being the GRAND MASTER? Did it not dawn on him that (as far as I know) none of the Jedi in the past managed to fall in love, stay in love and not turn to the dark side? (One seemingly obvious example to him would have been his father.)


    The only Jedi I can think of before Luke's time that loved and didn't turn to the dark side was Kento Marek, and he became a Grey Jedi as far as I know, and Obi-Wan, though he never pursued his love and stayed fully committed to the Jedi.


    So, can anyone shed some insight on this?

  8. I pretty much agree. When I played it, it feeled, well, unfriendly. The ability to place a bounty on a players head just seems idiotic. What if a level 90 killed a level 15, the 15 placed a bounty on the level 90, and two level 90 bounty hunters murdered him while he was in a cantina, relaxing? It just seems wrong. The Quick Travel in this game is far surperior to the notion of being able to get stranded.


    It adds a bit of realism to the game world. Why wouldn't a bounty hunter be able to walk up to you and shoot you, wherever you were? If you had a bounty on your head you had to be aware of the risks. I think that much was brilliant. As for the quick travel, being stranded is also realistic, though I'm not sure how in the world you managed to get stranded in the first place.



    Also, about the best story line thing... you clearly haven't played a Consular.

  9. No. The scene was never created. It was scripted but never rendered or voice acted. This scene does not exist.


    Where did you get that idea? Lol...




    We designed them. They are in The Clone Wars style. We modeled them in The Clone Wars style, and we shot the scene in the episode. The scene exists.



    Also, here's a link to the character models and concept arts designed by the TCW team.



  10. I like many of the suggestions already made.


    A couple of relatively easy things to develop using the current mechanic I'd like:


    'Legacy' type mission which recreate the classics from the films, the death star runs for example.


    I like this idea. Maybe not with a Death Star or any other scene from the movies, but creating multiplayer missions with that sort of epic feel.

  11. everything he said is perfectly right.


    Personally i think the fans were responsible for what happened, why? They forgot who created this wonderful galaxy in the first place, then spat in his face because of making changes to his not their/our dream.


    Yes the prequels weren't that great, the dialogue was horrible, mainly because lucas did all the writing.


    But the original trilogy would have been exactly the same if lucas did all the writing for those to.


    Don't bomb on lucas, bomb on lawrence, the guy who wrote esb and whom refused to write the script for the phantom menace and following films.


    We were all very selfish, and if i were in george's shoes, i'd have done exactly the same thing.





  12. Not a plot hole... the Shaak Ti "Invisible Hand" death scene was never even completed.


    Now, they DID film the scene of Anakin killing her in the Temple during Order 66, but that one was beyond stupid, as she was meditating and he just walks up behind her. Hello inconsistent Jedi powers! Suddenly Anakin can mask his presence in the Force like Palpatine? Shaak can't sense all the Jedi (and clones) dying in the Temple? Bah.


    With both scenes cut, there's no plot hole for Shaak surviving to TFU.


    Thank God someone realized how dumb those scenes were and omitted them from the movie itself ( and canon. )

  13. Yeah pretty much.


    I don't think we'll see anything significantly advanced from this.



    That's pretty much what is said in the link in the first post. Very mysterious if you ask me. "New ways to play the space game" could be literally anything, but if you ask me, it sounds like they're changing the whole mechanic of it (removing rails?).


    Where do you see ship customization and space combat going in the future?


    In six months I expect you to be playing new missions, and things that are actually going to give people who feel like they’ve mastered the game a real challenge. Further out, we want to do new things with space. That includes ship customization and whole new ways to play the space game.

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