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Posts posted by MrXen

  1. I am sorry, but i know there is a few lvl 50 on, why cant we 1v1, or 2v2, or 3v3

    i know it may make the map a bit strange, but at least we would get to play, i see absolutely no reason why u cannot 1v1, we dont care about balance, we just want to play a wz


    Because that would be fun and sporting, something not allowed in games now days.

  2. Too much elitism here. Way too much.


    Lol yeah...whats funny is its the hypocritical kind. I prefer not to call players bad, because this is an mmo where skill is little involved rather than intelligence, which most can agree is very lacking on the internet as a whole.


    Just look at this guy...

    Some thoughts expanded:


    New PvP players have not earned the right to PvP. Recruit gear should have a valor rank, legacy rank, or cost 10x as much so that only an established player can buy their way to "decency" immediately at 50. Right now, too many people are expecting to be able to roll everyone just because they have recruit gear. They have no understanding of the game because a lot of these people probably havnt even played for a month. I was in a WZ earlier where a guy asked me how to change your color crystal... guy was level 50 in recruit gear.


    This MMO has a lot of new players who have no idea what they're doing. I still see people with valor rank 60+ doing the most careless things. Because of the "balance" you're imposing on us, these people really dont see anything wrong with what they're doing. This game makes the bads think that they're good. Most people will not push themselves to improve something if they think its good enough already.


    Every player will have the best gear for PvP if given enough time. I dont see how its like this for PvP, but not for PvE. It's ok to give better players better gear in PvE, but not in PvP? Makes no sense.


    Bioware has contributed to the failing PvP system by allowing bads to think they're good and punishes legitimate PvP'ers by offering only a color change of armor as a reward for being the best.


    I should have just highlighted everything he typed as being wrong, pompous, or retarded...but those red highlights really stood out in a painfully funny kind of way. :rolleyes:





    FYI: in any game, when you fight other players, the only disparity should be with the individual players' experience, intelligence, cunning (and not the stat), skill level, and maybe ingenuity. MMO's crash and burn at an amazing pace (as we all see) because they resort to copying WoW (a poor model to start with that is only successful due to its population attained from its initial lucky timing and branding). In this model players in PVP generally end up with gear advantage (my sword hits harder syndrome), premade vs pug advantage (real team verse random people shoved in a group), and various other forms of "I played longer so I deserve to have my class abilities hit harder than your same class abilities and be more effective at each button press for 'balance'..."



    Longer time played means more >real life< experience with the game and what is going on, which should already BE the advantage. :rolleyes: If you have been playing a game for 2 years, and some guy who has played for 3 weeks can beat you in equal gear then whose fault is that? How is this a hard concept to understand? Why is unequal footing "required" in MMOs? You figure it out, I unsubbed from the MMO community, its full of the worst kind of people.



    Long and short: Take my war hero gear away any day of the week and give everyone recruit gear with no grind required to get it and no other tier of gear to "earn"; I prefer to fight people fairly and win through my own means rather than have victory given to me like it is now, a trade I'd gladly make. :rolleyes:

  3. Healing is over powered, deal with it. I play operative and merc healers, and assassin tank as well as marauder. Healing in pvp is completely broken STILL, its unchallenged, and easy to be both more useful to your team and allows you to throw in low dps in between self heals to kill any class 1v1.



    Don't bs a bs'er. I play the overpowered role: healer. It needs nerfed STILL in pvp. :rolleyes: And the game didn't lose subs because "healers" were "picked" on.

  4. Further comments from this person should now be considered as troll comments.. for this person cant tell the difference between a full "WH" geared 50 and a fresh 50 chillin in greens with less hp that bolster gave him prior to 50..


    even so to further define your phrase "slowly plink them" it would take you roughly 3-4 minutes to just sit there and pick off 2 targets with rifleshot.. thats EVERY rifle shot connecting, and your not going to sit there and do that for 3-4 minutes are you? are you that bad? youz trollin sir


    1) Do tell me who supposedly did 428,000 damage in non-pvp green gear that I "lied" about. Explain this comment, I'm at a loss as to where the logic is and who or what you are talking about.



    2) It takes less than 3-4 minutes to plink 2 DPS (that are incapable of self heals, so not an assassin, etc) with Rifle Shot while healing myself through their DPS etc. It takes a long time, probably more like 2.5 minutes, but for you to call me 1v2'ing DPS as a healer with an auto-attack as "bad" is kind of funny. Would you like me to do it to you and a friend and when you both die you can REALLY make fun of me for how "bad" I played? Lol, you are cute.

  5. Just because you made green numbers pop on their screen doesn't mean you're saving lives.


    I can give a terminally ill man a band-aid and a bottle of Pepto, but it isn't going to make much of a difference.


    Yeah dude, your metaphorical anecdotal argument is cute and definitively proves the simple screenshot I posted here a complete fudging of numbers in terms of healer effectiveness.



    I'm also really positive that me having a HoT on some guy who has 10% hp ticking for a 600-1100 heal is the reason my numbers were so high and "skewed." And that 1100 tick is utterly "not" helping him last longer and possibly survive. You're totally right (<---SARCASM in case you missed it).

  6. Which healer class are you playing.. do you queue solo.. which server do you play on? Thanks.


    Also what is this auto-attack you speak of?


    I'm playing an operative healer, I was queued solo in that picture and fighting a premade (an apparently bad one, or 4 people from the same guild "accidently" got in the same enemy team). I play on Sword of Ajunta Pall.


    And the auto attack I speak of is my Rifle Shot. Which costs no energy, has 30m range, and does a little bit of damage in between my heals.





    Your turn to try and say I somehow "lied" or "faked" something in attempt to somehow "prove" healing is not completely overpowered. :rolleyes: Can't wait.

  7. You really aren't inspiring any votes of confidence with replies like these.

    But that's okay, HoTs are srz bznz.


    1) I didn't spam my cute little healer probe in that picture as I did not manage my energy worth a crap in the match (less than 24 hours of healing experience). This means that healing is a result of me casting single targets and burst healing.


    2) I don't understand your argument or as to how this is an argument in the first place? Are heal-over-time abilities somehow NOT helping your teammates survive when they take damage? :rolleyes: Why do people say this? Honestly. Do you think that having your whole team covered with HoT's and burst healing the low health players is "totally not 1337 mmo skillllll" ?? 435,000 health healed is 435,000 health healed is 435,000 health that your team had healed. :rolleyes: Explain your argument and to why it means anything other than you don't know a response.

  8. Doing the most healing in a warzone does not make you a better player. It does not even make you a good player. It's completely arbitrary to just go "I won on the healing done, therefore I win the argument". There are a ton of variables to consider.


    Yeah, I'm sure healing people for 435,000 health was useless to my team, especially when the best dps (using near full war hero gear as a marauder) had 428,000 damage. Meanwhile I kept everyone alive with nothing but recruit and ~3-5 battlemaster gear pieces (can be verified from my lol worthy 14,000 hp). :rolleyes:



    Yeah healing is totally "underpowered" rofl. You people defend anything if it means you can make your class ultra-overpowered and its so sad. I can out heal 2 war hero's as a recruit geared operative and slowly plink them with my auto-attack until they die, rofl. And I've been playing healer for 5 days now. (less than 24 hours in that picture)

  9. I wish BW would release these metrics publicly so we could show people do not use interupts against healers. All DPS need to start using their abilities instead of whining endlessly on these boards that healers are OP. We already been overnerfed.


    Shut up and quit. I just posted an image of me using recruit gear with a few BM pieces out healing war hero's and getting the biggest numbers over anyone on anything (higher than dps, other heals, etc). And I did this with less than 24 hours of experience in healing in an mmo, literally. Its retardedly easy, so don't bs me. I was a dps who thought healing was just a little bit stronger, now I'm a healer who is purposely using the overpowered class for sake of hilarity until my sub is up.

  10. This is an open letter to the "healers are fine" crowd:


    I will acknowledge that the trinity model of healers being able to heal through multiple dps is frustrating for dps players (especially pick up groups.) This model is characterized by healing acting as a force multiplier and dps being simply force additive. It lends itself to pug scenarios where the matchmaker is determining the % chance of success before the match starts. Killing healers in this model requires a coordinated team capable of using interrupts and cc to lock down healers. Important to note: While healing through dps to keep themselves alive a healer has 0 dps and cannot contribute to success by an other means besides tanking damage from focus fire.


    Despite this, games with this model still almost always have dps as the most popular role in pvp and organized teams do not stack 50% healers or anything of the sort. These games can be frustrating but are not "imbalanced" at the highest levels of play. At the lower levels of play killing healers can be nearly impossible due to lack of proficiency with interrupts and inability to utilize CC/burst to prevent cross-healing(which means two healers can stay alive forever.)


    SWTOR chose to balance the game based on the lower levels of play. Healers can be bursted down by one DD character and here are the consequences:


    1.) Healing without a pocket tank is ineffective and more importantly not fun.

    If healing is not a force multiplier in and of itself what is its purpose? If you can only cancel out the damage of one dps attacking you (at best without a tank) then simply adding another dps instead of the healer is just as effective if not more.


    2.) The skill requirement for dpsing in pvp has been lowered

    PVP is a zerg fest where whoever does the most damage wins. There are games like GW2 where healing can be successfully de-emphasized from the ground up but SWTOR lacks the skill based mechanics to make this viable(this game is a cycle rotation til you win kind of party in pvp). To make matters worse, some dps like marauders have great survivability.


    3.) Gutting the healers so unapologetically has led many of us to re-roll, re-spec, or unsub contributing to the zerg fest TTK scenario destroying the game's pvp today.


    TLDR; Bioware should not have caved to forum QQ with huge sweeping changes. Healers needed a tweak not a gutting. Incremental changes tested by the live community over time could have delivered a balanced game without slapping healers in the face.



    Healing is still overpowered and needs another nerf but nice try. I play a merc healer and an operative healer, and the merc is still > or = to any dps, and my operative healer is > any 2 dps (sometimes 3). Healing is ultra easy. See picture below..


    I'm in a mix of recruit/battlemaster gear doing this kind of healing (this isn't even the cream of my crop, this is the last warzone I did)...my expertise is literally in the 900's (havn't even broke 1000 yet) and I out heal the highest dps (who was wearing BM/war hero). Healing is brokenly overpowered and needs to be toned down even more. :rolleyes: If you want proof look at the picture, and you can tell my gear sucks from my hp.




    Anyone denying healing in pvp is laughably easy and overpowered just wants their healer to be god-mode like clerics in rift etc. Since operative dps was completely wrecked I switched to healing literally 1 day prior to this picture; I had been healing (for the first time in any mmo) for less than 24 hours and I do that kind of crap, its hilariously, brokenly OP. I can almost not believe how easy it is to out heal anyone in this game, I thought healing was just a little too strong, but no, after playing one it needs the **** nerfed out of it.

  11. In order from highest to lowest:


    1. Marauders - Best defensive cooldowns in the game make up for lack of immediate burst; back-end damage rivals or superior to any class in the game.


    2. Powertechs (Pyro) - Highest Melee DPS output in the game, amazing burst, lacking the cooldowns of the Marauder though.


    3. Assasins (Hybrid) - Almost like a marauder with less impressive cooldowns, the assasin can whip out a ton of damage toward the back-end of a fight while also (when specced correctly) being arguably the tankiest DPS in the game. Having a DoT only sorcs and Operative healers can dispell helps too.


    4. Sorcerers (DPS) - Ah yes... the sorcerer. Not overpowered anymore (no more perma-cc Hybrid spec) yet still in possession of the best CC and knockback in the game. Infinitely versatile, in the hands of the right player the Sorcerer is one of the best PvP classes in the game. In the hands of the wrong player, he's cannon fodder for the above classes however.


    5. Operative (Healer) - It's hard to rank a healer I suppose, and one could arguably put operative healers ahead of sorcerers and assasisns, but at the same time it isn't as if a healer is going to kill either of those classes anyway. Operative healers, with their instant no-cooldown heals, decent CC and vanish are one of the most durable healers in the game, perfect for PvP.


    6. Operative (Concealment) - Poor concealment operatives... nobody liked them at launch, and now they find themselves in limbo. Still possesing tremendous burst, they lack the cooldowns or sustained damage potential to really contribute to a team in a unique way not done better by one of the above classes. They can initiate a tremendous gank, but not much else.


    7. Juggernauts (Any) - Probably the best ballhandler in Huttball, but recent nerfs have limited the rage tree to a gimmick spec and rendered these guys as purely support runners (aoe cc is great, lots of slow) in objectives.


    8. Sorcerer / Mercenary Healers - Tons of interrupts in this game, these guys don't have the instant heals an operative can toss out. Just lack the durability to succeeed consistently, NEED a guard to be effective.


    9. Mercenary (DPS) / Sniper - These poor non-force using ranged dps classes... at least the sniper has an interrupt. Could use a complete revamp for PvP viability.


    I'd say the balance is somewhere in the middle with sorcerer and operative healers... if we can buff/nerf everything to that level the game would be significantly better. Feel free to share thoughts/opinions.


    Let me fix this for you.


    1) Assassin (darkness spec). I play this class and after using many different characters finally I'll admit this spec/adv class combo using dps gear needs be toned down and have the other trees become viable. It can heal itself for large amounts, dish out fairly high-end dps, has invulnerability cooldowns, has stealth + in-combat stealth, and can do all of this while tanking and taunting. I can 1v1 any class in the game and win or tie (i tie very good op healers where we both make no progress in 30 minutes and just quit, its actually quite funny) unless its another tank assassin.


    2) Operative (heal spec). I play this class as well (since the concealment spec I enjoyed is sub par on all fronts in team play) and the operative heals are brokenly overpowered. This is the only class that can toe-to-toe with assassins regularly (not kill them but tie them in a stalemate) and has retarded amounts of utility for a healer that has the highest output.


    3) Marauders (annihilation spec if 1v1). This class has scary dps, as it should that is not the problem as that is the purpose of this class, but combined with a large array of defensive cooldowns (some of which return damage) and a low cooldown charge-stun, along with the well-known undying rage cooldown (99% damage reduction for 6 seconds) and a useful vanish it is scary strong versus any class and can put the hurt on even assassins, usually resulting in close matches depending on skill levels. The only reason this class is above pyro powertech and snipers are due to its undying rage + vanish cooldowns that when used properly provide massive advantages. (did i mention they can use medpacs/get healed during undying invulnerability? Yeah..) All in all though this class isn't ultra-OP like the #1 and #2.


    4) Sorcerer/Mercenary (heal spec). These two classes are pretty much tied in terms of class power. They are healers and as has been the case since day 1, healer classes have had unfettered advantage in the pvp setting. Although they can be beaten (usually by 2+ dps) and rarely in 1v1 (a very good #1 or #3) they usually result in stalemates or victories and are only below marauders due to the marauder being the only class capable of managing a totally equal grounds victory (instead of tie) against these two. The sorcerer heal spec provides good heals but also provides bubble protection which is a huge asset to any match and can mean the different between life or death; to add to this they have sprint which allows for quick positioning or escaping as well as force pull for those lovely huttball matches. Merc healers have less mobility but have great single target healing along with the defense given by heavy armor, essentially trading their mobility for toughness; in addition they have great knockbacks that allow for a dps break on top of a nice cc shield.


    5) Sniper (any spec depending on situation). The most underestimated class in this game its nearly tied with marauders but was placed below solely for the strong "oh crap" cooldowns available to marauders, of which the sniper has few. In terms of damage, they are only out done by a marauder or powertech left to wail on a target freely, but in most situations out perform due to their ranged (ability to constantly be attacking instead of chasing kiters). With marksmanship they have massive burst potential and fair knockbacks using cover, but are weak if jumped on top of, using engineering spec they provide LARGE amounts of dps with minimal burst but with better group control and aoe, and finally using lethality they have fairly high burst (lower than marksmanship) but with much better mobility, able to move and shoot instead of cover spam. If they catch you from range, you are almost guaranteed to lose.


    6) Powertech (pryo spec). Virtually the equivalent level of snipers and on similar grounds as #3 and #4, powertechs using pyro spec dish out inSANE amounts of burst, but their weakness is in utility and survivability. They have a couple nice stuns, and a neat knockback, but they lack in strong cooldowns or the ability to use distance as defense. They are in effect, the game's true glass cannons. When specced into tanking they suddenly become much tougher to kill but take a large hit to dps/burst capabilities.


    7) Juggernauts (rage spec or immortal spec depending on situation). This class can use a little love, and #7 and beyond is more of the underpowered region of the adv classes. Juggernauts are great for pve, and great for huttball carrying, force charge and intercede are both very useful abilities for moving the ball across the map at high speed, however this is only 1 pvp map, and their usefulness strongly declines in the other 3 maps. The immortal spec is good for doing just that: protecting your healer or ball carrying, while the rage spec is a fairly viable (especially post 1.2) dps spec that uses choke, smash, and ravage as decent burst but in actuality this class lacks in a lot of areas compared to others.


    8) DPS operatives/mercs/sorcs. All in all these are the lowest of the low, of which nit picking which is worse than which is not worth the trouble since having any of these on a team is actually detrimental in most cases. The burst of the operative is outdone by several other classes that have higher survivability and utility, making this whole class role (stealth burst class) obsolete. Merc dps is a stationary turret that is easily interruptable, or a copy of pyro PT without the extra bit of tankiness/extra stun and grapple hook utility. And DPS sorcs are nice range filler dps for a raid maybe, but provide nearly 0 burst and are easily stunned and outgunned by virtually any class.

  12. Dislike it as well.

    Cant really put my finger on to why.


    I was like this for a time and couldn't figure out why Novare Coast was distasteful to me, then my roommate who doesn't play this game at all (and never has) but plays other games (not many mmo's) watched me playing it (as happens often) and commented, "You know this map compared to those other ones looks really boring, bland and openly generic; you can see their spawn and where they are going from just about anywhere as well as the other points from just about anywhere. It looks like a hurried expansion of content that is ultra-intuitive in a bad way that requires no tactics and any tactics used are apparently futile, it looks like a boring grindfest. The other maps at least have cool deathtraps, different areas, and you couldn't see the whole thing 24/7."




    And that is when I realized why I dislike it.

  13. Gutted lol. Sorry scoundrels are still able to 3 shot most classes. Maybe you think 1-2 shotting is more balanced? You guys are one of the strongest classes. If you want it all roll a mar/sent. There are classes in much worse shape. Just a l2p issue here. Nothing new...


    LOL, good joke dude. I don't even play operative as a main, although I have one (level 50). I play tank assassin as a main, which is borderline overpowered, and I also have a merc, as well as a marauder. Surprisingly marauders aren't LOLPWN like these forums claim, my darkness assassin can beat it anyday.



    Operative? Class is a joke as a dps. Playing an operative or scoundrel as anything but a healer right now is worthless and a detriment to your team. Yes, you can 1v1 that clueless guy in a corner with 70% hp who is partially afk eating cookies...yeah...great niche role to fill there. Meanwhile you COULD be playing an operative healer (brokenly overpowered thanks to healing buffs, and don't tell me its not, i play it and lul at people) or tank assassin, or a pyro PT, or a marauder with face peeling dps that far out weighs the burst OR sustained dps any operative can do with the same or better squish. :rolleyes:



    To what you said in red: Possibly one of the dumbest things said on the forums in a long while. Operative in my server with about 50% war hero 50% battlemaster gear hits my unguarded, no defensive cooldowns tank assassin (with I would say 70% battlemaster and 30% war hero) for 2000-3500 with acid blade+hiddenstrike (when crit), followed closely by a backstab for 2400-3800 (when crit), naturally followed by the 4-second stun which I break, but lets say I don't this time, followed by 1 laceration for 1000-2500 (when crit), then a shiv 1000-2500 (when crit), then a laceration for 1000-2500 (when critting), and etc.


    When I have 16,900 hp unbuffed, I wear light armor, I use no defensive cooldowns, and i get hit for AT MAX 3500+3800+2500+2500+2500 (total = 14800) and that is me being very GENEROUS and taking his high end crit numbers from several duels and assuming every single hit he uses crits on me for the high end, then please explain to me in what way is 16,900 hp - (14800) = 2100 being killed in "3 shots" ?:rolleyes:



    In reality land, I don't stand still getting hit by all that, and even if i did only 30-60% of those hits would crit in the first place and usually not that high etc etc and I STILL wouldn't die. :rolleyes: Morons on this level make me want gene pool cleansing.

  14. On my Marauder alt i get taken down to 40% HP in 3-4 seconds by the best OPs on my server. This is with 16000+ HP and 1140 expertise full BM gear.


    So seriously, what you guys even crying about? Your class is ridiculously overpowered. I guess stunlocking someone and dropping them to half in 3 second isnt enough, u need to 1 shot them?


    And then you also failed to mention that you could easily have popped defensive cooldowns such as undying rage and murdered him after that....despite you NOT being the best marauder. :rolleyes:

  15. Then pack your bags bud cause this game isnt for you. I'm happy to here that swtor wont even acknowledge arenas. We jsut dont need elitism in this game tbh. If you want elitism go back to WoW.


    As I said, if you can prove it I WILL leave gladly and take my friends with me. And I don't play WoW and never have, but nice insinuation, tends to show you have no proof or common sense and are talking out your rear-end. Also: because you played WoW while playing for several years (as stated in your post) and you hated arenas doesn't mean no game should be allowed to make something similar to arenas because it bothers you. Elitism is elitism (hint hint), not related to arenas, its related to competition, we already have competition, see the logic and the direction I'm going with this? Idiots these days.



    What I and others mean about arena: small scale pvp (rewards don't matter) where we can queue easily for a 1v1, 2v2, maybe even a 3v3 and where we can fight in an undisturbed area because its fun. How anyone can claim this will break the game, make them cry, kill children, explode bioware, or is stealing from blizzard is beyond me. :rolleyes:

  16. 1. You have stealth.

    2. Pick your battles carefully.

    3. Problem solved.





    Thanks for admitting your stealth is your gap closer.

    So, since you already have a gap closer, tell me why you need another one? :rolleyes:



    Except every class has a stun or escape, so the stun-and-run basically means the operative in question has to either use a 2 minute cooldown in-combat stealth to eventually catch back up to his target who is probably healing with the class recharge OR he tries it on someone else and rinse/repeat.

  17. Having played WoW for 5+ years now, I can say that BW is right in refusing to implement any kind of arena into this game. Arenas were the worst thing to happen to WoW. If I recall correctly they are what lead to classes getting buffed/nerfed over and over again just for the sake of balance and in the end of I recall one the devs said that "Arenas were the worst idea they ever implemented in WoW". Also but most importantly arenas promote the whole "look at my rating, i'm better than you" mentality which just isnt needed in a new MMO like swtor.


    In fact, and I know I can speak for I would say 75% of the player base when I say this, the whole reason I left WoW was because of the whole elitism that goes with the game nowadays. I wanted to escape that. Basically if your rating sucks, your considered a "baddie" and not worthy etc etc. Sorry but no i hope BW never implements arenas in this game as we dont need those kind of players here in swtor. If you want arena, then what you need to do is go back to WoW. Ranked WZs are an awesome idea when they do get implemented and imho and I know I can speak for alot of players when I say this, are going to be awesome. I know im looking forward to it.



    If BW actively said they will not implement arenas Ill unsub right now. Please link this to me if this was actually stated anywhere official. I know many others coming with me if this is true, and thats not a threat or me being mean or whining, nor have I been close to leaving (because I enjoy pvp). But if pvp doesn't expand and we just get new 8v8's with "totally not the same objectives" gameplay then you win, and you can have this game to yourself.

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