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Posts posted by boooshy

  1. Yeah, went vanguard myself. It's too bad really, cause the class had a lot of promise and really felt like something new in the MMO world, but it really lacks polish like you see in the other classes. Guess that comes with playing the least played spec of the least played class...


    To OP: Try respeccing and then ticketing for a refund!


    I really love playing the dirty fighting tree. Granted I am geared to all hell but the playstyle of it is quite fun once you get used to it. Even with my bugged talent I still rake in 50+ kills and 400k+ damage per warzone

  2. That's odd... This was supposed to have been fixed back in the 1.1 patch.




    I mean, I assumed that was just a typo and they meant to say cost instead of cooldown...



    Have you definitely confirmed it's not just a tooltip error like Accomplished Sawbones was?



    Tested and retested over and over again. I don't want my credits back, I just want it to stop being ignored like every other Republic / Imperial disparity. Wounding shots doesn't even have a cooldown for scoundrels!!!!!

  3. Submitted multiple tickets, seen multiple forum posts, not even a acknowledgement of the issue. THERE'S A FREAKING TALENT IN THE DIRTY FIGHTING TREE THAT IS BROKEN AND HAS BEEN BROKEN SINCE THE GAME HAS BEEN LIVE (AND MAYBE EARLIER?!).



    As said in 100 other places, the talent is supposed to reduce the energy of Wounding Shots by 3/6 and does NOTHING. And OF COURSE the Agent mirror - "License to Kill" works perfect. What the hell do I have to do to freaking get my talent working!




    There's only so many tickets I can submit. This is just stupid. All I want is to not have to pay 25 Energy for my skill. I'm sure this will never get read, just like every other disparity between Agents and Smugglers, but I can't just sit here and play the game like this stuff is okay. Until then, I will continue submitting complaints.

  4. As a scoundrel healer I can make 9-11 medals on a fair length game, let me name some:


    2.5k heal

    5k heal

    75k healing

    300k healing

    2.5k hit

    5k hit

    75k damage

    killing blow


    defender x2 (on civil war)


    If all of these medals were accessible pre-50 and for low geared 50's, what would the battlemasters have to look forward to?

  5. I was one of the few that PvP'ed while point swapping was going on, and it was freaking fun! Yeah we got killed, yeah we came back, yeah we killed them, yeah they killed us.


    The only point I'm trying to get across is that how can you expect everyone to pvp faily with a quest designed the way it is. It's like expecting to win a warzone that you're pitted 16 vs 32. It just can't happen, no matter what you do.


    Yeah I can do the kill quest but it's a freaking toss up. Not all the republic are so lucky, or have the initiative to make the group. The morale on my server is just freaking abominal because of the changes. That's really all I'm trying to say.


    Whether they change it or not, or even add in a bolster type buff, the amount of people that have already stopped coming to Ilum make it harder and harder everyday to just do a simple task, get together to kill.

  6. Do you honestly think the hundreds of Imperials occupying Ilum will just evaporate if 1.1 were reversed?






    Not at all, and they don't need to. But the inability to do a daily necessary to gear up in this game, even as a battlemaster is dependent on doing this kill quest. It's not easy when you've been told there is a population cap but you turn around a corner and run into a zerg of 20+. At least I didn't have to spend hours just trying to get a hit in as a healer so that I can get credit for a daily, while watching my teammates die because I want my daily credit too.


    Is that too much to ask?


    I don't care how many Imperials are out there, at least make the quest doable for both sides.

  7. I am personally sorry for ever asking you to do something about Ilum. In comparison to what has become of this zone, pre 1.1 Ilum would be like comparing heaven and hell. This is in no way enjoyable, even in an organized ops. I personally form an OPS group with members of my pvp guild that would like to get their daily done every day, and all of us agree that what's going on is ridiculous. I am still doing the quest daily, getting completely rick rolled over and over again just to get my 30 kills so that I can gear up. The current idea is okay in theory, but the population imbalance makes it more than depressing. It is a chore, not a form of pvp. Please, if nothing else just bring it back to the way it was.


    Thank you for taking time to read my complaint. See you Imps on the Ilum battlefield for no more than an hour a day, because that seems to be all the time I prefer to invest in the zerg-fest.


    As a side note, I would like to mention that I am a Battlemaster by means of grinding warzones, I have a very good idea of how the classes work in this game and this is not me crying, as I am still continuing to do this quest with a 15+ man ops, as stupid as I think it is.


    Republic Smuggler Mooshin of FMC - Prophecy of the Fiver server.

  8. This whole thread is a joke... I regularly pull 100k+ damage and 400k+ healing on an average length voidstar, with screenshots to prove it. My hot ticks for about 700 and crits for 1300, orbital strike crits for over 3k! 5k heals are no problem with underworld medicine, kolto pack sucks but it is slightly faster. Seriously those complaining need to learn how to play their damn class, if anything we need a nerf! The sheer ability to drop a nuke, stun a mob of people in it, vanish away, and pop back up in their backline and continue healing 10 seconds later is ridiculous! My god do you people have nothing better to complain about!? Stop ************ and get yourself some damn champion pieces and you will do MORE than fine in the average warzone. If any of you wanna say this is false, head to Prophecy of the Five and talk to me in person, my character is Mooshin. Like I said, this whole thread is just plain stupid.
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