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Posts posted by rtseven

  1. Hello everyone,


    Originally Posted by JovethGonzalez

    Due to the unexpected extended maintenance today, we are going to be offering every player a full day of game time as compensation. We apologize for any inconvenience.


    Thank you for your patience.








    this forum post has provided me with so many laughs that BW offering 1 day credit feels kinda insulting to this EPIC thread

  2. real life problems = i told my gf, oww a new patch is coming! can i pretty please play all friday while u do some other stuff? after hours of sweettalk i got it through... now the darkness is closing in around me and my mind is melting how the fawk can i convince her that i need the entire saturday instead ? when i have already wasted so many hours just watching the forums haha :'(





























  3. i think a lot of people are going to unsub because of the issues with this patch


    i know i have already but i plan to renew it lol


    BUT cancelling your sub until then makes an impact on BW side of thing for a few days atleast


    so i encourage everyone to cancel your sub until renewal date



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    L I V E L O N G A N D P R O S P E R

  4. lol they broke it .......


























  5. Hahah, I remember when the kids had this conspiracy theory in Rift too.


    And this game cost 300 million what's a few more to add in some basics?


    I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you this... it's not 2000 any more. Technology and the status of MMO's have moved on, must like a seatbelt was a novelty and "not absolutely necessary" in a model T doesn't mean it wasn't a good idea. Just like adding a feature that will allow people to customize their UI is pretty standard now. It's beyond me how a nobody company like Trion Worlds managed to have that added in Rift from day one but a massive company like Bioware can't seem to figure that one out.




    Are you poor? Is an extra 5$ really that much to you that you would think people would be freaking out about it?


    When you look at all that Bioware put into the game, the voice acting, the scripting 15$ a month is a steal.


    Fanbois gonna fanboi.


    i m not poor . i am just pointing out how people react, dont believe me?, please read the forums again


    and i m not a TOR FANBOI, i didnt even see star wars movie until about 6 months ago and i am in my late twenties.


    what is important according to YOU does not mean is important to BW, is that so hard to understand?


    **sigh** i will stop arguing with this crowd, in my mind you are a WOW fanboi and if in your mind i am a TOR fanboi so be it.



  6. Just how?


    Did you run out of virtial discs?


    I just don't get it.


    (this post isn't really a whine, i already have my pre-order and everything, i just don't see how you can sell out a digital download)


    lol have you tried to login yet?


    i dont think so otherwise you would not ask this


    let me enlighten you


    there is a Queue on most servers for the last few days from 20 mins to 5 hrs (YES 5 freaking hrs)


    why would they want to over saturate that?


    You ask why not put more servers in?


    well look at recent MMO launchs, you will see that 1st month of any mmo there have been lot of customers and then comes a DROP is customers, and the cost to put a server in is substantial and if ANY MMO removes servers it LOOKS LIKE IT IS FAILING TO THE REST OF THE WORLD


    so what would you do if you were in BW shoes?


    put more servers in and then when there is a small drop let those servers run while making a loss (in that servers respect)?



    PLAY IT SMART , add a server here and there only when needed (this is what they are doing)

  7. Yeah heaven forbid that a game attempt to have some of the features of it's biggest competitor.


    It makes zero difference that wow has been around for 7 years, SWTOR isn't competing in the year 2004, they are competing in 2011.


    we have 2 kinds of people on these forums out today


    1st type - people saying all these features missing out from TOR and WOW has them all


    2nd type- people saying another MMO which is too much like wow ..



    i m starting to think we need to trace their IP's and they will take us back to blizz offices or friends and family



    and for the record every feature takes TIME and MONEY to implement


    does it make business sense to put in a feature that is not absolutely necessary (god forbid you have to make an effort and press a extra button) at the cost of lot of expense


    for e.g. if TOR had decided to implement all of the "missing" wow features and raise monthly cost to 20$/month , you and thousands of others like you would be out ON THESE FORUMS AND BASHING THEM FOR IT


    haters gonna hate

  8. I'm getting really, really tired of seeing TOR held back, simply because there's a big chunk of players that hate anything related to World of Warcraft of Blizzard Entertainment


    I don't approve of the over-casualization of WoW, including it's current... Panda direction, that Blizzard has decided to take the game in, but I still respect Blizzard as a very good Developer, and I even though I unsubscribed to WoW, I don't hate everything related to it; only what it's becoming.


    There's so many things that should be in TOR: Group Finder (Server Only Perhaps), mouseover macros, addon support, quest phasing, spells that level with you; just to name a few.


    However, these things, and a vast array of others seem to get shot down as suggestions, the second they're mentioned, just because they remind people of World of Warcraft.


    So, Community; Stop holding TOR back with your WoW hatred, progress is good. It's BioWare's fault for not implementing certain ideas, but it's also "your" (or "their") fault — the fault of the playerbase, for dishing out nonstop hatred and contempt for the past 7 years of MMORPG Development


    Anyway, TL;DR, Stop holding TOR back with your WoW Hatred


    TLDR what op is saying is he wants WOW VS TOR flame fests


    dont let him succeed, WOW has had 7 years to get where it is

    it is UNFAIR to compare it to a NEW MMO


    BUT that will not stop some people from bashing it because they want everything NOW NOW NOW




















    there are certain things that should be left to the developers because overall most of the population is filled with dumb (several nouns and adjectives) people

  9. I finished opening my collectors edition box and I know yall at Bioware spent alot of time packing these "damn things" so I just wanted to say thanks. Repacking this back up was a bit of a pain. So I can see how packing 100's of them each day you might want to curse all these people that bought it. lol But Thanks still. Its awsome. I would say i got my moneys worth.




    finally some one saying something nice :)


    (*cough take that you wow fanbois cough*)

  10. Let me start out by saying im a huge sw fan. I have been sense i saw ep iv 13 times in the theater in 1977 when i was 7 ( han shot first). im also a huge fan of rpgs. I was excited about swtor when i first heard about it. After playing it for a few days not so much anymore. Between the constant crashes or the crazy long queues,1400 in q really? I got on after the maint 2night got into a pvp warzone won the match and the game crashed on the load screen, reload game crash again at load screen,reload game 180 q. get in game the pvp win didnt save lost all exp and credits. try and enter pvp again game crashes at load. reload game q over 400 i quit for the nite!



    I really want to love this game but how can i if i cant play :mad:


    And no its not my computer i have no problems with any other game


    Hang in there, from my past MMO experience this will get better


    1st week of any MAJOR mmo is both Fun and harsh i.e. Harsh in terms of server queue and stability, bugs etc and FUN because you get so many like minded people eager to do the same thing you do and helping each other out


    i m speaking from exp from wow,lotro,aoc,warhammer,rift etc


    the wait is worth it and it will all get fixed


    or in cliched dialogue " Patience young padawan"


    (did i get that right? i m a star wars nub)

  11. Your RAM is pretty terrible, and if you're running 800mhz ram what is the motherboard? DDR2?


    Your windows type only matters whether it is 64 or 32 bit to allow it to recognise more RAM.


    Graphics card isn't great either, at the middle to lower end of what should run the game.


    Dual Core is obviously lower end. If you have a packed low end hard drive, bad internet connection, are using wireless, or you have a badly fragmented hard drive among a million other reasons you shouldn't be able to run this game all that well.


    i really dont get why people expect the next gen MMO to work on sub standard PC's


    given this is no BF3 or likes of it but C2D? and 800mhz ram, really?






















    Edit : just saw your latest post , nice to see you the saw the light and realised it and BTW turn off shadows

  12. Dozens of the launch day servers were shut down repeatedly in the first week of launch of wow. We netted probably 20 comp days in the opening 3 months due to the train wreck that was that release.


    he is right, the OP is lieing peice of $@#%#$%#$


    i am reading these forums today and the WOW FANBOIs are out in packs and trying to discredit the game and spread false rumors


    JUST like they did in EVERY OTHER MMO launch in recent times :mad:

  13. As the subject says...


    I guess it took most new players approximately 46 minutes to get the game, get home, install, patch, and promptly crash the whole thing.


    I remember logging into WoW on the release day (night) and didn't have any problems other than the starter zones being over crowded. I expected 7 years of technology advancement to help out in most respects.


    Don't give us the "It's more popular than we expected" stuff. You had the pre-order numbers, you knew there would be a very high release night surge.


    You dropped the ball.


    Edit: I can't even load the server-status webpage. :/


    I CALL BS , you sound like wow fanboi


    if you were really there on 1st day of launch of wow then you would know EVERY SERVER was jam packed and crashing every few mins and people were ************ about it on forums


    i logged into wow 3 hours after launch and it was like that for the WHOLE WEEK.

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