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Posts posted by evilestbob

  1. /signed!


    I agree this would be nice I bought the special edition with the malgus statue when it came out. I think because I actually paid for this game I should get some form offline option . Id gladly pay some money for the new story content when ever it comes out as well. As this game stands right now Its a single player game.

  2. Remove all items & credits from the Guild Bank.

    Disband the Guild.

    Transfer to the new server and reform the Guild.

    Contact Customer Service to re-establish the Guild Bank and Guild Bank tabs.




    ok ok I just have a question here about this. Why do we have to disband the guild? Some of the members of my guild are government employees and a few soldiers that are over seas and do not currently have easy access to our guild website or here.

  3. Because you play solo and you craft because you like to make stuff and sell it. It's not all about combat in a cluster #@$%^


    thats mostly the reason i craft a little bit. just to make credits haha. i prefer combat and such to the crafting. but its just hard for me to understand how someone can just craft and such. i mean its not even that in depth of a crafting system. heck if the crafting system was way more complex than it is and maybe had a little bit of say actual dungeon crawling involved i would do way more crafting. I mean to me i think it would be fun to like um... take krayt dragon pearls. instead of just like having the missions for them offer an optional quest where you do some indiana jones stuff to get them. or make it like star wars galaxy's I never really played it but i remember one of my friends was obsessed with crafting in that game because of how much depth it had and stuff.

  4. I am no stranger to grinding to get stuff/levels that i want i have played disgaea... my main concern is that a lot of the gear in the game looks awful. from level 15-43 i used the esselles sentinel's gear because i did not get anything that looked better until i played taral 5 and maelstrom prison. I just want more customization and maybe better looking gear. like say we spend a bunch of time doin hard modes and get some BA gear and it doesnt look as good as say the gear I currently have. Id like to be able to pull the stuff off of the gear i spent a bunch a time doin hard modes and such to get and put it on the stuff that i like the look of. I know they are doin something like this soon (like on pvp gear only) but i do not think itll work how i would like it to.




    I do a little bit of crafting but not much. I just dont see how people can not like doing things in the game such as raiding, fp, ops, whatever u want to call them. I mean why do you need the best gear if you are not going to use it for pvp and other harder aspects of the game out side of the class missions.

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